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       #Post#: 42961--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bomberman Jetters:Shouts spanking service
       By: guest24 Date: August 27, 2017, 11:35 pm
       "Hey dad can I ask you something?" Shout said.
       #Post#: 42963--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bomberman Jetters:Shouts spanking service
       By: JBB Date: August 27, 2017, 11:38 pm
       "Hmm what is it?",he asked,she'd have to be sly on this
       one...since a little kid going around spanking people....wasnt
       his ideal way ofamiing more money.
       #Post#: 43049--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bomberman Jetters:Shouts spanking service
       By: guest24 Date: August 28, 2017, 2:24 pm
       "Well I uh had an idea to make some more money for the shop.
       #Post#: 43053--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bomberman Jetters:Shouts spanking service
       By: JBB Date: August 28, 2017, 2:36 pm
       "ok.....what is it?",he asked,crossing his arms.
       #Post#: 43090--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bomberman Jetters:Shouts spanking service
       By: guest24 Date: August 28, 2017, 5:20 pm
       "W-Well it's a type of service........." Shout said.
       #Post#: 43100--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bomberman Jetters:Shouts spanking service
       By: JBB Date: August 28, 2017, 6:44 pm
       "oh thars good",he said.
       #Post#: 43126--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bomberman Jetters:Shouts spanking service
       By: guest24 Date: August 28, 2017, 11:54 pm
       "And I was wondering if I could advertise it in our take out
       menus?" Shout asked hoping her father wouldn't asked what
       service was,
       #Post#: 43127--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bomberman Jetters:Shouts spanking service
       By: JBB Date: August 28, 2017, 11:55 pm
       ".........Well ok, fine...just make sure it doesn wadte too much
       of your time",he said as he went back to setving customers.
       SCORE! now.. what she needed was patreons.
       #Post#: 43130--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bomberman Jetters:Shouts spanking service
       By: guest24 Date: August 29, 2017, 12:01 am
       "Yes! i'll work on it after work!" Shout said and started taking
       #Post#: 43131--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bomberman Jetters:Shouts spanking service
       By: JBB Date: August 29, 2017, 12:02 am
       Whitebomber came down to help soon after too.
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