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       #Post#: 42851--------------------------------------------------
       Inferno: Reign of the Fire Kingdom (for Ghostly)
       By: JBB Date: August 27, 2017, 9:44 pm
       The Fire type kingdom....the one that won the war,was at the
       top,with the fire citzens at the top,the elite,while their
       allies were in the middle/noble....while their enemies were
       lower citizens,the water types got the worst of all,being locked
       up,not able to use their abilties,and so on.
       A blaziken with a mega stone was walking to 6 cages with
       prisioners in them and looked at the prisoners...before shaking
       the cages,"WAKE UP AND STAND IN LINE!"
       Meanwhile,the princess-eldest one- was sleeping in her room,her
       father didnt want to btoher her,as he was....daddys littoe girl.
       #Post#: 42864--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Inferno: Reign of the Fire Kingdom (for Ghostly)
       By: guest24 Date: August 27, 2017, 9:52 pm
       From the cages came a Glaceon, a Vaporeon, a Zorua, a leavanny,
       a vilplume and a clafairy.
       The queen a Delphox was with her husband a Charizard the king.
       "Have you seen our eldest daughter my love?" The queen asked.
       #Post#: 42882--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Inferno: Reign of the Fire Kingdom (for Ghostly)
       By: JBB Date: August 27, 2017, 10:06 pm
       Sge smirked,"Turn around ,dumbasses"?
       (Question,do you want to make this more detailed or not?)
       "Huh,oh she's sleepin",he said,smiling at ger,"She's such a
       #Post#: 42887--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Inferno: Reign of the Fire Kingdom (for Ghostly)
       By: guest24 Date: August 27, 2017, 10:09 pm
       They all turned around.
       (Detailed how?)
       "Still? But it's already after noon!" Delphox said.
       #Post#: 42889--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Inferno: Reign of the Fire Kingdom (for Ghostly)
       By: JBB Date: August 27, 2017, 10:11 pm
       (like making ou charcters react more and personailty stuff)
       She smirked and grabbed their legs and put them through the
       bars,making sure half o f them was in the cage,half wa sout.
       he rolled his eyes,"She's tired heh,just let her sleep some
       more",he said,rubbing hsi wifes hwead and kisses her snout,bfore
       #Post#: 42894--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Inferno: Reign of the Fire Kingdom (for Ghostly)
       By: guest24 Date: August 27, 2017, 10:15 pm
       The pokemon didn't know what was going on.
       "Oh ok i'll let her sleep for a few more minutes." Delphox said
       enjoying the rubbong and the kiss.
       #Post#: 42896--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Inferno: Reign of the Fire Kingdom (for Ghostly)
       By: JBB Date: August 27, 2017, 10:17 pm
       She smirked and looked at their bottoms,their size mostly.
       (uh...did yiu want detail or no?)
       He smiled as he heard that,if she lied he had no idea abiut
       #Post#: 42898--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Inferno: Reign of the Fire Kingdom (for Ghostly)
       By: guest24 Date: August 27, 2017, 10:20 pm
       The pokemon were still unaware of what blaziken was doing
       (Oh sorry and sure!)
       Delphox did lie and went to her daughters room.
       #Post#: 42899--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Inferno: Reign of the Fire Kingdom (for Ghostly)
       By: JBB Date: August 27, 2017, 10:22 pm
       (okie dokei...detail starting...now!)
       Blaziken keot lookingat how big their bottoms were,"As you
       know...you are prisoners here,on of you permament,the other 2
       for 25 years...the other 3 for a year..you wilk get a punishment
       relavent to your setnece,IS THAT UNDERSTOOD"!?
       Her daughter-Valerie -was sleeping like a babe,her pink blanket
       and bed,covering her as she slept. She had no diea about her
       kother and her intentions.
       #Post#: 42906--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Inferno: Reign of the Fire Kingdom (for Ghostly)
       By: guest24 Date: August 27, 2017, 10:28 pm
       "Y-Yes ma'am!" Glaceon answered intimidated as did the others
       Delphox knocked on Valeries door and walked in seeing her
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