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       #Post#: 43411--------------------------------------------------
       Warioware: Harsh spankings (Pikachu)
       By: JBB Date: August 31, 2017, 10:40 am
       Ezkiel-Ashley's younger brother--was getting off the bus
       sration,looking for his sistwr...they hadnt seen each other in a
       while so he was...kinda worried she wouldnt recongize him.
       #Post#: 43412--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Warioware: Harsh spankings (Pikachu)
       By: Pikachu X Date: August 31, 2017, 10:43 am
       Ashley was sitting on a bench looking a spellbook waiting for
       her younger brother
       #Post#: 43413--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Warioware: Harsh spankings (Pikachu)
       By: JBB Date: August 31, 2017, 10:45 am
       He soon noticed her and ran over to hr,"Hey Ashley...you are
       Ashley rogh?",he asked,sweatdropping.
       #Post#: 43417--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Warioware: Harsh spankings (Pikachu)
       By: Pikachu X Date: August 31, 2017, 10:59 am
       Ashley raised a brow " Ezkiel? " she said
       #Post#: 43419--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Warioware: Harsh spankings (Pikachu)
       By: JBB Date: August 31, 2017, 11:05 am
       "Yeah, that's me!",he said,hwas wearong a dark black hoodie with
       jeans on...to the public,but to Ashley he was wearing dark black
       robes woth sweats underneath.
       #Post#: 43422--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Warioware: Harsh spankings (Pikachu)
       By: Pikachu X Date: August 31, 2017, 11:08 am
       " well I must say your taste in fashion is different " she said
       looking him " well let's head home " she added
       #Post#: 43424--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Warioware: Harsh spankings (Pikachu)
       By: JBB Date: August 31, 2017, 11:11 am
       "Aww....no,'happy you're back'?",he asked,but he knew that was
       really all that he was going to get.
       #Post#: 43426--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Warioware: Harsh spankings (Pikachu)
       By: Pikachu X Date: August 31, 2017, 11:20 am
       Ashley sighed under her breath before turning around and gave
       him a hug " glad you're back " she said
       #Post#: 43428--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Warioware: Harsh spankings (Pikachu)
       By: JBB Date: August 31, 2017, 11:21 am
       He blinked and hugge dher back"oh thanks heh".
       #Post#: 43429--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Warioware: Harsh spankings (Pikachu)
       By: Pikachu X Date: August 31, 2017, 11:24 am
       She nodded and took him back home " Red where are you " she
       called out opening the door " I'm here " said an voice
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