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       #Post#: 47355--------------------------------------------------
       Legend of Zelda after Twilight Princess
       By: guest24 Date: October 2, 2017, 5:26 pm
       It was a lovely day in Hyrule as everyone was going about there
       day exapt for Hileya the daughter of Link and Zelda who was with
       her brother at Hyrule castle where they both had accidentally
       broke a vase.
       #Post#: 47356--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Legend of Zelda after Twilight Princess
       By: JBB Date: October 2, 2017, 5:29 pm
       Trics-a tall dark haired,mage was just looking at it
       sweatdropping,"um...er......w-what do we do"?
       #Post#: 47396--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Legend of Zelda after Twilight Princess
       By: guest24 Date: October 3, 2017, 4:14 am
       "How should I know!" Hileya said looking at it as well.
       #Post#: 47399--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Legend of Zelda after Twilight Princess
       By: JBB Date: October 3, 2017, 5:42 am
       "Well we both broke it.....so let's try to clean it up",he
       suggested,bending down to clean it up.
       #Post#: 47407--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Legend of Zelda after Twilight Princess
       By: guest24 Date: October 3, 2017, 1:43 pm
       "Ugh fine!" Hileya said and bent down trying to clean it up as
       #Post#: 47409--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Legend of Zelda after Twilight Princess
       By: JBB Date: October 3, 2017, 1:44 pm
       Of course at that moment someone came down
       (who do you want to come down and who do you want to be
       #Post#: 47425--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Legend of Zelda after Twilight Princess
       By: guest24 Date: October 3, 2017, 2:03 pm
       Hileya sweated in fear as someone came.
       (Your choice also should Lnik be able to talk in this?)
       #Post#: 47428--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Legend of Zelda after Twilight Princess
       By: JBB Date: October 3, 2017, 2:04 pm
       Trics sweatdropped at this.
       (meh....let's go with link but you choose who he sapnks and yeah
       sure he can speak)
       #Post#: 47452--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Legend of Zelda after Twilight Princess
       By: guest24 Date: October 3, 2017, 2:17 pm
       Hileya looked to see who it was.
       (Ok and good because your taking him!)
       #Post#: 47457--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Legend of Zelda after Twilight Princess
       By: JBB Date: October 3, 2017, 2:20 pm
       Link came in,"hey...WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!",he asked/yelled
       possibly gtting the attention fo a certain someone that neither
       children wanted tosee as well.
       "U-um well..............h-hielya did it!",he said,pointing at
       (bleh it was a setup wasn't it ,you set me upppp...meh whatever
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