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       #Post#: 47733--------------------------------------------------
       Pokefamily: of Shadows and Fire (for G-GhoooST!...ly XD)
       By: Leguna Date: October 4, 2017, 6:44 pm
       Maxy was running around the house,beging the typical 3 year old
       that ran around the house,he was too young to be in a school so
       his mother took care of him.
       Ryan-a Rilou at the age of 8 was getting  his lunch from the
       cafeteria,hoping not to run into his sister or any bullies...or
       Cragal,was busy at work answering phone calls for
       his........shirt folding company (apparently snakes and bug type
       pokemon need help folding their clothes and so busineess was
       made),it was stressfull but at least he didn'thave to sit at the
       front desk...they got all the nasty customers.
       #Post#: 47737--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pokefamily: of Shadows and Fire (for G-GhoooST!...ly XD)
       By: guest24 Date: October 4, 2017, 6:53 pm
       Vivian a Delphox mother was making Maxy some lunch while he ran
       Malory a 14 year old Braixen and Lily a 7 year old Fennekin
       we're getting lunch from the cafeteria as well.
       #Post#: 47738--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pokefamily: of Shadows and Fire (for G-GhoooST!...ly XD)
       By: Leguna Date: October 4, 2017, 6:54 pm
       (this is just me but wouldn't Malory be in a different school
       then the other 2?)
       Maxy of coruse crashed into his mom's leg.
       Ryan tried to avoided them...
       #Post#: 47743--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pokefamily: of Shadows and Fire (for G-GhoooST!...ly XD)
       By: guest24 Date: October 4, 2017, 7:03 pm
       (Well given what iv'e already put lets just say they're in a
       school for all grade levels.)
       Vivian of course wasn't expecting that and got knocked over.
       "OOF!.....Maxy." She said looking at him.
       Unfortunately for ryan they saw him and began wlaking over.
       #Post#: 47744--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pokefamily: of Shadows and Fire (for G-GhoooST!...ly XD)
       By: Leguna Date: October 4, 2017, 7:05 pm
       He giggled,looking up at her in his little shorts and tee
       happly...he was more about play then safety really.
       He groaned,and whispered in the busy cafeteria,"guys shoo".
       #Post#: 47745--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pokefamily: of Shadows and Fire (for G-GhoooST!...ly XD)
       By: guest24 Date: October 4, 2017, 7:17 pm
       (Welp iv'e hit my limit of 20 messages per hour so to continue.
       Well Braixen also has a skirt so that can be taken care of and I
       see only 2 solutions to our problem with the others.)
       "Maxy iv'e told to be careful before haven't I?" Vivian said
       getting up.
       "Busy with what?" Malory asked.
       #Post#: 47863--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pokefamily: of Shadows and Fire (for G-GhoooST!...ly XD)
       By: Leguna Date: October 5, 2017, 1:29 pm
       (sorry what wer the problems again? Pm them if you can)
       "heheheeheh,whateveeeeer mommy",she said,playing with his toes
       "Friends",he said,emrbrassed to be aroudn them.
       #Post#: 47867--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pokefamily: of Shadows and Fire (for G-GhoooST!...ly XD)
       By: guest24 Date: October 5, 2017, 1:33 pm
       Vivian sighed and picked up Maxy before walking into the living
       room and towards an armchair.
       "Oh fine we'll leave you alone." Malory said as both her and
       Lily went and sat down somewhere else.
       #Post#: 47868--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pokefamily: of Shadows and Fire (for G-GhoooST!...ly XD)
       By: Leguna Date: October 5, 2017, 1:34 pm
       Maxy blinked,"mommy where are we going"?
       Ryan sighed in relief adn gooing over to a table....
       #Post#: 47871--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pokefamily: of Shadows and Fire (for G-GhoooST!...ly XD)
       By: guest24 Date: October 5, 2017, 1:43 pm
       "We're going to go give you a punishment Maxy." Vivian said
       before sitting down in the chair and laying Maxy over her lap
       before pinning his tail to his back.
       Malory and Lily ate they're lunch.
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