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       #Post#: 60369--------------------------------------------------
       Those Little Brats.
       By: Grod Date: June 13, 2018, 7:02 pm
       Reya, Link and Zelda's twelve year-old daughter , had just
       stolen Link's favorite hat and was now hiding in the garden
       waiting for her dad to come and get her. She giggled like a
       maniac as she poured juniper berries into his hat.
       #Post#: 60412--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Those Little Brats.
       By: JBB Date: June 14, 2018, 1:03 pm
       Link was a bit unhappy...which was really really bad considering
       that he could spank hard. He was however trying not to lose his
       patience as he called out for Reya,"Reya come back here with my
       hat now!",he tried to be the assurting dominant father that he
       should be....which was undermined by the fact that Trics mostly
       feared his mother and was meh about his dad...often running to
       him when zelda was mad at him.
       But now he kept looking for Reya in the garden,getting a bi
       exhasuted and angry.
       #Post#: 60413--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Those Little Brats.
       By: Grod Date: June 14, 2018, 1:46 pm
       "Hey daddy!" Reya said stepping out from the bushes with his hat
       behind her back. "I`m sorry I stole your hat, here you go."
       She handed it to him with a coy smile on her face and big green
       puppy eyes.
       #Post#: 60414--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Those Little Brats.
       By: JBB Date: June 14, 2018, 1:57 pm
       With a sigh he decided he would forgive her and put the hat
       on.....and felt juniper berry juice pour down his head.
       #Post#: 60415--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Those Little Brats.
       By: Grod Date: June 14, 2018, 4:31 pm
       Reya, pointed and laughed at her father's misfortune and fell
       back kicking her legs in the air and laughing like a mad-child.
       "I got you again poop-breath!" She laughed, kicking up a storm
       and rolling around.
       #Post#: 60452--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Those Little Brats.
       By: JBB Date: June 15, 2018, 1:05 pm
       Link took the hat off of him first before looking at his
       daughter rolling on the ground.
       Then when he grabbed her legs and pulled them perpendicular to
       the ground,"You think that's funny huh?",malice in his voice
       #Post#: 60468--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Those Little Brats.
       By: Grod Date: June 15, 2018, 11:13 pm
       Reya stopped laughing when her daddy tugged on her leg and
       pulled her towards him. She gulped and put on some big pleading
       "N-NO papa, I`m...I`m sowwy pwease don't be mad." She pleaded,
       sniffling a bit, "I swear I`ll never do it again!"
       #Post#: 60488--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Those Little Brats.
       By: JBB Date: June 16, 2018, 8:58 pm
       He frowned,"No you're not sorry",he said as he picked her up and
       put her over his shoulder carrying her to a stump.
       #Post#: 60561--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Those Little Brats.
       By: Grod Date: June 19, 2018, 2:17 pm
       "AH!" Reya squeaked as her papa slung her over his shoulder.
       "NO! Put me down you meanie!"
       She pounded her little fists into his back.
       #Post#: 60592--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Those Little Brats.
       By: JBB Date: June 21, 2018, 11:16 am
       He rolled his eyes and sat on the stump and plopped her on his
       lap,hooking a leg around her legs so she wouldn't kick.
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