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       #Post#: 68688--------------------------------------------------
       Vampires! 2!
       By: Grod Date: February 29, 2024, 1:15 am
       In the dark and eerie streets of Transylvania, a sinister figure
       lurked in the shadows. His name was Count Vladamir, a notorious
       vampire with a taste for mischief and mayhem. On this particular
       night, he had his sights set on a rather unassuming target – a
       mean, chubby old lady named Agatha.
       Agatha had a reputation in the town for being rude and
       unpleasant to anyone who crossed her path. She had a face like a
       prune and a voice that could curdle milk. But none of this
       deterred Count Vladamir, who relished the challenge of putting
       her in her place.
       As Agatha made her way home from the market, she felt a chill
       run down her spine. She quickened her pace, sensing that she was
       being followed. Suddenly, a hand gripped her shoulder and she
       spun around to see the menacing figure of Count Vladamir
       standing before her.
       "Ah, Agatha," he sneered, his red eyes glowing with malice.
       "I've been looking for you."
       Agatha trembled in fear, knowing all too well who he was and
       what he was capable of. Before she could utter a word, he
       grabbed her roughly by the arm and dragged her into a nearby
       "You've been a very naughty girl, Agatha," he growled, his voice
       dripping with malice. "And naughty girls deserve to be
       With that, he pulled her over his lap, her chubby bottom
       sticking out in her polka dot bloomers. Agatha gasped in shock
       as the first slap landed on her exposed flesh, the sting of his
       bare hand ringing in her ears.
       Count Vladamir continued to rain down blows on her, each one
       harder than the last. Agatha squirmed and writhed, tears
       streaming down her face as she tried in vain to escape his
       punishing grasp.
       But despite the pain, there was something stirring within her
       that she couldn't quite explain. With each spank, a strange heat
       began to spread through her body, igniting a fire deep within
       her loins.
       As Count Vladamir finally stopped the spanking, Agatha was left
       panting and flushed, her bottom raw and sore. But before she
       could catch her breath, she felt his hand slip between her legs,
       teasing her with his touch.
       Agatha's eyes widened in shock as he whispered in her ear, "Now,
       my dear, it's time for you to make amends for your misdeeds."
       With a swift motion, he bared himself before her, his manhood
       standing at attention. Agatha's breath caught in her throat as
       she realized what he expected of her.
       Without hesitation, she reached up and removed her dentures,
       casting them aside with a determined look in her eyes. Then,
       with a hunger she had never felt before, she took him into her
       mouth, sucking and licking with a fervor that surprised even
       Count Vladamir groaned in pleasure, his hands tangling in her
       grey hair as he thrust himself deeper into her mouth. Agatha's
       cheeks hollowed as she worked him with practiced skill, her eyes
       burning with a fierce intensity.
       She was no longer the mean, chubby old lady that everyone knew.
       In that moment, she was a force to be reckoned with, a woman
       possessed by a desire so powerful that it consumed her
       As they moved together in the darkness, their bodies entwined in
       a dance of forbidden passion, Agatha felt a sense of liberation
       that she had never known. And even as the first light of dawn
       began to creep over the horizon, she knew that this night would
       be etched in her memory forever.
       For in the arms of the evil vampire who had spanked her so
       mercilessly, she had found a kind of love that she had never
       dared to dream of. And as they lay entwined in each other's
       embrace, she knew that their romance would defy all expectations
       and endure for eternity.