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       #Post#: 68689--------------------------------------------------
       GiLF Job 1
       By: Grod Date: February 29, 2024, 1:29 am
       Once upon a time in a small village nestled deep within the lush
       green countryside, there lived a mean, chubby old woman named
       Agatha. Agatha was known for her sharp tongue and her even
       sharper wit. She had a reputation for being cruel to those
       around her, especially to the timid young men who dared to cross
       her path.
       One such timid young man was named Ryan. Ryan was a shy and
       introverted soul, with a gentle heart and a kind spirit. He was
       often the target of Agatha's barbed comments and cruel jabs,
       which only served to further reinforce his timid nature.
       One day, Ryan found himself in need of some quick cash. He had
       heard through the village grapevine that Agatha was a wealthy
       woman, so he mustered up the courage to approach her with a
       request for a loan. To his surprise, Agatha agreed to lend him
       the money he needed, but with one condition – he would have to
       repay her with a special favor.
       Ryan, desperate for the money, agreed to Agatha's terms without
       hesitation. Little did he know what he had just signed himself
       up for.
       A few days later, Agatha called Ryan to her home to collect on
       his debt. When Ryan arrived, he found Agatha sitting on a plush
       velvet chaise lounge, wearing a low-cut blouse that emphasized
       her ample bosom. She beckoned him closer with a crooked finger,
       a sly smile playing on her lips.
       "Come here, boy," she purred, her voice dripping with malice. "I
       have a special task for you."
       Ryan approached Agatha cautiously, unsure of what to expect. As
       he drew nearer, she reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling
       him down onto the chaise lounge beside her. In one swift motion,
       she reached for the hem of his pants and tugged them down,
       revealing his throbbing arousal.
       With a wicked gleam in her eye, Agatha pressed her massive
       breasts together, creating a deep cleavage that beckoned to Ryan
       like a siren's call. Without a word, she pulled him closer,
       positioning his eager member between her plump mounds.
       Ryan's heart raced as Agatha began to move her breasts up and
       down, the warm, soft flesh enveloping him in a tight,
       tantalizing grip. With each motion, he felt a rush of pleasure
       unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Agatha's cruel
       facade melted away, replaced by a look of pure lust as she
       worked her breasts over him.
       As Ryan moaned in ecstasy, Agatha continued her ministrations,
       her movements becoming more urgent and intense. The sensation
       was overwhelming, sending waves of pleasure coursing through his
       body. He could feel himself nearing the edge, his release
       building to a fever pitch.
       And then, with a final, frantic thrust, Ryan climaxed, spilling
       his seed across Agatha's heaving chest. She gasped in surprise,
       a look of satisfaction crossing her face as she wiped the sticky
       mess from her skin.
       "Well done, boy," Agatha purred, a hint of warmth in her voice.
       "You have repaid your debt in full."
       Ryan collapsed onto the chaise lounge, spent and breathless, his
       heart still racing from the intensity of the experience. As he
       lay there, he felt a strange sense of connection with Agatha, as
       if they had shared something intimate and forbidden.
       In that moment, Ryan realized that there was more to Agatha than
       met the eye. Beneath her cruel exterior lay a woman who craved
       connection and intimacy, just like anyone else. And in the heat
       of their shared passion, he had discovered a side of himself he
       never knew existed – one that was brave, bold, and unafraid to
       embrace the unknown.
       As he stood to leave, Ryan turned to Agatha with a smile on his
       face, a newfound confidence in his step. And as he walked out
       into the cool night air, he knew that he would never forget the
       day he had experienced a boob job like no other, courtesy of the
       mean, chubby old woman with a heart of gold.