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       #Post#: 68690--------------------------------------------------
       GiLF Job 2
       By: Grod Date: February 29, 2024, 1:38 am
       Once upon a time in a quaint little village nestled in the green
       hills of the countryside, there lived a mean, chubby old woman
       named Agatha. Agatha was known throughout the village for her
       sharp tongue and even sharper temper. She lived alone in a small
       cottage on the outskirts of town, surrounded by overgrown hedges
       and thorny bushes that seemed to mirror her prickly personality.
       Despite her sour demeanor, there was one thing about Agatha that
       drew the attention of the villagers – her exceedingly large
       Agatha's chest was a sight to behold, spilling out of her tight,
       floral-print dresses like two overripe melons. Despite her
       advancing age and expanding waistline, her breasts remained full
       and perky, drawing the eyes of both young and old alike. It was
       said that Agatha had the largest bosom in the entire village,
       and she made sure everyone knew it, puffing out her chest and
       strutting around town like a peacock.
       One day, a timid young man named Thomas moved into the village.
       Thomas was a quiet and unassuming fellow, with soft brown eyes
       and a shy smile that never seemed to leave his lips. He found
       work as a farmhand on one of the nearby estates, spending his
       days tending to the fields and caring for the animals. Despite
       his hard work, Thomas struggled to fit in with the other
       villagers, always keeping to himself and avoiding social
       One day, Thomas found himself crossing paths with Agatha as he
       made his way through the village to buy provisions. Agatha was
       standing outside her cottage, watering her garden with a scowl
       on her face. As Thomas approached, she turned her sharp gaze on
       him and sneered, "What are you looking at, boy? Haven't you ever
       seen a woman before?"
       Thomas blushed and stammered, his eyes flickering nervously to
       Agatha's impressive chest. "I-I'm sorry, ma'am," he mumbled,
       quickly averting his gaze. Agatha chuckled darkly, a wicked
       gleam in her eye.
       "Come here, boy," she commanded, beckoning Thomas closer with a
       crooked finger. Hesitantly, Thomas obeyed, stopping in front of
       Agatha with trepidation. Without warning, Agatha reached out and
       grabbed his hand, pulling him closer until he was standing
       directly in front of her.
       "I see you eyeing up my assets, young man," Agatha purred, her
       voice dripping with malice. "Well, if you like what you see,
       perhaps I can give you a little taste." With that, she stepped
       forward and pressed her ample chest against Thomas's chest,
       enveloping him in a warm, soft cushion of flesh.
       Thomas gasped in surprise, feeling Agatha's breasts pressing
       against him from all sides. He could feel the heat emanating
       from her body, the weight of her breasts nearly suffocating him.
       Agatha leaned in close, her lips hovering just inches from his
       "Do you know what a boob job is, boy?" Agatha whispered, her
       breath hot against his skin. Thomas shook his head, too
       flustered to speak. Agatha smirked and explained, "It's when a
       woman uses her breasts to pleasure a man. And I have a feeling
       you could use a little pleasure in your life, hmm?"
       Before Thomas could protest, Agatha had already unbuttoned his
       trousers and pulled them down, revealing his hardened member.
       With a wicked grin, she positioned herself in front of him, her
       plump breasts cradling his manhood in between them. Without
       hesitation, she began to move her chest up and down, squeezing
       him gently between her ample cleavage.
       Thomas moaned involuntarily, his eyes rolling back in his head
       as waves of pleasure washed over him. Agatha's breasts felt like
       a warm, soft cocoon, enveloping him in a sensation unlike
       anything he had ever experienced. With skilled precision, she
       continued to move her chest up and down, increasing the pressure
       and tempo until Thomas felt himself reaching the peak of
       And then it happened – with a cry of pleasure, Thomas released
       himself, his seed spurting out and landing in thick, white ropes
       across Agatha's chest. She laughed triumphantly, her breasts
       covered in his essence as he slumped against her, panting
       "Well, well, well," Agatha taunted, a smug smile on her face.
       "It looks like you enjoyed that, didn't you?" Thomas could only
       nod, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. But despite his
       shame, he couldn't deny the intense pleasure he had just
       From that day on, Thomas found himself returning to Agatha's
       cottage time and time again, unable to resist the allure of her
       large breasts and the forbidden pleasure they brought him. And
       though Agatha remained as mean and sharp-tongued as ever, she
       had found a new way to exert her power over the timid young man
       – through the seductive art of the boob job. And as their secret
       encounters continued, Thomas found himself falling under
       Agatha's spell, unable to resist the siren call of her ample
       bosom and the intoxicating pleasure it brought him.