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       #Post#: 68691--------------------------------------------------
       GiLF Job 3
       By: Grod Date: February 29, 2024, 1:49 am
       Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a mean, chubby old
       woman named Mrs. Jenkins. She was known for her sour disposition
       and penchant for bullying those around her. Despite her gruff
       exterior, Mrs. Jenkins harbored a secret desire for
       companionship and attention.
       One day, while walking through the town square, Mrs. Jenkins
       caught sight of a timid young man named Ethan. Ethan was a shy
       and reserved individual, who often found himself the target of
       Mrs. Jenkins' harsh words. Feeling a twinge of guilt for his
       past mistreatment, Mrs. Jenkins decided to approach Ethan and
       strike up a conversation.
       To her surprise, Ethan responded warmly to her overtures, and
       the two soon found themselves engaged in deep conversation. As
       they spoke, Mrs. Jenkins noticed Ethan's eyes flickering down to
       her ample bosom. Feeling a surge of confidence, Mrs. Jenkins
       decided to take matters into her own hands.
       With a mischievous glint in her eye, Mrs. Jenkins invited Ethan
       back to her house for a cup of tea. As they sat in her cozy
       living room, Mrs. Jenkins slowly began to unbutton her blouse,
       revealing her impressive cleavage. Ethan's eyes widened in
       surprise as he took in the sight before him.
       Gesturing for Ethan to come closer, Mrs. Jenkins beckoned him to
       sit next to her on the couch. Before he could fully comprehend
       what was happening, Mrs. Jenkins had deftly pulled down his
       pants and guided his erect member between her large breasts.
       With a suddenness that took his breath away, Mrs. Jenkins began
       to move her plump breasts up and down, creating a sensation
       unlike anything Ethan had ever experienced before. As he moaned
       in pleasure, Mrs. Jenkins couldn't help but smirk triumphantly.
       For Ethan, the sensation was overwhelming. The warm, soft flesh
       of Mrs. Jenkins' breasts enveloped him in a cocoon of pleasure,
       making him feel as though he was floating on a cloud. With each
       movement, Mrs. Jenkins brought him closer and closer to the edge
       of ecstasy.
       Finally, unable to withstand the intense pleasure any longer,
       Ethan released with a shuddering groan. His warm seed spilled
       out onto Mrs. Jenkins' chest, leaving a sticky trail of evidence
       behind. As he collapsed back onto the couch, breathless and
       spent, Mrs. Jenkins couldn't help but chuckle in satisfaction.
       As they sat together in the aftermath of their encounter, Ethan
       felt a strange sense of peace settle over him. Mrs. Jenkins'
       cruel words no longer held power over him, as he had experienced
       a side of her that few others had seen. In her own way, Mrs.
       Jenkins had shown him kindness and tenderness, leaving him
       feeling grateful for her unexpected gesture.
       From that day forward, Ethan and Mrs. Jenkins developed an
       unlikely bond. Though they continued to banter and bicker, there
       was an underlying sense of camaraderie between them. And every
       so often, when the mood struck them just right, Mrs. Jenkins
       would offer Ethan another "boob job," sending him into a
       whirlwind of pleasure once more.
       In the end, what had started as a mean-spirited act had
       transformed into a connection that neither of them could have
       anticipated. And as Ethan found himself falling for the chubby
       old woman with the big breasts, he knew that their unlikely
       romance was just beginning.