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       #Post#: 68692--------------------------------------------------
       la beast
       By: Grod Date: March 9, 2024, 7:07 pm
       One fateful afternoon, as Lorenzo, the proverbial jock-body
       idiot, sat in his father's prized sports car, twiddling his
       thumbs and contemplating the latest extreme eating challenge he
       could possibly subject his gullet to, a thought occurred to him.
       A thought so profound, so revolutionary, that it sent shockwaves
       through his simple, uncomplicated mind. His father had given him
       an ultimatum: no more disgusting food fights, no more
       competitive chugging contests, and most importantly, no more
       extreme eating challenges in the house. The consequences of
       defying this edict were dire; if Lorenzo were caught engaging in
       such unsavory behavior, he'd be kicked out of the house.
       Lorenzo got out his phone and fired up his live stream, "Hey
       guys its the East Coast Beast here!" He said in an angry tone,
       "My dad...my fucking dad, said I don't contribute around the
       house enough! He thinks me eating light bulbs and cacti is a
       waste of time. So he gave me an ultimatum, no more eating
       challenges, or I'm out. That's right folks, he's threatening to
       kick me out. And I think, that's bullshit!"
       He paused, his knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel,
       "So thats when I realized...I have a loophole." A huge grin came
       across his face. "See I'm in my dad's car." He picked up his
       phone and gave the audience a 360 view of his old man's car.
       "See his old man hat there? Fucking lame." Lorenzo reached into
       his gym bag and pulled out a half-empty two-liter of month old
       pepsi and an ipecac syrup. "So this is some pepsi that expired a
       month ago. And this is ipecac syrup. Doctor's use this stuff to
       induce vomiting. I'm gonna drink these, and then...well, you'll
       He unscrewed the cap of the pepsi and chugged half of it down.
       "Oh that's so good!" He said, wincing and gagging at the same
       time. "And now..." He paused, taking a deep breath. "Time for
       the ipecac!" He downed the rest of the pepsi in one gulp and
       then took a long swig of the ipecac syrup. "Blech! That's
       horrible!" He gagged and dry heaved into the car seat. "But
       it'll be worth it." A few minutes later he could feel something
       horrid bubble up inside him.
       "Alright guys, here it comes!" He yelled as he leaned over and
       violently vomited all over the passenger seat of the car. He
       collapsed onto the floor, gasping for breath and clutching his
       stomach. "Oh my god..." He moaned, feeling the aftershocks of
       the vomiting. "That was awful..." He proceeded to puke again on
       the steering wheel.
       Meanwhile, in the house, Lorenzo's father was watching the live
       stream on his phone. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His
       normally strapping son, reduced to a pathetic heap on the floor
       of his car, puking his guts out. He was furious, and determined
       to kick his ass.
       "You idiot!" his father yelled, stomping out of his room. "What
       do you think you're doing?"
       Lorenzo, still lying on the floor of the car, didn't respond. He
       was too busy heaving violently into the carpet. His father
       kicked the car door open and bent down to grab him by the scruff
       of his neck. "Get your pathetic ass out of here!" he shouted,
       dragging Lorenzo out of the car. Lorenzo's face was ashen, his
       eyes bloodshot from the violence of the vomiting. "You think
       this is funny? You think you can just get away with this?"
       "Well...I didn't do it in the house." Lorenzo heaved, "So you
       can't evict me..."
       His father's face turned red with anger. "You think that's
       funny?" He shouted, pushing Lorenzo against the car. "You
       disgusting, pathetic excuse for a son! You're lucky I don't call
       the cops right now!"
       With that, he stormed back into the house, leaving Lorenzo to
       slump against the car. The world spun as he tried to catch his
       breath. He could still hear the sound of his father shouting
       inside, but the words were lost in the roar of his own blood
       pounding in his ears. His father returned carrying a huge
       "You're going to clean this car from top to bottom," he growled,
       "and then you're going to apologize to me for wasting my time.
       But first I'm gonna whoop your ass!"
       With that, he swung the paddle hard, connecting with a
       resounding smack against Lorenzo's backside. The pain was
       intense, but it only served to fuel Lorenzo's anger. He gritted
       his teeth and shouted, "Come on, Dad! Do your worst!"
       His father took a deep breath, then delivered another blow to
       Lorenzo's already sore backside. This one hurt even more than
       the first. Lorenzo bit back a scream, determined not to give his
       father the satisfaction. He felt another strike, then another,
       each one worse than the last. "Thats some pussy shit old man!"
       Lorenzo's father was furious. He had never expected his son to
       be this much of a brat. He delivered another hard smack, this
       time to the center of Lorenzo's ass cheek. "You watch your
       mouth!" he shouted. "You're gonna respect your elders!"
       "Respect this dick!" Lorenzo yelled.
       Lorenzo's father's face turned red with rage. He delivered
       another smack, harder than before, to the sensitive area between
       Lorenzo's thighs. "You watch your mouth, young man!" he growled.
       "I'm not going to warn you again!"
       "Fuck you!" Lorenzo replied.
       Lorenzo's father's hand connected with his son's backside once
       more, this time on the upper part of his buttocks. The sting was
       intense, and Lorenzo let out a yelp. He felt another hard smack,
       this time to the lower part of his back. "You will respect your
       elders!" his father growled through gritted teeth. "You're
       acting like a spoiled brat!"
       "I'mma superstar!" Lorenzo said.
       Lorenzo's father's eyes widened in disbelief. He couldn't
       believe his ears. He had never seen his son act this way before.
       He was furious and felt like he had lost control of the
       situation. He took a deep breath and tried to regain his
       composure. "Is that so?" he said through gritted teeth. "Well
       then, maybe it's time for a little lesson in respect."
       With that, he began delivering a series of hard, stinging smacks
       to Lorenzo's backside. Each blow was harder than the last,
       leaving his backside burning and throbbing. Lorenzo gritted his
       teeth and tried to fight back the tears of pain. He felt like
       his father was trying to break him, to make him submit. But he
       refused to give in.
       "Is that all you've got?" Lorenzo taunted, his voice shaking
       with anger. "You're a bitch!"
       His father's face contorted in rage, and he struck Lorenzo
       harder than he ever had before. The force of the blow sent a
       searing pain through Lorenzo's backside, making him cry out in
       agony. He struggled to keep his balance, feeling like he was
       going to collapse from the pain. His father continued to rain
       down blows upon him, each one more intense than the last. The
       smell of burning flesh filled the air as his backside became raw
       and inflamed from the relentless assault.
       Despite the excruciating pain, Lorenzo refused to give in. He
       clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, determined not to let
       his father break him. With every smack, he felt his resolve
       strengthening, his anger growing. He knew that he couldn't win
       this fight, not physically, but he could stand his ground and
       not let his father take away his pride.
       As the beating continued, Lorenzo's father began to tire. The
       relentless rage that had driven him moments ago began to
       dissipate, replaced by a growing sense of shame and remorse. He
       couldn't believe what he had done to his own son. Tears streamed
       down his face as he finally brought the paddle down one last
       time, the impact vibrating through Lorenzo's aching body.
       Lorenzo collapsed to the floor, his backside burning and
       throbbing. He fought for breath, struggling to catch his
       bearings. His father knelt down beside him, "Not so tough now
       are ya?"
       Lorenzo glared up at his father, hatred burning in his eyes. He
       wanted to lash out, to hit back, but he knew that wasn't the
       answer. He had to find another way to stand up to his father, to
       regain some control over the situation. "No sir," he managed to
       say between ragged breaths.
       His father stood up, wiping away he sweat, and offered Lorenzo a
       hand up. Reluctantly, Lorenzo took it, wincing as he put weight
       on his throbbing backside. "Now clean this shit up, Lorenzo,"
       his father said. "And I want you to write an essay on the
       importance of respect."
       As Lorenzo began to pick up the toys that had scattered across
       the floor, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions. He
       was angry and hurt, but he also felt ashamed and embarrassed. He
       had never disrespected his father before, and he never wanted to
       again. He knew that there had to be a better way to handle their
       differences, to find common ground.
       As he cleaned up the mess, he couldn't help but notice the look
       of regret in his father's eyes. It gave him hope that maybe
       there was a chance for them to mend their relationship. He knew
       that it wouldn't be easy, and there would likely be more
       challenges ahead, but he was determined to try.