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       #Post#: 68693--------------------------------------------------
       F Mikey
       By: Grod Date: March 9, 2024, 9:16 pm
       Mikey Thompson, the school's most infamous degenerate, had
       always been known for his rebellious streak. He didn't care
       about rules, authority, or anyone else's feelings. He was a
       self-proclaimed anarchist, and he wore it like a badge of honor.
       So, when Mikey decided to moon the school football team during
       their victory parade, it came as little surprise to anyone. The
       crowd gasped in unison as his pale, hairy behind was thrust into
       the air, the shock of his actions visible on every face around
       him. But Mikey just laughed, reveling in the moment. Little did
       he know, this was about to get a whole lot worse.
       "Get that mother fucker!" Gus, the team quarterback and captain
       Before Mikey could even react, he felt himself being tackled
       from behind. The air rushed out of his lungs as he hit the
       ground hard. He looked up to see Gus standing over him, a
       murderous look in his eyes. The rest of the football team
       quickly joined in, piling on top of Mikey and raining down
       punches and kicks. Blood started to trickle down Mikey's face as
       he struggled to breathe under the weight of his assailants.
       "Ya`ll hit like bitches!" Mikey yelled in-between his beatings.
       The principal, Mr. Jenkins, finally managed to break up the
       fight and pull the football team off of Mikey. Blood dripped
       from his nose and his left eye was already starting to swell
       shut. He struggled to stand on his own, leaning heavily against
       a nearby locker. The rest of the school had mostly dispersed,
       leaving Mikey and the football team to face the music.
       "Alright boys." Mr. Jenkins said, "Give this idiot a wedgie and
       hang him from the flagpole!"
       The football team cheered.
       "Yeah, give him what he deserves!" Gus shouted, his voice laced
       with venom.
       As the football team surrounded Mikey, their leader, Gus, began
       to undo his pants. "Hey, Mikey," he said with a sneer, "I bet
       you've never seen a wedgie this big!" With that, he yanked down
       Mikey's shorts and underwear, revealing his pale, hairy ass to
       the world. The other players joined in, grabbing fistfuls of his
       underwear and wedging them deep into his exposed crack. Mikey
       let out a high-pitched scream as he felt the fabric being forced
       deeper and deeper inside.
       "Oh good lord!" Mikey yelled.
       The other students had gathered around to watch the spectacle.
       Some were laughing, others were cheering. The principal looked
       on approvingly, as the boys from giving Mikey his comeuppance.
       With Mikey's underwear stretched to its limit, the football team
       lifted him off the ground, his toes barely touching the floor.
       They marched him over to the flagpole, where they hoisted him up
       into the air, his legs kicking wildly. As they secured the rope
       around his boxers, Mikey let out a wild scream.
       "You're such a faggot!" someone shouted from the crowd.
       Mikey writhed helplessly in midair as the boys tied a knot
       around his boxers. "Let me go!" he screamed. "This isn't funny!"
       "Neither are you bitch boy!" Gus said.
       The boys finished tying the knot around Mikey's boxers, leaving
       him suspended in the air, his legs kicking frantically. They
       took a step back to admire their handiwork, while the rest of
       the school continued to laugh and jeer. The principal, Mr.
       Jenkins, seemed to enjoy the spectacle as well, watching with a
       glint in his eye.
       Eventually the crowd dispersed, leaving him suspended in the
       His butt throbbing from the abuse it had endured, Mikey's anger
       began to give way to a sense of helplessness. Tears welled up in
       his eyes as he struggled to free himself from the makeshift
       noose around his waist. The knot was tight, and every time he
       kicked his legs, it dug deeper into his flesh. His arms ached
       from the strain of holding himself up, and his lungs burned from
       the lack of air.
       As he hung there, slowly turning in the wind, he noticed a few
       of the other students gathering around again, some out of
       curiosity, others out of a perverse desire to see him suffer. He
       closed his eyes and tried to block out their taunts and
       laughter. He thought about how he had always been different from
       the other kids, how he had always been a target for their
       cruelty. He wondered if anything would ever change.