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       #Post#: 68694--------------------------------------------------
       thuggin love
       By: Grod Date: March 10, 2024, 7:27 pm
       It was a particularly gloomy Sunday, even by Timmy's standards.
       The clouds hung low in the sky, threatening rain that never
       seemed to come. The air was heavy with the scent of wet leaves
       and damp earth, and the only sound to break the stillness was
       the distant rumble of a lawnmower somewhere in the neighborhood.
       Timmy lay on his stomach in front of the television, listlessly
       flipping through the channels. He didn't really care what was
       on; he was too busy daydreaming about the ice cream sundae he'd
       treat himself to later. Suddenly, a blinding flash of light
       filled the room, followed by a strange, high-pitched humming
       noise. Confused, Timmy looked around, only to find that his
       television had gone dead. As he reached over to unplug the set,
       another flash of light illuminated the room, and when Timmy's
       vision cleared, he saw a furry orange squirrel standing there,
       its big, bushy tail swishing back and forth.
       "Whoa, where am I?" the squirrel asked, its voice filled with
       confusion. "And what happened to my acorns?"
       Timmy stared at the anthropomorphic orange squirrel in front of
       him, his mouth hanging open. "Uh, you're in my living room, I
       think?" He paused, trying to remember the name of the character.
       "And your name's...Conker, right?"
       Conker nodded, seeming to remember. "Yeah, that's right. So,
       what's the deal with this place?" He looked around curiously,
       taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. "And where are my
       Timmy shrugged. "I dunno. I think you might've come through some
       kind of portal or something. Maybe you should go back through
       it?" He hesitated for a moment, unsure of what else to say.
       Conker's big, peach-shaped butt wiggled from side to side as he
       considered this information. "Hmm, that doesn't sound too bad. I
       mean, this place is alright, but I could probably find better
       things to do than just hang out here." He paused, looking at
       Timmy with a curious glint in his eye. "Hey, Timmy, you ever
       think about spankings?" he asked in a husky and suggestive tone.
       Timmy blushed furiously, taken aback by the sudden and
       inappropriate question. "Uh, w-well, no, I guess not really," he
       "You don't ever think about getting your pants pulled down and
       your bottom bared, while someone slaps your hiney?" Conker said,
       taking a step closer, "Or maybe you want to do that to someone
       Timmy shifted uncomfortably, his face still red. "Uh, well, no,
       I guess not really." He glanced away, feeling more awkward than
       ever. He wasn't sure why Conker was talking about spankings out
       of nowhere, but it definitely was something he wanted to
       Conker grinned, his sharp teeth glinting in the dim light.
       "Well, it's just something I've always been interested in," he
       said, taking another step closer. "You know, I think it's a
       really good way to teach someone a lesson." His tail swished
       back and forth, brushing against Timmy's leg. "And I bet you
       could use a good lesson or two, Timmy."
       Timmy felt his heart racing, but he couldn't look away from
       Conker's piercing gaze. He swallowed nervously, his mouth
       feeling dry. "I-I guess," he stammered.
       Conker placed his hand on the hem of Timmy's pants just above
       his crotch. "Don't worry, you'll get your turn with my butt." He
       His touch was both comforting and arousing, sending a shiver
       down Timmy's spine. Without further hesitation, he yanked
       Timmy's pants and underwear down, revealing his pale, vulnerable
       bottom. The cool air caressed his bare skin, making him shiver
       even more.
       "Now thats what I'm talkin about," Conker said in a low voice,
       letting his hands explore Timmy's pale rump, "Nice, white ass!"
       Timmy winced, feeling self-conscious about his bare bottom. He
       wasn't sure why, but something about this felt incredibly
       arousing. He couldn't help but arch his back, offering more of
       himself to Conker.
       "See I knew you'd like this." Conker said, playing with the
       jiggly bits of Timmy's rump.
       His other hand, the one that wasn't currently holding Timmy's
       pants and underwear, reached out and grabbed a handful of the
       cushiony flesh between Timmy's thighs. He squeezed hard,
       eliciting a gasp from the boy.
       "So, Timmy," Conker said, his voice still low and husky, "are
       you ready to learn your lesson?" With that, he swung his squishy
       rump forward, connecting with the plump flesh of Timmy's bottom
       with a loud smack. The sound echoed through the room, and
       Conker's weight pressed Timmy into the carpet.
       "Ow!" Timmy cried out, feeling the sting of the impact. He tried
       to wriggle away, but Conker's grip on him was unyielding. The
       acorn-colored squirrel chuckled darkly, his breath hot against
       Timmy's ear. "That's right, little boy," he said, "you're mine
       now. You'll take as many spanks as I give you, and you'll like
       With that, Conker brought his hand down again, this time
       striking Timmy's left cheek. The force of the blow made Timmy
       yelp, his body tensing as the sting radiated through his bottom.
       "Nice and tight," Conker purred, his fingers digging into the
       flesh of Timmy's thighs. "I bet you've never been spanked this
       hard before, have you?"
       The next spank was even harder, making Timmy cry out in pain. He
       tried to wriggle away, but Conker's grip was unyielding. His
       tail swished lazily back and forth, brushing against Timmy's
       leg, taunting him. "You like that, don't you?" he asked, a cruel
       smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "You like the way it
       feels when I spank you."
       Timmy couldn't believe what he was feeling. The sting of each
       slap was intense, but there was something else beneath it all: a
       strange, burning desire that made him want more. He felt ashamed
       for liking it, but he couldn't deny the arousal coursing through
       his veins.
       Conker seemed to sense this change in Timmy, and his cruel smile
       grew wider. "That's right, Timmy," he said, his voice low and
       seductive. "You're starting to enjoy this, aren't you?" Another
       hard smack landed across Timmy's bottom, making him cry out.
       "You want more, don't you?" He paused for a moment, then
       delivered a flurry of quick, stinging spanks across Timmy's
       exposed flesh. "Tell me you like it! Go on tell me!"
       Timmy couldn't believe how much he wanted it. He squirmed
       beneath Conker's grip, desperate for more of the burning
       sensation. "I-I like it," he stammered, his voice barely audible
       over the sound of his own labored breathing. "I told you would,
       now stick that ass up higher!" Conker said.
       His hand moved faster, spanking Timmy's bare bottom with a cruel
       intensity that made the boy's eyes water. The cool air on his
       hot, stinging skin only served to heighten the sensation, making
       him writhe and moan. "You're such a dirty little boy," Conker
       growled, punctuating each word with a hard slap. "You, your ass
       and your dick belong to me now."
       Timmy arched his back, offering more of himself to the older
       squirrel. The stinging pain in his bottom was replaced by a
       burning ache that spread throughout his body, a fierce throb
       that seemed to echo in his core. He felt himself growing harder
       beneath him, straining against the confines of his underwear. He
       wanted more, he needed more. Conker let out his tongue and
       licked Timmy's cheeks like ice cream, then smacked the wet skin.
       "That's it, Timmy," he purred, "give it all to me. Your ass,
       your dick, everything." With each word, another slap landed on
       Timmy's bare bottom, driving him deeper into the carpet. He felt
       Conker's weight shift, and then the squirrel's rough tongue was
       tracing the outline of his hole. He moaned, arching his back
       further, offering himself up.
       Conker licked him slowly, teasingly, before pushing his tongue
       inside. Timmy cried out, his hips bucking wildly as the
       intrusion sent waves of pleasure coursing through him. He felt
       Conker's sharp teeth scrape against his skin, and then the older
       squirrel was pushing his fingers inside him. Timmy's body
       tensed, his muscles tensing as he fought against the invasion.
       "So fucking tight!" Conker teased, going back to using his
       tongue on Timmy's waiting hole.
       He thrust his fingers deeper inside Timmy, feeling the boy's
       body struggle to accommodate him. Timmy's cries of pleasure and
       pain mixed together in a guttural moan, his hips bucking wildly
       against Conker's hand. The older squirrel moved faster, his
       fingers sliding in and out of Timmy's body as his tongue lapped
       at the boy's opening. He could feel Timmy's anal muscles begin
       to relax, giving him deeper and deeper access.
       The sensation was overwhelming. The heat of Timmy's body, the
       tightness of his flesh, the scent of his arousal all combined to
       send waves of desire coursing through Conker. He felt like he
       was on the brink of losing control, and the thought of claiming
       Timmy completely, of making him his own, was enough to drive him
       wild. He pulled his fingers free and stood up.
       "Enough of that, now its your turn boi." Conker said, motioning
       him to stand up.
       Still dazed from the experience, Timmy slowly stood up, his
       limbs feeling like jelly. His bottom stung and throbbed, and his
       insides felt like they were on fire. He looked down at his
       now-limp penis, still trapped in his underwear, and wondered how
       long it would take for it to recover.
       "Well, whatcha waitin fir?" Conker teased, "Take down my pants
       and underwear."
       Timmy's cheeks flushed as he knelt before the older squirrel. He
       reached up, tentatively at first, and then more confidently,
       unbuttoning Conker's pants and pulling the zipper down. He
       gasped as he saw the older squirrel's thick, hard member spring
       free. It was even larger than he had imagined, and he felt a
       mixture of fear and excitement as he reached out to touch it.
       The warmth from the grip made Conker moan.
       "I said take my pants off." Conker repeated.
       Timmy looked up at him, a bit confused. "I thought you meant...
       I'm sorry," he stammered, then reached out and pulled the
       squirrel's pants and underwear down, revealing his massive peach
       shaped and colored ass. Conker bent over and waggled his bottom.
       "Go on, touch my rump."
       Timmy hesitated for a moment, then reached out and gingerly
       traced a finger along the older squirrel's crease. Conker
       shuddered, his cock twitching in anticipation. "That's it," he
       purred, "squeeze it, play with it."
       Timmy's touch grew bolder, his fingers pressing into the soft
       flesh, feeling the warmth and weight of Conker's ass. The older
       squirrel closed his eyes, savoring the sensation, his head
       falling back as he arched his back. "Oh yeah, that's it," he
       moaned. "You're doing such a good job, Timmy."
       The younger lad smiled, feeling a rush of power and desire as he
       touched the older squirrel. He reached around, cupping Conker's
       heavy balls in his hand, feeling the weight and warmth of them.
       "You're so big," he whispered, his voice trembling with
       excitement. "I want to taste you."
       "First things first, spank my ass." Conker ordered. "I want to
       feel your hand on my bottom."
       Timmy hesitated for a moment, then leaned forward, gripping
       Conker's hips. He brought his hand down sharply on the older
       squirrel's ass, making a slapping sound. Conker yelped in
       surprise, his cock jerking in response. "That's it," he panted,
       "give me another one."
       Timmy's heart raced as he spanked Conker's bottom, feeling the
       weight and heat of his flesh in his hand. He could feel the
       older squirrel's muscles tensing beneath his touch, and the
       thought of how much more he could make him react sent a surge of
       power through him. He spanked harder, faster, feeling more
       confident with each impact.
       "NOw this is what I call a hiney smackin." Conker cheered.
       Timmy blushed at the praise. He continued to spank Conker's ass,
       feeling the older squirrel's body respond to each impact. His
       own arousal grew, and he couldn't help but wonder what it would
       feel like to have Conker's cock in his mouth. The thought made
       his own cock twitch beneath his underwear.
       After a few more spanks, Conker arched his back, groaning.
       "That's enough for now," he panted. "Time for you to taste me.
       Get on your knees and eat my ass."
       Timmy hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest.
       He had never done anything like this before, but the thrill of
       it, the power he felt in being able to make Conker react like
       this... He moved to his knees, his gaze locked on Conker's
       exposed ass. He reached out, tentatively at first, and then more
       confidently, spreading the older squirrel's cheeks apart. He
       leaned in closer, inhaling the musky scent that emanated from
       Conker's body.
       Conker closed his eyes, arching his back further, as Timmy's hot
       breath fanned across his sensitive skin. He felt the younger
       boy's tongue slide along his anus, and then plunge his tongue
       deep into his anus.
       "Oh fuck yeah," Conker groaned, his hands gripping the bed
       sheets. "That's it, Timmy. Suck my asshole." The pleasure was
       almost too much to bear, and he could feel his cock throbbing,
       ready to explode.
       Timmy lapped at Conker's ass like a starving animal, his tongue
       darting in and out of the older squirrel's anus, tasting the
       salty sweetness that came from deep inside. He could feel
       Conker's body trembling beneath him, his ass clenching and
       relaxing as he moaned and writhed. He reached up, gripping
       Conker's hips, pulling him closer, wanting to feel even more of
       As he continued to pleasure Conker, he felt a strange sense of
       power and dominance wash over him. He had never experienced
       anything like this before, and it was intoxicating. He thrust
       his tongue deeper, harder, wanting to make Conker feel good,
       wanting to please him. He reached up, fumbling with his own
       belt, undoing the buckle, and then his pants, freeing his own
       hard cock. He stroked himself as he sucked on Conker's ass,
       feeling the familiar tightness building in his groin.
       "Oh fuck yes," Conker moaned, his hips bucking wildly. "That
       feels so good." He reached down, gripping Timmy's hair, pulling
       his head closer. "Get on the bed, Timmy. Its time for a
       Timmy climbed up onto the bed, lying on his back, his hard cock
       still in his hand. He watched as Conker straddled his waist, his
       ass in the air. The older squirrel reached down, gripping his
       own cock, stroking it slowly, lustfully. "Suck on that," he
       growled, guiding Timmy's head towards his own hardness.
       Timmy opened his mouth, taking Conker's cock into his mouth. He
       bobbed his head up and down, sucking on the older squirrel's
       shaft, tasting the saltiness of his pre-cum. He reached up,
       gripping Conker's hips, pulling him closer, wanting to feel even
       more of him.
       "Yes, baby, just like that." Conker cooed, while on top, he
       consumed Timmy's cock, devouring it like a delicious meal.
       The room was filled with the wet sounds of their passionate
       cocksucking. The bed sheets were in disarray, tangled around
       their bodies, as they writhed and grunted, lost in the heat of
       the moment.
       Conker's tongue flicked over Timmy's cock, teasing and taunting,
       while Timmy's lips wrapped tightly around Conker's shaft,
       sucking and squeezing. Their hips moved in sync, their bodies in
       perfect harmony, as they both sought release.
       The older squirrel's movements grew more urgent, his breathing
       labored. "I'm close, Timmy," he groaned, his voice strained.
       "I'm going to cum."
       Timmy felt a surge of excitement at the thought of tasting
       Conker's cum. He sucked harder on the older squirrel's cock,
       willing him to release. As Conker's body tensed, his hips bucked
       wildly, and hot, salty cum filled Timmy's mouth. He swallowed
       eagerly, savoring the taste of his lover, as Conker continued to
       thrust into his mouth.
       When Conker finally pulled away, he collapsed onto the bed
       beside Timmy, panting heavily. His cock still twitched in the
       aftermath of his orgasm. "Wow," he gasped, "that was amazing."
       He reached down, stroked Timmy's cock a few more times before
       guiding it into his mouth.
       Timmy moaned as Conker's lips wrapped around him, sucking
       gently. He arched his back, hands tangled in Conker's fur,
       feeling the familiar tightness building inside him. He could
       feel the warmth of Conker's breath on his sensitive skin, and it
       sent shivers down his spine.
       Conker worked his tongue expertly, teasing Timmy's tip, as he
       sucked hard on the base of his cock. He could feel the boy
       growing more and more excited beneath him, and it only made him
       want to pleasure him more. He reached up, gripping Timmy's hips,
       pulling him closer, wanting to feel even more of him.
       The room was filled with the sounds of their passionate
       lovemaking, the wet sucking noises and the rhythmic slapping of
       their bodies against each other. Timmy felt himself getting
       closer and closer to the edge, his breath coming in short,
       ragged gasps. "Conker," he moaned, "I'm gonna cum."
       Conker smiled around Timmy's cock, his tongue swirling faster.
       "Let it go," he urged, "let it all out." He reached up, cupping
       Timmy's cheek, guiding his face closer, deepening the kiss as
       Timmy's orgasm crashed over him in waves. His muscles tensed,
       his cock throbbed, and hot cum filled Conker's mouth. The older
       squirrel swallowed every drop, relishing the taste of his
       lover's release.
       As they caught their breath, their chests heaving together,
       their tongues tangled, Conker looked into Timmy's eyes and
       smiled. "That was incredible," he whispered, stroking Timmy's
       cheek with the pad of his index finger. "I can't get enough of
       Timmy felt a warmth spread through his body at Conker's words.
       He wrapped his arms around the older squirrel's neck, pulling
       him closer, their lips meeting in a tender kiss. The room was
       filled with the sounds of their contented sighs and the gentle
       rustling of their fur as they cuddled together on the messy bed.
       "Now get up against the wall." Conker ordered.
       Timmy did as ordered, back against the wall, dick vulnerable.
       Conker approached, then began rubbing his fat, furry butt
       against the boy's cock. "Ya like that?"
       Timmy's hips bucked into the contact, his cock hardening.
       "Yeah," he gasped, "Conker..."
       "Can't handle a little ass job?" Conker teased.
       Timmy moaned as he felt Conker's butt press harder against his
       cock. He reached up, grabbing the older squirrel's hips, pulling
       him closer. "Fuck me, Conker," he groaned. "I need it."
       Conker chuckled, the vibrations against Timmy's stomach sending
       shivers down his spine. "You're the one who's gonna get fucked,"
       he teased, lining his furry ass up with Timmy's cock. He pushed
       backward, slowly at first, then with more force as Timmy's eyes
       widened in surprise. The older squirrel easily into the younger
       boy's cock in his tight, warm booty.
       "C-Conker, your ass is so tight!" Timmy yelled.
       Conker let out a low, throaty chuckle. "And whose fault is that,
       Timmy?" He began to move his hips, slowly at first, then with
       more force as the boy's cock stretched him open. The feeling of
       being so completely filled by Timmy was exquisite, and he could
       tell that his lover was enjoying it as well.
       Timmy arched his back, moaning loudly as Conker's movements
       drove his cock deeper inside. "Fuck, Conker," he gasped, "I'm
       gonna cum."
       Conker increased the pace of his hips, the friction against
       Timmy's cock sending shockwaves of pleasure through his body. He
       leaned forward, capturing Timmy's lips in a passionate kiss as
       they both felt the approaching climax. "Come for me," he
       whispered, the words hot against Timmy's lips.
       The boy's orgasm hit him hard, his cock throbbing as it erupted
       inside Conker's ass. Conker felt Timmy's muscles clench and
       release, his hips bucking wildly against him, and moaned in
       ecstasy as he was filled with his lover's seed. They remained
       locked together for several long moments, panting heavily, their
       chests heaving as they caught their breath.
       Finally, Conker pulled away, leaving Timmy's cock slick and
       still twitching. He turned Timmy around, pressing their bodies
       together once more. "You're so beautiful, Timmy," he murmured,
       nuzzling the boy's neck. "And you feel so good inside me." He
       began to rock his hips back and forth, finding a rhythm that
       sent waves of pleasure through both of them. "Spankins, suckin
       and fuckin. What a day."
       Timmy wrapped his legs around Conker's waist, pulling him closer
       as their skin slid against each other. He ran his fingers
       through Conker's soft fur, marveling at the texture beneath his
       "You're so strong, Conker," he breathed. "So big and warm." He
       arched his back, pressing their groins together, feeling the
       squirrel's cock twitch against his ass. "And you're always so
       rough with me." He bit his lip, feeling a shiver of anticipation
       race down his spine.
       Conker's breath was hot against his ear. "And you're always so
       eager for it," he growled. His hips began to move faster,
       thrusting harder into Timmy's body. "You like it rough, don't
       you, Timmy?"
       Timmy moaned, his head falling back as he felt Conker's cock
       slide deeper inside him. "Yes, Conker," he gasped. "Please,
       don't stop." His fingers dug into the older squirrel's fur,
       drawing out a soft, needy sound.
       Conker's thrusts became faster and more powerful, his hips
       slapping against Timmy's ass. The boy's body was stretched and
       flexed to accommodate him, their sweat-slicked skin sliding
       against each other in a rhythm that was as primal as it was
       erotic. The air around them seemed to crackle with desire as
       their breath came in ragged gasps.
       "You belong to me, Timmy," Conker growled, his voice low and
       rough. "I can do whatever I want with you." His hand reached
       down, cupping Timmy's hardening cock. He began to stroke it in
       time with his hips, feeling the boy's body tense and relax with
       each touch.
       Timmy arched his back, crying out as the sensations overwhelmed
       him. "Yes, Conker," he gasped, his eyes rolling back in his
       head. "Please..." He felt the squirrel's teeth graze against his
       neck, sending shivers of pleasure down his spine.
       Conker picked up speed, thrusting harder and faster, his hips
       slapping against Timmy's ass in a brutal rhythm. The boy's body
       was stretched and flexed to the limit, his muscles quivering
       with the effort to take every inch of Conker's huge cock. The
       air around them was thick with the smell of sweat and desire,
       and Timmy could feel himself getting closer and closer to the
       With a growl, Conker slammed into him one last time, his cock
       throbbing as it released a hot, thick jet of cum deep inside
       Timmy's ass. The boy's body convulsed, his own orgasm racing up
       his spine and exploding through him in a shuddering release. He
       screamed out Conker's name, his hips bucking wildly against the
       squirrel's still-hard cock.
       Conker held Timmy against him, their bodies slick with sweat and
       semen. His heart raced, his chest heaving as he fought to catch
       his breath. He nuzzled the boy's neck, inhaling the sweet, musky
       scent that was uniquely Timmy. "You're perfect," he murmured,
       kissing his ear. "So perfect."
       "I love, your big meaty ass." Timmy said.
       Conker chuckled, nuzzling the boy's neck. "And you love my cock
       inside you, don't you?" He asked, his voice low and husky. Timmy
       let out a shivering moan, and Conker could feel his ass clench
       around him. "You know you're mine, Timmy," he murmured, his hips
       beginning to move again. "You belong to me, and I'm never
       letting you go."
       Their lovemaking was brutal and primal, a dance of dominance and
       submission that left them both spent and satisfied. As the
       afterglow of their passion faded, Conker rolled off Timmy, his
       heavy breathing slowly returning to normal. He gazed down at the
       boy, feeling a sense of possessiveness.
       "You know," he began, running a finger along Timmy's smooth
       chest, "I've always wondered what it would be like to be with
       someone who truly belongs to me. Someone who I could claim as my
       own, and who would always come back to me." He smiled, seeing
       the longing in Timmy's eyes. "And now I know."
       Timmy reached up, tracing the line of Conker's jaw with his
       fingertip. "You're the only one I've ever wanted," he confessed.
       "You're so strong, so... dominating. It's like you understand me
       better than anyone."
       "Eat my ass." Conker ordered.
       Timmy's eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't hesitate to
       obey. He rolled onto his stomach, presenting his perfect, round
       ass to Conker. The squirrel ran his tongue over the boy's
       entrance, teasing and probing before slipping inside. He began
       to lick and suck on Timmy's ass, feeling the boy's muscles tense
       and relax around his tongue. His other hand reached down,
       massaging Timmy's cock through the duvet, bringing him to
       hardness once more.
       "That's it, Timmy," Conker growled. "Let me have it." He
       increased the pace of his tongue, fucking Timmy's ass with his
       tongue in time with his hand on the boy's cock. The sensation
       was overwhelming, and Timmy cried out, his hips bucking wildly.
       He felt himself getting close, the pleasure building inside him,
       ready to explode out in a wave of release.
       "I'm going to cum!" he gasped, arching his back as Conker
       continued to feast on his ass. The squirrel's strong hands held
       him in place, his tongue never relenting. Finally, Timmy's body
       tensed and he came, shooting thick ropes of cum over Conker's
       shoulder and across the duvet. The squirrel continued to lap at
       his ass, drawing out every last drop of pleasure, before finally
       pulling away.