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       #Post#: 68695--------------------------------------------------
       GiLF Job 4
       By: Grod Date: March 11, 2024, 2:57 pm
       The old woman's house was notorious in the neighborhood. Kids
       whispered about her in hushed tones, their eyes wide with fear
       and curiosity. No one dared to venture near it after dark,
       convinced that she was a witch who would curse them if they
       stepped foot on her property. But for the young peeping tom, it
       was a different story. He found himself drawn to her, obsessed
       with what went on behind those creaky, gothic windows. He would
       creep up to her house every night, hiding in the bushes, waiting
       for a glimpse of her sinister figure. And one fateful evening,
       he got more than he bargained for...
       She appeared in the upstairs window, her wrinkled fingers
       gripping the sill. Her long, gray hair fell around her shoulders
       like a veil, obscuring her face. But he could see the motion of
       her shoulders, the way her head bobbed up and down. She was
       masturbating. And then, without warning, she turned away from
       the window and walked toward the door, revealing a pair of
       enormous breasts that spilled out of her nightgown. The peeping
       tom felt a rush of blood to his groin.
       "Ooh Fuck yeah!" He said.
       He couldn't believe it. His evil old neighbor, Mrs. Jenkins, had
       caught him spying on her and was now giving him the most
       incredible blowjob he'd ever seen. Her gnarled, arthritic hands
       moved expertly up and down his shaft, while her wrinkled lips
       stretched taut around his cock. He felt a sharp pain as she bit
       down on him, hard enough to make him see stars, but somehow it
       only served to heighten the pleasure. She had chained up his
       wrists and ankles so he couldn't escape.
       "Ah, that's it, you nasty little pervert!" she croaked, her
       voice raspy and full of lust. "I've been waiting for someone
       like you to come along. I've been so lonely, stuck in this
       house. But now, now I have someone to play with!"
       "You're crazy!" He said, still lost in the rapture of his dick
       getting sucked.
       "Maybe I am," she growled, "but I've got you where I want you."
       She slid her hands up and down his shaft, her long nails digging
       into his flesh, leaving trails of blood and pleasure. She took
       him deeper into her mouth, her tongue flicking over the head of
       his cock. He felt her warm, wet breath against his balls, and he
       knew she was about to take them into her mouth too.
       "Oh God," he moaned. "Please, don't stop!"
       With a wicked grin, Mrs. Jenkins began sucking on one of his
       testicles, rolling it around in her mouth. Her tongue flicked
       against it, teasing it mercilessly. He felt his body tense, his
       hips bucking upward, seeking more contact with her mouth. She
       released the other ball from her grasp and began to suck on that
       one instead, her lips stretching taut around the sensitive
       "Oh fuck, yeah!" he cried out, arching his back. "You're insane,
       you know that?"
       "Your dick is mine now, you little bitch!' She said, taking both
       testicles into her talented mouth.
       He felt a surge of pleasure unlike anything he had ever
       experienced before. His hips bucked wildly, his cock throbbing
       in her expert grasp. She took him deeper, her throat working in
       a rhythm that was both primal and erotic. His vision blurred,
       his mind reeling with the sensations.
       "Oh yes, take it all!" he moaned, arching his back further.
       Mrs. Jenkins grinned wickedly, her wrinkled face stretching taut
       with pleasure as she took him deeper into her throat. She sucked
       on him with such force that he could feel the vibrations in his
       pelvis, his entire body trembling with the effort to contain the
       overwhelming sensations. Her hands moved up his body, caressing
       his chest, his stomach, his hips, before finally coming to rest
       on his thighs, her long nails digging into his flesh, drawing
       He felt a shudder run through him, his orgasm building,
       building, unstoppable. He let out a hoarse cry as he came,
       spurting hot cum into her mouth. She swallowed every drop, her
       throat working furiously as he emptied himself into her. When he
       was finally spent, she released his cock with a satisfied sigh,
       her wrinkled lips brushing against the head of his shaft.
       "I'm gonna drain your balls everyday." She said, squeezing his
       sensitive cock-head, "Like I said, your dick is mine."
       With a chuckle, she leaned forward and licked the remaining cum
       from his abdomen, her tongue flicking playfully over his skin.
       Then, she moved down and planted a soft kiss on his cock, her
       wrinkled skin pressing against his member. She put him in a
       chastity cage so he couldn't touch himself without her
       "Now, you're going to clean my house, make my meals, and be my
       personal sex toy. Understood?" She asked, her voice still laced
       with lust.
       He nodded meekly, his heart still racing from the intensity of
       the experience. He was in awe of her dominance and the way she
       had completely taken control of his dick. He knew there was no
       point in resisting; she had him right where she wanted him.