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       #Post#: 68697--------------------------------------------------
       GiLF Job 5
       By: Grod Date: March 13, 2024, 5:26 pm
       Once upon a time in a small village nestled in the countryside,
       there lived an elderly woman named Gertrude. Gertrude was known
       in the village as the mean old granny who ruled her household
       with an iron fist. She had a grandson named Tommy, who was a
       mischievous young boy but had a kind heart underneath his
       naughty behavior.
       One sunny afternoon, Gertrude was sitting on her front porch,
       knitting a sweater when her old friend Betty came over for a
       visit. Betty was just as mean and vile as Gertrude, and the two
       of them often gossiped and plotted together to make mischief in
       the village.
       As Tommy came running towards his grandmother's house, he could
       hear the cackling laughter of Gertrude and Betty echoing through
       the air. He knew that whenever those two got together, trouble
       was never far behind.
       Tommy walked up to the porch where Gertrude and Betty were
       sitting and greeted them with a smile. But before he could even
       say hello, Gertrude grabbed him by the ear and pulled him
       towards her.
       "You've been causing trouble again, haven't you, Tommy?"
       Gertrude scolded him, her voice filled with anger.
       Tommy tried to protest, but Gertrude was already pulling him
       over her lap and lifting his shirt to expose his bare bottom.
       With a loud crack, Gertrude's hand came down on Tommy's
       backside, causing him to yelp in pain.
       Betty watched with amusement as Gertrude continued to spank
       Tommy, her eyes twinkling with delight. But then, Betty's gaze
       shifted towards Tommy in a way that made him uncomfortable. She
       licked her lips and slowly reached up to remove her dentures,
       revealing a toothless grin.
       Tommy's eyes widened in shock as Betty leaned in closer to him,
       her breath hot on his face. And before he could even react,
       Betty's wrinkled hand reached down and began to undo his pants.
       Gertrude's laughter echoed in the air as Betty began to pleasure
       Tommy in a way that made him feel both ashamed and confused. He
       squirmed and tried to push her away, but Betty was relentless in
       her pursuit.
       As the sun began to set on the village, Tommy lay there, his
       cheeks flushed with embarrassment and shame. Gertrude and Betty
       stood over him, their cruel laughter ringing in his ears.
       "Maybe now you'll learn your lesson, Tommy," Gertrude said,
       patting him on the head with a smirk.
       Tommy quickly pulled up his pants and ran away from his
       grandmother's house, his heart heavy with the weight of what had
       just happened. He vowed never to return to that house again,
       determined to escape the clutches of the mean old granny and her
       evil friend.