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       #Post#: 68698--------------------------------------------------
       Mrs. Jenkins Busts ya ass! 
       By: Grod Date: June 19, 2024, 2:42 pm
       Mrs. Jenkins was known throughout the neighborhood as a stern
       and no-nonsense elderly woman. She had lived in the same house
       for decades and took great pride in her well-maintained garden
       and impeccably clean home. She had a reputation for keeping a
       close eye on the goings-on in the neighborhood, and she was
       quick to discipline anyone who stepped out of line.
       One day, Mrs. Jenkins heard a commotion outside her window. She
       peered out and saw a group of teenagers causing trouble in the
       street. Among them was Tommy, the neighborhood menace. Tommy was
       a troublemaker through and through, always causing mischief and
       wreaking havoc wherever he went. Mrs. Jenkins had had enough of
       his antics and decided it was time to teach him a lesson.
       She marched outside, her cane in hand, and confronted the
       teenagers. "What do you think you're doing causing all this
       trouble?" she scolded. Tommy smirked at her, unimpressed by the
       elderly woman's stern demeanor.
       Mrs. Jenkins narrowed her eyes at him. "You think you're tough,
       don't you? Well, I'll show you tough." With that, she grabbed
       Tommy by the ear and dragged him back to her house.
       Once inside, Mrs. Jenkins wasted no time in taking matters into
       her own hands. She pulled Tommy over her knee and began to give
       him a good old-fashioned spanking. Tommy yelped and protested,
       but Mrs. Jenkins was relentless. She spanked him until his
       bottom was bright red and sore.
       But Mrs. Jenkins wasn't finished yet. She knew she had to come
       up with a punishment that would really make an impact on Tommy.
       So, she decided to do something unconventional. She pulled down
       Tommy's pants and began to give him a blowjob.
       Tommy was taken aback by the sudden turn of events. He tried to
       push Mrs. Jenkins away, but she firmly held him in place. She
       continued her punishment until Tommy finally could not hold back
       any longer and came with a whimper.
       Mrs. Jenkins let him go, satisfied that she had taught him a
       lesson he would never forget. Tommy stumbled to his feet, his
       face flushed with embarrassment. He mumbled an apology and
       quickly made his way out of the house, his head hung low.
       From that day on, Tommy was a changed young man. He no longer
       caused trouble in the neighborhood and even helped Mrs. Jenkins
       with her garden from time to time. The old woman had managed to
       turn the neighborhood menace into a responsible and respectful
       young man, all with a simple spanking and blowjob.
       Mrs. Jenkins was a sweet, elderly woman who lived in a quiet
       neighborhood. She had always been known for her kind heart and
       caring nature, always willing to lend a helping hand to those in
       need. However, there was one young man in the neighborhood who
       had always been a troublemaker. His name was Tommy, and he was
       constantly causing trouble for everyone around him.
       Tommy was known for his rebellious ways and his disregard for
       authority. He had a reputation for getting into fights, stealing
       from neighbors, and causing general chaos wherever he went. Mrs.
       Jenkins had tried to talk to him on several occasions, but he
       would always brush her off with a sneer and a rude remark.
       One day, Mrs. Jenkins had finally had enough of Tommy's
       behavior. She had heard from several neighbors that he had been
       causing trouble again, and she knew that something needed to be
       done. She marched over to his house and knocked on the door,
       determined to set him straight once and for all.
       When Tommy opened the door, his eyes widened in surprise at the
       sight of the elderly woman standing before him, her hands on her
       hips and a stern expression on her face. Before he could say a
       word, Mrs. Jenkins grabbed him by the ear and dragged him
       inside, much to his protest.
       "I have had it with your behavior, young man," Mrs. Jenkins
       scolded, her voice firm. "You have been causing trouble for far
       too long, and it's time someone taught you a lesson.
       "Tommy tried to pull away, but Mrs. Jenkins was surprisingly
       strong for her age, and she managed to drag him over to a chair
       and sit him down. Without a word, she pulled him across her knee
       and delivered several sharp smacks to his backside, the sound
       echoing through the room.
       Tommy yelped in pain and shock, his eyes wide with disbelief. He
       had never been treated this way before, and he couldn't believe
       that this sweet old woman was actually giving him a spanking.
       Mrs. Jenkins continued to deliver the punishment, each smack
       harder than the last. Tommy squirmed and protested, but Mrs.
       Jenkins was relentless in her determination to teach him a
       lesson. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she stopped
       and let him up, a look of satisfaction on her face.
       "Now, young man, I hope you have learned your lesson," Mrs.
       Jenkins said sternly. "If I ever hear of you causing trouble
       again, you will have me to answer to.
       "Tommy nodded, still reeling from the unexpected punishment. He
       knew he had finally pushed things too far, and he realized that
       Mrs. Jenkins was not someone to be taken lightly.
       As he stood there, rubbing his sore backside, Mrs. Jenkins
       surprised him once again by dropping to her knees in front of
       him. Before he could react, she began to unbutton his pants, her
       hands steady and determined. Tommy's eyes widened in shock,
       unsure of what was happening.
       Mrs. Jenkins looked up at him with a mischievous glint in her
       eyes. "I think it's time for another kind of punishment, don't
       you think?" she said with a sly smile.
       Before Tommy could protest, Mrs. Jenkins took him into her mouth
       and began to pleasure him in a way he had never experienced
       before. Despite his initial shock and confusion, Tommy found
       himself unable to resist the intense pleasure that washed over
       As Mrs. Jenkins continued her ministrations, Tommy felt himself
       reaching a point of no return. With a gasp, he climaxed, his
       body shuddering as he released himself into her mouth.
       Mrs. Jenkins stood up, wiping her mouth with a satisfied smile.
       "I hope you have learned your lesson, young man," she said, her
       tone firm but kind. "Behave yourself from now on, or you may
       find yourself over my knee once again.
       "Tommy could only nod, his mind still reeling from the
       unexpected turn of events. As he watched Mrs. Jenkins leave his
       house with a satisfied smile, he knew that he would never dare
       to cross her again. And as he reflected on the day's events, he
       couldn't help but feel a strange sense of gratitude towards the
       sweet, elderly woman who had taught him a lesson he would never