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       #Post#: 3--------------------------------------------------
       Who we are
       By: Spanky Date: July 1, 2017, 4:02 am
       Welcome to the Small Town of Culver California.   The Home of
       Hal Roach Studio and the Re-boot of the Little Rascals... The
       original character names have been brought back and recasted
       with Today's New stars(you)   Of Course along with stardom comes
       children being little Brats.  The Child actors will be living
       with their Real time parents in town as Culver has leased many
       apartments for the kids to stay in as long as they are employed
       by Hal Roach Studios or working on the studio.. Parents have to
       be really strict so the Children don't lose their Jobs and the
       studio has really enforced a Spare the Rod and spoil the Rod
       Spanking will be used on Adults playing the Children roles of
       the group.... Discipline will be harsh and sometimes tough but
       its Understood as a Actor and actresses of Hal Roach Studios
       Please Fill out an application if you want to take part as one
       of the actors or just one of the kids in town
       Thank you and Welcome to Culver California