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       #Post#: 23--------------------------------------------------
       Why should I know about "Execution Plans?"
       By: Yasub_exceldbp Date: March 12, 2014, 2:00 am
       DB Developer: "Yasub, I already have so much to do on a daily
       basis, so many stored procedures to write, Code Reviews pending,
       Developers/Team Leads/Managers are sitting on my head! Why
       should i spend my time on knowing about "Execution Plans?", How
       will it help me? "
       Well, Every time I learn something new, before learning it, I
       have the same question in my mind, as above, "Why should I learn
       it, How will it help me?". So, if you have entered this board
       and you are having the same question, then I feel its a very
       valid question!!!
       So, let me try and answer it for you.
       Imagine that you are made the Manager of a factory that
       processes milk. What you do is, you go daily to the Factory at 8
       AM, you make sure all the workers have arrived, then you go to
       your office, sign all the relevant documents, make payments of
       daily wages to the workers and at 5 PM, you leave. Life is good!
       Until one day, one of the main processing machine is suddenly
       taking a long time to process a small amount of milk! The
       engineer is out of station and as the factory is in a remote
       location, to get another engineer will take at least a day!
       Now what?
       Well, you have no choice! Put both hands on your head and wait!
       A smart Manager, would have understood, how each of these
       machines actually work internally, he/she would have learnt the
       art from the Engineer, so that during crisis, That knowledge
       would be of help! Great help!
       The same thing applies to the queries you write. You are the
       Manager of these queries. If you just write queries, without
       understanding how they are "internally executed", then when this
       query takes several hours to execute, you wouldn't know what to
       do! Put both hands on your head and wait?  .
       DB Developer: "Hmmm, So i can find out how a query is internally
       executed, by looking at an Execution Plan?"
       Me: "Yes!!! :) "
       DB Developer: "Cool!! But why all this fuss? Why does SQL Server
       need to create an "Execution Plan" to execute a query? Why can't
       it just execute the query? Isn't life already tough? Why make it
       Me: "Good question!, We will talk about that in the next post."
       Stay "tuned" for more..  :)
       You can reply to this post, in case you have any
       You can also find the same article here:
 (HTM) http://allaboutexecutionplans.blogspot.in/
       Thank you.
       #Post#: 67--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Why should I know about "Execution Plans?"
       By: vinutha_exceldbp Date: May 21, 2014, 1:07 am
       Intresting  :),when is the next post?,am eagerly waiting
       #Post#: 68--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Why should I know about "Execution Plans?"
       By: Yasub_exceldbp Date: May 21, 2014, 1:32 am
       Thank you Vinutha, your interest is appreciated :) . If you
       liked the post, you can click on the "applaud" link, next to the
       post. Thank you!
       Next post, soon! :)