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       #Post#: 24--------------------------------------------------
       By: Yasub_exceldbp Date: March 12, 2014, 4:12 am
       Hey All!!
       Thank you for using "esdbp" and making this an active and
       vibrant community.
       As there are several users currently using this forum, it is
       important that we have certain "guidelines" that need to be
       following when creating new posts under each board.
       For the board titled "Scripts", the below guidelines would need
       to be followed for every new post created:
       We all have access to "Internet" and we all know that there are
       several scripts that are available out there and are quite
       useful as well! For posting scripts on this forum, please make
       sure of the below:
       1] Post scripts that YOU have used in your tasks earlier and
       have been useful to YOU.
       2] Do not copy-paste scripts from the internet.
       3] Make sure that the script that you post here, has been tested
       and has no syntax errors.
       4] While providing the script, provide the version details for
       which the script would work (SQL Server 2008, 2005...).
       5] Do not just paste the scripts here and submit the post. For
       every script added here, there should be a suitable amount of
       description, explaining the script.
       6] Any post created, should be neatly formatted and readable.
       All posts submitted will go through a "Board Moderator", before
       they are visible to everyone on the forum. The "Board Moderator"
       will verify if all the rules have been followed and will only
       then approve the post.
       It is important that all the above mentioned rules are followed,
       to keep this forum a clean place!
       Thank you - in advance!
       (Thank you Srinivasma_exceldbp for your help in framing these