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       #Post#: 384211--------------------------------------------------
       FLYERS want Demidov for MICHKOV...
       By: JoeDirt Date: June 27, 2024, 7:20 pm
       BUT NOBODY is willing (so far) to trade with the Flyers to get
       into the top 5 to have a shot at this PERFECT player to go along
       with Michkov. He may even be better than Michkov in some areas.
       Michkov and him are best buddies though, but Michkov probably
       hurt the chances of the Flyers currently at pick 12 being able
       to get him. I say hurt, because now that other teams see that a
       player like Michkov did get to get out of Russia... the same
       will most likely apply to Demidov. Michkov should have waited
       until after the draft to announce the news to anyone besides
       just the Flyers.
       Flyers MUST move up in the draft in my opinion to even have a
       chance at Iginla, who would be a GREAT GREAT pick if we can't
       land Demidov.
       #Post#: 384261--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FLYERS want Demidov for MICHKOV...
       By: PhillyPhilly Date: June 27, 2024, 11:16 pm
       [quote author=JoeDirt link=topic=20948.msg384211#msg384211
       Michkov should have waited until after the draft to announce the
       news to anyone besides just the Flyers.
       Nah, after what happened with Cutter, you lock that in as soon
       as possible.
       #Post#: 384587--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FLYERS want Demidov for MICHKOV...
       By: Why_Cant_Philly_Win Date: June 29, 2024, 9:50 am
       Does anyone know anything about the C the Flyers took last
       night?  All I know is that he's young for the draft and was
       taken higher than ranked.  Seems a bit M Moniak of a reach by
       Danny B, but I know nothing about these kids.
       #Post#: 384593--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FLYERS want Demidov for MICHKOV...
       By: MayockIsTheProblem Date: June 29, 2024, 10:10 am
       Probably a misstep
       #Post#: 384618--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FLYERS want Demidov for MICHKOV...
       By: Docj227 Date: June 29, 2024, 1:16 pm
       [quote author=Why_Cant_Philly_Win
       link=topic=20948.msg384587#msg384587 date=1719672618]
       Does anyone know anything about the C the Flyers took last
       night?  All I know is that he's young for the draft and was
       taken higher than ranked.  Seems a bit M Moniak of a reach by
       Danny B, but I know nothing about these kids.
       Taken considerably higher than projected. Fast skater, good
       hands, projected as 2nd-3rd line center. Doesn’t seem like a guy
       you’d take top 15. And then trade their 2nd 1st rounder to
       Edmonton for next year?? I mean Edmonton is probably going to
       have a bottom 5 pick again, so don’t see the logic. I could see
       doing that with an average or below average team, but this is
       just kicking the can down the road.
       #Post#: 384626--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FLYERS want Demidov for MICHKOV...
       By: Why_Cant_Philly_Win Date: June 29, 2024, 2:04 pm
       [quote author=Docj227 link=topic=20948.msg384618#msg384618
       Taken considerably higher than projected. Fast skater, good
       hands, projected as 2nd-3rd line center. Doesn’t seem like a guy
       you’d take top 15. And then trade their 2nd 1st rounder to
       Edmonton for next year?? I mean Edmonton is probably going to
       have a bottom 5 pick again, so don’t see the logic. I could see
       doing that with an average or below average team, but this is
       just kicking the can down the road.
       Thanks Doc. I never heard of him. I’m ok with trading for next
       year because it’s supposed to be a better pool to choose from.
       #Post#: 384682--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FLYERS want Demidov for MICHKOV...
       By: JoeDirt Date: June 29, 2024, 6:41 pm
       [quote author=Docj227 link=topic=20948.msg384618#msg384618
       Taken considerably higher than projected. Fast skater, good
       hands, projected as 2nd-3rd line center. Doesn’t seem like a guy
       you’d take top 15. And then trade their 2nd 1st rounder to
       Edmonton for next year?? I mean Edmonton is probably going to
       have a bottom 5 pick again, so don’t see the logic. I could see
       doing that with an average or below average team, but this is
       just kicking the can down the road.
       As soon as we lost out on Demidov, DB panicked. We had a PERFECT
       defenseman to take with the pick, but actually allowed the Wild
       to trade up with us and take exact player. Briere was most
       likely getting screamed at by Keith Jones to not take another
       small dman, but that is a SERIOUSLY DUMB EXCUSE. Keith Jones
       wants BIG defensemen and I understand the thought process, but
       plenty of small dmen are legit superstars in this league.
       Imagine saying let's pass on Wayne Gretzky because we have too
       many small players?
       First of all, Drysdale has shown nothing besides being injured a
       lot so far early into his career, and Cam York MAY turn into
       something great down the road, but at this point, York does not
       look like something special. You TAKE the BEST player available.
       The Flyers MAY have gotten lucky and Jett may become a superstar
       center or winger, but the pick at the moment was a giant reach.
       The player is not the issue, so let me clarify this, the issue
       was taking the player at that pick when there was a consensus
       much better player there. This feels a lot like Howie thinking
       he was outsmarting everyone when the Vikings RAN to the podium
       to announce picking Jefferson when Howie took Reagor.
       Or when the Eagles actually did panic and took Marcus Smith...
       Hopefully, the player the Flyers drafted becomes GREAT, but the
       chances of that happening don't look so great based on history.
       The logic for trading their pick with Edmonton was that next
       years draft is considered FAR better. So, even though the pick
       is top 12 protected, even if the pick is just one or a few spots
       better, or even if it is the same pick.......the idea is there
       will be a far better option there compared to this year's pick
       at that spot.
       It won't matter where the Flyers pick, if they don't make the
       right choices.
       #Post#: 384704--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FLYERS want Demidov for MICHKOV...
       By: PhillyPhilly Date: June 29, 2024, 7:40 pm
       [quote author=JoeDirt link=topic=20948.msg384682#msg384682
       As soon as we lost out on Demidov, DB panicked. We had a PERFECT
       defenseman to take with the pick, but actually allowed the Wild
       to trade up with us and take exact player. Briere was most
       likely getting screamed at by Keith Jones to not take another
       small dman, but that is a SERIOUSLY DUMB EXCUSE. Keith Jones
       wants BIG defensemen and I understand the thought process, but
       plenty of small dmen are legit superstars in this league.
       Imagine saying let's pass on Wayne Gretzky because we have too
       many small players?
       First of all, Drysdale has shown nothing besides being injured a
       lot so far early into his career, and Cam York MAY turn into
       something great down the road, but at this point, York does not
       look like something special. You TAKE the BEST player available.
       The Flyers MAY have gotten lucky and Jett may become a superstar
       center or winger, but the pick at the moment was a giant reach.
       The player is not the issue, so let me clarify this, the issue
       was taking the player at that pick when there was a consensus
       much better player there. This feels a lot like Howie thinking
       he was outsmarting everyone when the Vikings RAN to the podium
       to announce picking Jefferson when Howie took Reagor.
       Or when the Eagles actually did panic and took Marcus Smith...
       Hopefully, the player the Flyers drafted becomes GREAT, but the
       chances of that happening don't look so great based on history.
       The logic for trading their pick with Edmonton was that next
       years draft is considered FAR better. So, even though the pick
       is top 12 protected, even if the pick is just one or a few spots
       better, or even if it is the same pick.......the idea is there
       will be a far better option there compared to this year's pick
       at that spot.
       It won't matter where the Flyers pick, if they don't make the
       right choices.
       From what I'm reading this kid skates incredibly well for his
       size, and is already a great defensive forward to boot.
       The stuff he's deficient on seems like the exact stuff you'd
       expect a 17 year old to get better at over time.
       He did this one move last season that I quite frankly have never
       seen a hockey player do at a professional level, even OHL.  He's
       not just north south fast, his lateral quickness on skates is
       also top notch.