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       #Post#: 387513--------------------------------------------------
       This is the reason for the illegals coming here with the dem's b
       By: RBIguy Date: July 11, 2024, 9:35 am
       It doesn't matter to them if people die and the economy tanks or
       lives and careers are ruined, just as long as they can stay in
       power a little longer!
 (HTM) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/just-safeguard-american-voter-eligibility-save-act-which/
       These dems should be corralled up with these illegals and
       deported with them after Trump wins. Because they aren't true
       American's either.
       #Post#: 387546--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This is the reason for the illegals coming here with the dem
       's blessings.
       By: Slapper Date: July 11, 2024, 10:53 am
       [quote author=RBIguy link=topic=21196.msg387513#msg387513
       It doesn't matter to them if people die and the economy tanks or
       lives and careers are ruined, just as long as they can stay in
       power a little longer!
 (HTM) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/just-safeguard-american-voter-eligibility-save-act-which/
       These dems should be corralled up with these illegals and
       deported with them after Trump wins. Because they aren't true
       American's either.
       I’ve been saying this for sometime now- its why Biden should
       have been impeached.  He’s not fulfilling his responsibilities
       as POTUS, as the office requires him to.
       #Post#: 387642--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This is the reason for the illegals coming here with the dem
       's blessings.
       By: RBIguy Date: July 11, 2024, 5:07 pm
       [quote author=Hooz link=topic=21196.msg387546#msg387546
       I’ve been saying this for sometime now- its why Biden should
       have been impeached.  He’s not fulfilling his responsibilities
       as POTUS, as the office requires him to.
       Every dem on the hill should be jailed for voting for illegals
       to be able to vote.