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       #Post#: 388213--------------------------------------------------
       Trump shot at rally in PA
       By: MarktheShark Date: July 13, 2024, 6:35 pm
       An attempted assassination of the former president occurred 10
       minutes into the rally today in Butler PA.
       It looks like a bullet grazed his ear.
       Trump stood up afterward and pumped his fist to the crowd,
       chanting "fight, fight, fight!"
       Sounded like small arms. Amazing they haven't caught the
       shooter, considering it had to be from close range.
       Wonder who gave the order.
       #Post#: 388215--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Trump shot at rally in PA
       By: mikejack20 Date: July 13, 2024, 6:39 pm
       [quote author=MarktheShark link=topic=21234.msg388213#msg388213
       An attempted assassination of the former president occurred 10
       minutes into the rally today in Butler PA.
       It looks like a bullet grazed his ear.
       Trump stood up afterward and pumped his fist to the crowd,
       chanting "fight, fight, fight!"
       Sounded like small arms. Amazing they haven't caught the
       shooter, considering it had to be from close range.
       Wonder who gave the order.
       Shooter is dead.
       #Post#: 388217--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Trump shot at rally in PA
       By: MarktheShark Date: July 13, 2024, 6:43 pm
       [quote author=mikejack20 link=topic=21234.msg388215#msg388215
       Shooter is dead.
       Seriously? When I was watching they hadn't identified him. Who
       was he? How did he die?
       #Post#: 388218--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Trump shot at rally in PA
       By: mikejack20 Date: July 13, 2024, 6:46 pm
       [quote author=MarktheShark link=topic=21234.msg388217#msg388217
       Seriously? When I was watching they hadn't identified him. Who
       was he? How did he die?
       Too much floating around to know for sure, but sounds like he
       was on a roof near the rally. Id have to assume police/secret
       service shot him.
       #Post#: 388221--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Trump shot at rally in PA
       By: MarktheShark Date: July 13, 2024, 6:55 pm
       [quote author=mikejack20 link=topic=21234.msg388218#msg388218
       Too much floating around to know for sure, but sounds like he
       was on a roof near the rally. Id have to assume police/secret
       service shot him.
       That's unfortunate. But predictable I guess.
       #Post#: 388231--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Trump shot at rally in PA
       By: MayockIsTheProblem Date: July 13, 2024, 7:25 pm
       Election over, dude is Superman and other guy can’t talk
       #Post#: 388237--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Trump shot at rally in PA
       By: MayockIsTheProblem Date: July 13, 2024, 7:42 pm
       Time for the left to cool their chit, they went crazy over a
       vegan dude dressed like a Viking strolling into a building on
       Jan 6.
       #Post#: 388272--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Trump shot at rally in PA
       By: MarktheShark Date: July 13, 2024, 8:57 pm
       [quote author=MayockIsTheProblem
       link=topic=21234.msg388231#msg388231 date=1720916736]
       Election over, dude is Superman and other guy can’t talk
       Seeing him pump his fist after somebody tried to kill him was
       pretty amazing.
       That's history book stuff.
       #Post#: 388276--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Trump shot at rally in PA
       By: MayockIsTheProblem Date: July 13, 2024, 9:28 pm
       [quote author=MarktheShark link=topic=21234.msg388272#msg388272
       Seeing him pump his fist after somebody tried to kill him was
       pretty amazing.
       That's history book stuff.
       Yeah he’s just born for it
       #Post#: 388293--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Trump shot at rally in PA
       By: mra128 Date: July 14, 2024, 12:44 am
       [quote author=MarktheShark link=topic=21234.msg388272#msg388272
       Seeing him pump his fist after somebody tried to kill him was
       pretty amazing.
       That's history book stuff.
       Its not even that the guy tried, its the fact that if Trump
       didn't turn his head at just the right time he's dead. He then
       stands up any yells fight and pumps his fists to the chant if
       USA!  If that doesn't show who's fit to lead I don't know what
       people are looking at, and that has zero to do with politics,
       the fact he was able to stand up after being shot and do that is
       amazing. The other guy can't stand without being shot!
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