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       #Post#: 388757--------------------------------------------------
       Bob Menendez
       By: alwaysphil1 Date: July 16, 2024, 12:49 pm
       Guilty. Corruption and bribery. Maybe they should reserve the
       row of cells next to him for Jim, Hunter and Joe Biden.
       #Post#: 388758--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bob Menendez
       By: alwaysphil1 Date: July 16, 2024, 12:55 pm
       Mercedes, tons of cash, gold bars, yee god! The arrogance of
       these politicians. Corruption in Washington is everywhere, but
       this guy was like the heydays of gangsters with envelopes
       stuffed with cash and prostitutes and gold bars? Unbelievable.
       And you wonder how these politicians are living the high life.
       #Post#: 388845--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bob Menendez
       By: Slapper Date: July 16, 2024, 7:22 pm
       Gold Bar Bob!  Worst part was he threw his wife under the bus-
       said it was her and she never told him about all these “gifts”.