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       #Post#: 23--------------------------------------------------
       How to Create recovery sdcard for AmlogicM3 devices ( Windows/Li
       nux )
       By: hans Date: December 13, 2012, 9:58 am
       To prepare SD recovery card you need Linux machine and
       Windows/Linux software as HEX editor
       which can access pysical sdcard. I'm using Linux to do
       partitioning stuff and WinHex to do the rest of
       job under Windows.
       Here is the procedure:
 (HTM) http://www.elbay.net/nl/Create_recovery_sdcard_Amlogic.pdf
       #Post#: 26--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to Create recovery sdcard for AmlogicM3 devices ( Window
       s/Linux )
       By: Fatface Date: January 31, 2013, 11:58 am
       Hi Hans
       Which version of Ubuntu did you use.  I am using 12.10 to create
       the SD following the instruction on the PDF.  However, when it
       prompt for the "First Cylinder" the smallest value I can enter
       2048, it will not accept 3 as describe in the PDF.
       Have I done something wrong?