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       #Post#: 30--------------------------------------------------
       Unknown Android Box
       By: gxaris Date: April 28, 2014, 1:05 am
       Hi all, I bought 4 boxes as samples from China for my business.
       I need some help if anybody knows about the make of this device.
       My main problem is that I do not know where the reset button is.
       The CPU is an AMlogic M3 with 1Gb RAM but that is all i know.
       I would like to experiment and change some firmwares on them but
       I dont understand where the stupid reset button could be.
       Please if anybody has any idea let me know, thanks
 (HTM) http://postimg.org/image/qhbxush8l/
 (HTM) http://postimg.org/image/q3alv6x51/
 (HTM) http://postimg.org/image/9zy4vdvlx/
 (HTM) http://postimg.org/image/kckfhgp51/