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       #Post#: 65--------------------------------------------------
       By: jewsdid911 Date: July 31, 2014, 1:20 pm
       . At any rate, Balaam was allowed to continue, but when it came
       to cursing Israel, God forced him to bless Israel three times.
       The King was angry. Therefore, Balaam comes up with a "Plan B."
       He suggests that the women of Midian go and try to seduce the
       "sons of Israel" and get them to fall down and worship Baal of
       Peor. This is successful to the point that Jehovah exterminates
       24,000 Israelite men. (Numbers 25:9)
       God then commands the Israelites to avenge themselves (God tells
       them to avenge themselves against the Midianites when it was God
       who killed 24,000 of the Israelites!). The Bible states, "Later
       Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying: “Let there be a harassing of the
       Midianites, and YOU men must strike them, because they are
       harassing YOU with their deeds of cunning that they committed
       against YOU cunningly in the affair of Peor and in the affair of
       Cozbi the daughter of a chieftain of Midian, their sister who
       was fatally struck [by Phinehas through the genitals] in the day
       of the scourge over the affair of Peor.” (Numbers 25:16-18)
       "Jehovah then spoke to Moses, saying: “Take vengeance for the
       sons of Israel upon the Midianites. Afterward you will be
       gathered to your people.” (Numbers 31:1-2) Whatever happened to
       the idea that you should not pay back evil for evil? Even though
       it is mentioned later in the Greek scriptures, God is supposed
       to be "unchangeable," therefore, if He admonished humans later
       in this regard, it follows that it should have always been His
       At any rate, the Israelites started out to do just as they were
       commanded. "And they went waging war against Midian, just as
       Jehovah had commanded Moses, and they proceeded to kill every
       male. 8 And they killed the kings of Midian along with the
       others slain, namely, E'vi and Re'kem and Zur and Hur and Re'ba,
       the five kings of Midian; and they killed Ba'laam the son of
       Be'or with the sword." (Numbers 31:7-8) They were commanded to
       kill off every living thing, human or beast, except for
       So here we have a situation in which the Israelites "killed
       every male" and returned a "wrong" with a "wrong" at God's
       command, which did not result in a "right." But the story gets
       worse, and this is the atrocity.
       "But the sons of Israel carried off the women of Midian and
       their little ones captive; and all their domestic animals and
       all their livestock and all their means of maintenance they
       plundered. And all their cities in which they had settled and
       all their walled camps they burned with fire. And they went
       taking all the spoil and all the booty in the way of humans and
       domestic animals. And they came bringing to Moses and El·e·a'zar
       the priest and to the assembly of the sons of Israel the
       captives and the booty and the spoil, to the camp, to the desert
       plains of Mo'ab, which are by the Jordan at Jer'i·cho." (Numbers
       Notice here that the Israelites "carried off the women…and their
       little ones captive," as well as everything else they owned,
       including livestock, gold and "all their means of maintenance."
       It is interesting to note that the Israelites who actually did
       the fighting, mere humans, showed more mercy than did God. "And
       Moses grew indignant at the appointed men of the combat forces,
       the chiefs of the thousands and the chiefs of the hundreds who
       were coming in from the military expedition. So Moses said to
       them: “Have YOU preserved alive every female? (Numbers 31:14-15)
       Here Moses, who is allegedly the "meekest of all the men who
       were upon the surface of the ground" (Numbers 12:3), gets a
       little perturbed because these "appointed men" showed human
       compassion. Notice the instructions the evil man Moses passes on
       from the evil god Jehovah:
       "And now kill every male among the little ones, and kill every
       woman who has had intercourse with man by lying with a male. And
       preserve alive for yourselves all the little ones among the
       women who have not known the act of lying with a male." (Numbers
       I guess it is a sin for a woman to have a family and follow her
       "God-given" desire to procreate.
       How many virgins were left after the slaughter? Numbers 31:35
       tells us, "As for human souls from the women who had not known
       the act of lying with a male, all the souls were thirty-two
       thousand." Of these, 32 young women where given to Jehovah as a
       "tax." (Numbers 31:40)
       Can you imagine such a thing? It is quite plain that God's
       command was to kill every little boy, every woman or young woman
       who was not a virgin, and to keep for themselves all the
       remaining little girls and young virgins as wives. Thomas Paine
       comments on this in "The Age of Reason,
       "Let any mother put herself in the situation of those mothers,
       one child murdered, another destined to violation [rape], and
       herself in the hands of an executioner; let any daughter put
       herself in the situation of those daughters, destined as a prey
       [victim] to the murderers of a mother and a brother, and what
       will be their feelings?
       "Among the detestable villains that in any period of the world
       have disgraced the name of man, it is impossible to find a
       greater than Moses, if this account be true. Here is an order to
       butcher the boys, to massacre the mothers, and debauch the
       Paine makes an excellent point: How would you feel if this
       happened to you? How would you feel as a mother knowing that
       your son(s) would be murdered and your daughter(s) forced into
       wifely servitude to the perpetrators? Would it deepen your faith
       in a loving and merciful Creator? Or a brutal and spiteful
       supernatural being? How many young boys and mothers do you
       suppose were slaughtered? If there were 32,000 virgins kept
       alive, it would be a reasonable and conservative estimate to
       conclude that approximately 32,000 mothers in addition to any
       brothers were killed. This takes into account that each mother
       would have no doubt had several children. So each young girl
       could have lost several brothers, and any non-virgin sisters, in
       addition to her mother (not to mention her father).
       Can you just see the mass grave with tens of thousands of bodies
       in it? Can you picture the horror of the sight? We read of mass
       graves in different countries around the world today which gives
       us a sick feeling inside.
       And what of the "little ones?" Who would now become their
       guardians? It would be the very ones who murdered their parents.
       Does this not sound a little dysfunctional to you?
       How in heaven or earth, could a God of love do such a thing or
       allow such a thing to happen? It flies in the face of all that
       is decent and holy, not to mention that of reason. And I am but
       a man; a mere human. Should not the "Almighty" demonstrate
       patience and tolerance to a super-human degree?
       Even in compiling this information, it greatly offends every
       thread and fiber of the moral values and virtues that I have
       ever cherished. It greatly offends my conscience and sense of
       reason. I find it utterly and completely contemptible. It
       disgusts me.
       But some might object, stating that the ”Law" provided for
       captives to be taken as wives. This is true. Notice Deuteronomy
       21:10-14: “In case you go out to the battle against your enemies
       and Jehovah your God has given them into your hand and you have
       carried them away captive; and you have seen among the captives
       a woman beautiful in form, and you have got attached to her and
       taken her for your wife, you must then bring her into the midst
       of your house. She must now shave her head and attend to her
       nails, and remove the mantle of her captivity from off her and
       dwell in your house and weep for her father and her mother a
       whole lunar month; and after that you should have relations with
       her, and you must take possession of her as your bride, and she
       must become your wife. And it must occur that if you have found
       no delight in her, you must then send her away, agreeably to her
       own soul; but you must by no means sell her for money. You must
       not deal tyrannically with her after you have humiliated her.
       So, take her for your wife, rape her, but if you decide that you
       don't want her anymore, Hey! That's okay! Just send her away. It
       doesn't matter that you raped her and murdered her brother(s),
       sister(s), mother and father. She probably doesn't want anything
       to do with you anyway, since it is inconceivable that she really
       wanted to have sexual relations with one who was responsible for
       the death of her family. But isn't it interesting that divorce
       is now okay, but later God states that He "hates a divorcing?"
       (Malachi 2:16) How inconsistent! How evil! What wickedness! How
       criminal! How immoral! It is okay to "humiliate" her by raping
       her and killing her family, but not okay to "deal tyrannically"
       with her! What a sham!
       And then to boot, after God commands the Israelites to do this
       heinous massacre, He then in effect blames them for sinning by
       requiring them to cleanse themselves from the sin. (Numbers
       31:19, 20) What makes this even worse is the fact that this war
       was really between God and the Midianites, not the Israelites.
       If the God of the Bible is so loving, then why did He not simply
       appeal to the Midianites in an effort to gain them, like He did
       with the Ninevites, rather than put them to a brutal and savage
       death? If Jehovah is the Almighty, then why does he not have the
       power to appeal to his creation? (Seems like a good thing to do
       even in our time!) But the fact is, that Jehovah only knows
       carnage. IF Jehovah truly was a good and loving god, and IF the
       Midianites truly deserved extermination by godly standards, then
       Jehovah could have certainly put them to death in a far more
       "humane" way than was done. Even Sennacherib's soldiers were
       killed, as they no doubt slept, by "God's Angel."
       Think, we humans don't even euthanize little dogs and cats by
       hacking them to death with a sword. If that is done by anyone,
       there is public uproar and they face "cruelty to animal" charges
       and are prosecuted. In fact, it doesn't even take the foregoing
       degree of cruelty to animals to be charged. I have read many
       accounts of where people simply had too many pets in one home to
       properly care for them and were charged. But now, what of the
       "cruelty to humans" that the false god Jehovah is guilty of? We
       more accurately call this, "crimes against humanity." In our
       day, there have been several humans who have been guilty of
       "crimes against humanity." Hitler and many of his subordinates,
       as well as Slobadan Milosevic the Yugoslavian tyrant, just to
       name a few.
       Now how will the god of the Hebrew scriptures be made
       accountable? What will be his sentence? Why on earth are people
       oblivious to this and continue to proclaim that Jehovah is a
       "loving God" when his own alleged word clearly portrays him
       quite differently?
       This is just one of many examples in which the "God' of the
       Hebrew scriptures is nothing but a vile and wicked myth. If He
       exists at all, He is guilty of crimes against humanity; indeed,
       against all creation.
       Part 4
       Lions cant eat straw they are carnivores epic fail bible of
       Here is what lions eat =
       What Do Lions Eat In The Wild?
       The lion is carnivorous and lives on a variety of prey. They
       mostly prey on large mammals but their choice of food often
       depends on availability. The African lion will prey on mammals
       such as wildebeest, warthogs, zebras, buffalo and various types
       of antelope. They may also hunt and eat young rhinos, hippos or
       elephants but this is rare as these animals are seen to pose a
       threat to the safety of the lion. The Indian lion mainly prey on
       various species of deer and wild boar. Lions will also eat small
       rodents and birds or scavenge for food when there is little
       choice available. A male lion will consume up to 15 ˝ pounds of
       meat in a day and a female lion or lioness will eat up to 11
       pounds. As the food supply can often be erratic lions will eat
       more or less based on the likelihood of the next meal. You think
       this can happen despite the Lions stomach
       The wolf will live with the lamb,
       the leopard will lie down with the goat,
       the calf and the lion and the yearling[a] together;
       and a little child will lead them.
       7 The cow will feed with the bear,
       their young will lie down together,
       and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
       8 The infant will play near the cobra’s den,
       the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest.
       9 They will neither harm nor destroy
       on all my holy mountain,
       for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD
       Isiah 11 6-
       The bible is wrong the Lions internal organs cant process straw
       like ox Can you not anwer this.Your post 108 says nothing about
       this falsehood in the bible.Maybe you can answer this now and
       save my soul from the devil
       Originally Posted by Tom Cruise
       Animals like cobras and vipers will harm they cant be filled
       with knowledge of the lord as they are animals without souls.
       Part 5 The earth is older than a few thousand yrs.
       Saying the earth is thousands of yrs old and that babys have
       sinned is so wrong and if that noncence is in the bible surely
       the reason of a sane mind will see the bible is backward??How
       come we can date back fossels millions of yrs old and say they
       were our ancestors.Thats millions of yrs using our tech.How come
       we can clone things using DNA and create life in a test tube.We
       are the new gods...
       Mother of man - 3.2 million years ago
       Part 6
       The bible is wrong about where we came from.I could listen to
       scientists experts in the field who have studied for yrs and are
       more clever than me or i could believe Adam gave his rib to make
       a woman a few thousand yrs ago coz some innacurate book of
       shamanism says so.Adam and Eve would have had inbreed kids.With
       genitic flaws.If you wanted to colonize a planet you would have
       to send a more diverce dna.
       Adam and eve get sent down here for eating a apple ffs thats
       there sin.Would you think the crime for eating a apple is to be
       sent to a dangerous planet.What father would do that.
       Lets start with the first two books of the bible and Genesis.
       The first chapter states that God creates Adam and Eve at the
       same time,
       In the 2nd chapter God creates Adam, then Adam wanders around,
       names the animals does a few things, then he talks to God and
       Say's he is lonely, so God says Ok i will provide you with a
       mate so he takes the Rib and creates Eve.
       In the first Two chapters of the book are conflicting Creation
       stories , so which is true? Now Believers will say "well it's
       just two different versions of the same story" this is fine but
       then don't say in the next Breath that the Bible is meant to be
       taken litterally and when it says something it means it!!
       because it obviously does not.
       Modern man has 24 ribs. Did Adam have 25, 24 or 23? Did he grow
       a new rib to achieve 24 or did he have the spare 25th to begin
       with? If God made Adam, why couldn’t he make Eve in the same
       manner? Making Eve from Adam’s rib is like cloning, which would
       make their physical union a variation of incest.Maybe God just
       forgot the method He used to make Adam? The Bible turns the
       possibilty of God being an amazing scientist and demotes him
       into being a carnival magician..