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       #Post#: 97843--------------------------------------------------
       The time has come to talk of many things. Of sock puppets and do
       xxing and the drama they bring.
       By: animaniactoo Date: May 23, 2022, 10:55 pm
       I was not here for the events that went down weekend before
       last, but I got plenty of messages about it. I think that we
       need to have an official policy around names and previous
       identities that is true to the spirit of who we were on WaPo,
       who we have said we are here, and who we aspire to be as a
       I would like to note a couple of things:
       • In our short life we have already had a couple of dustups that
       have led to people leaving. People do not always feel
       comfortable rejoining a community that they have left under such
       circumstances and may often re-join under a new name and build
       back towards a comfort level where they either chose to just
       remain the new name without ever disclosing their previous
       identity, OR choose to reveal their prior name because they do
       want those they were friendly with to know it's them, back
       Personally I believe that the spirit of "everyone gets a fresh
       start" means that people get to start over in such a manner if
       they choose to. Barring problematic behavior that means they
       were banned or about to be. I believe that we want people who
       left for personal reasons or dissatisfaction to be able to
       rejoin in as easy and comfortable a way as possible for them.
       • Some of the ugliest episodes on WaPo were with people
       ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that so and so was former poster such and
       such. Browbeat, hounded, and referred to as such over and over
       again. I do not think that we want to have that here.
       • Site admins have the ability to check IP addresses for sock
       puppet/dummy accounts. Based on suspicion of one such
       previously, the mods did discuss how to handle it if it was
       verified. Our conclusion was that there wasn't anything in the
       rules specifically against it but we didn't want to encourage it
       and our decision is that in the event that it does happen,
       anything that one identity does that warrants a penalty will
       have the same penalty applied to both accounts simultaneously.
       To address the above, this is what the mods have discussed and
       propose as official rules to adopt:
       • Coming back under a new name is fine, but accounts should not
       overlap. If they do overlap, penalties applied to one will be
       applied to both, all the way through to banishment.
       • It is fine to politely ask someone if they were previously X
       poster, either publicly or privately. Politely means 1x not 5+
       times if they are not giving an answer or someone doesn't
       believe them.
       • It is not fine to accuse someone of being someone else or
       declare that they are, and that is a points worthy offense.
       The floor is open for discussion and this poll will run for 1
       week. You may change your vote right up until the end of the
       #Post#: 97844--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The time has come to talk of many things. Of sock puppets an
       d doxxing and the drama they bring.
       By: animaniactoo Date: May 23, 2022, 10:56 pm
       P. S. Queenie said I should be concise about this, and well... I
       think I have pretty much failed again. My eternal struggle.
       #Post#: 97889--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The time has come to talk of many things. Of sock puppets an
       d doxxing and the drama they bring.
       By: AbidingDudev4.1 Date: May 24, 2022, 10:18 am
       I am fine with whatever the decision is, I just have one
       In three parts.
       1. I don't think there's any need for socks here.
       2. If you ignore (1) just know that we are all, collectively,
       not very good at creating fake personas, if you've been here
       awhile and have shared at all, it's pretty likely people will
       see through your sockness. Getting bent when that happens is
       probably overreacting. But yes, also, we can be kind about it
       and pm first. And apologize profusely when we accuse
       3. If you left and came back under a new name, welcome back.
       That seems a different thing to me than being a sock.
       #Post#: 97959--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The time has come to talk of many things. Of sock puppets an
       d doxxing and the drama they bring.
       By: MidwestmikkiJ Date: May 24, 2022, 11:49 am
       I tend to miss the dust-ups or maybe I read over them in happy
       But I do bristle pretty much every time. Someone insists so and
       so is a particular poster based only on their assessment of the
       writing. I can think of 3 cases, one here, two in the old
       Haxville, where it happened and Was awful.
       So I support the policy and will vote accordingly.
       PS. I just happened on this, you may need to let people know if
       you want a good turnout.
       #Post#: 97964--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The time has come to talk of many things. Of sock puppets an
       d doxxing and the drama they bring.
       By: animaniactoo Date: May 24, 2022, 11:53 am
       I wrote it up late last night and then was late to work this
       morning (ty neverending traffic) when I intended to post about
       it on the daily thread.
       <begrudingly> I'll go post it there now...
       #Post#: 97967--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The time has come to talk of many things. Of sock puppets an
       d doxxing and the drama they bring.
       By: Queenie Date: May 24, 2022, 11:55 am
       Wait, what?  What is the policy, exactly?  I got:
       1. Do not announce to the world that, say, Pago Pago is Bora
       Bora.  If you do, you will get points whether or not you are
       2. You may, however, politely ask one time, e.g. "Your voice
       sounds familiar. Are you Queeeeeeeeenie with more eees from
       WaPo?" You may do this via PM or in a thread, and no points will
       be assigned.
       3. Anyone creating duplicate accounts will have any disciplinary
       actions applied to both accounts at once.
       In keeping with my general rule that I try to call everyone what
       they prefer to be called, I will just use whatever moniker is in
       use at the time, although in my head Pago Pago will always be
       #Post#: 97974--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The time has come to talk of many things. Of sock puppets an
       d doxxing and the drama they bring.
       By: BethinDC2AZ Date: May 24, 2022, 12:07 pm
       I want to go on record saying socks are stupid and I don't see
       why anyone who posts here would feel the need to use them. But I
       also think doxxing is obnoxious. So really, I don't care.
       #Post#: 97975--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The time has come to talk of many things. Of sock puppets an
       d doxxing and the drama they bring.
       By: animaniactoo Date: May 24, 2022, 12:07 pm
       [quote author=Queenie link=topic=1093.msg97967#msg97967
       Wait, what?  What is the policy, exactly?  I got:
       1. Do not announce to the world that, say, Pago Pago is Bora
       Bora.  If you do, you will get points whether or not you are
       2. You may, however, politely ask one time, e.g. "Your voice
       sounds familiar. Are you Queeeeeeeeenie with more eees from
       WaPo?" You may do this via PM or in a thread, and no points will
       be assigned.
       3. Anyone creating duplicate accounts will have any disciplinary
       actions applied to both accounts at once.
       In keeping with my general rule that I try to call everyone what
       they prefer to be called, I will just use whatever moniker is in
       use at the time, although in my head Pago Pago will always be
       Yes, correct on all counts.
       #Post#: 97978--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The time has come to talk of many things. Of sock puppets an
       d doxxing and the drama they bring.
       By: buffylover73 Date: May 24, 2022, 12:09 pm
       [quote author=Queenie link=topic=1093.msg97967#msg97967
       Wait, what?  What is the policy, exactly?  I got:
       1. Do not announce to the world that, say, Pago Pago is Bora
       Bora.  If you do, you will get points whether or not you are
       2. You may, however, politely ask one time, e.g. "Your voice
       sounds familiar. Are you Queeeeeeeeenie with more eees from
       WaPo?" You may do this via PM or in a thread, and no points will
       be assigned.
       3. Anyone creating duplicate accounts will have any disciplinary
       actions applied to both accounts at once.
       In keeping with my general rule that I try to call everyone what
       they prefer to be called, I will just use whatever moniker is in
       use at the time, although in my head Pago Pago will always be
       This is how I took it and I agree with these points. I will say
       I know of one person who came back with a new name whose tone
       was such that I knew who the person was called previously but I
       would not call them out. I will always be BL73 because I don't
       have the brain power to remainder new user names if I change
       #Post#: 97983--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The time has come to talk of many things. Of sock puppets an
       d doxxing and the drama they bring.
       By: Queenie Date: May 24, 2022, 12:16 pm
       Tangentially, I would like to remind everyone that just because
       a question is asked does not mean that an answer is required.
       If you are here under a new name and do not wish to answer
       questions like "Hey, are you actually Fenway Frank?" then you
       can always simply decline to reply.
       For the record I am not Fenway Frank even though I kind of love
       his moniker.
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