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       #Post#: 231303--------------------------------------------------
       Piano playing in public and free speech
       By: northbayteky Date: January 22, 2024, 12:47 pm
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/live/65iwnI2hjAA?si=dgwNvtB5ekHshX5K
       I'm sharing this video in the hope you all will watch it, share
       it and maybe have a discussion here.
       The pianist/youtuber is playing a piano in what looks like maybe
       an airport mall. It appears to be a typical mall you might see
       in the US. There's lots of people dragging luggage behind them,
       which make me wonder if it's an airport. This is in the UK. This
       guy just plays a piano in public and people around either join
       him at the piano and play or they dance to his tunes.
       Anyway, this video features visitors from another country,
       clearly allowing themselves to be filmed and then tell the
       pianist to stop filming them (their group.) He declines, reminds
       them they are in a free country.
       Anyway, give it a view. He's going to be on a talk show tonight,
       Jan 22. I'm just doing my part to spread an honest to goodness
       free speech discussion.
       When in Rome, do as the Romans.Roman's.
       I forgot to mention, the CCCP is trying to get this video
       removed. To which I say, they can FATWO
       #Post#: 231352--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Piano playing in public and free speech
       By: Thetis099 Date: January 22, 2024, 2:57 pm
       [quote author=northbayteky link=topic=2478.msg231303#msg231303
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/live/65iwnI2hjAA?si=dgwNvtB5ekHshX5K
       I'm sharing this video in the hope you all will watch it, share
       it and maybe have a discussion here.
       The pianist/youtuber is playing a piano in what looks like maybe
       an airport mall. It appears to be a typical mall you might see
       in the US. There's lots of people dragging luggage behind them,
       which make me wonder if it's an airport. This is in the UK. This
       guy just plays a piano in public and people around either join
       him at the piano and play or they dance to his tunes.
       Anyway, this video features visitors from another country,
       clearly allowing themselves to be filmed and then tell the
       pianist to stop filming them (their group.) He declines, reminds
       them they are in a free country.
       Anyway, give it a view. He's going to be on a talk show tonight,
       Jan 22. I'm just doing my part to spread an honest to goodness
       free speech discussion.
       When in Rome, do as the Romans.Roman's.
       I forgot to mention, the CCCP is trying to get this video
       removed. To which I say, they can FATWO
       Thank you for sharing this.  I'm on his side.
       I was filmed during a live broadcast by a local news crew once
       (one of many people in the background of the live shot) and not
       a soul asked for my permission before or after, not even in
       tight-assed Texas.  I assumed it was up to me to fuck off if I
       didn't want to be on the news.  I imagine someone was paid for
       that video too, which also covers the making money from the
       image part of their BS.  He was fine.  They came off as very
       entitled IMHO.  Good for Brendan for keeping the live stream
       going until it was over.
       I liked and subscribed and shared.  What talk show?  I want to
       see if I can watch.
       #Post#: 231390--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Piano playing in public and free speech
       By: northbayteky Date: January 22, 2024, 4:27 pm
       Well, Brendan is in the UK and I believe the show is there. When
       I saw the video with the talk show info, he mentioned the name
       and time. I figured 8:30 his time would be noon 30 here, so I
       didn't make note of the name of the talk show. Maybe he'll link
       it on his channel later.
       #Post#: 231400--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Piano playing in public and free speech
       By: animaniactoo Date: January 22, 2024, 4:54 pm
       I think multiple things are true:
       1) It is a free speech issue and if they didn't want to be in
       the video, they should have moved along as soon as they saw that
       the space was being filmed.
       2) The minder started off by politely requesting not being on
       the video, but didn't stay polite for long and moved very
       quickly to "legality" which sunk the entire thing.
       3) The guy ABSOLUTELY made it racial when he started talking
       about China and Chinese government and communism. None of that
       was necessary for his point - and it did make things much worse
       4) The minder did a masterful job of trying to redirect the
       entire situation by starting to yell about touching when they
       were basically up in his face and it was clear that he was only
       pointing to the flag.
       5) He was 100% correct about the policewoman's request to turn
       the camera off. That is also a matter of free speech.
       6) Police acting to calm an issue is not necessarily acting as
       their private security and he's wrong for throwing that charge
       as well (even if it had some slim basis for being said... it was
       pretty slim at the point that he started talking about it
       because at that point she was only trying to mediate the
       So... basically. He's in the right on the legality of it, and
       he's also an asshole who took it to places that it didn't need
       to go and escalated just as much as they did.
       #Post#: 231410--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Piano playing in public and free speech
       By: MidwestmikkiJ Date: January 22, 2024, 5:24 pm
       I only made it through a third or so. It appeared to me by then
       that the piano guy was trying to drum up some controversy so I
       gave up. He had no reason thst I could see to keep pointing out
       the group of Chinese people.
       #Post#: 231415--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Piano playing in public and free speech
       By: NoLongerAubergine Date: January 22, 2024, 6:48 pm
       [quote author=MidwestmikkiJ link=topic=2478.msg231410#msg231410
       I only made it through a third or so. It appeared to me by then
       that the piano guy was trying to drum up some controversy so I
       gave up. He had no reason thst I could see to keep pointing out
       the group of Chinese people.
       I didn't get that far, partly for that reason, which was obvious
       from the outset. But mainly because I have no idea what UK's
       free speech laws are. I know they are not as robust as ours,
       since I've seen reports of defamation/libel cases brought and
       won there that would not have been even brought here.
       #Post#: 231418--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Piano playing in public and free speech
       By: Thetis099 Date: January 22, 2024, 6:58 pm
       I agree the guy was being more of a dick than was useful, but so
       what?  He can be a dick, can't he?  We don't have to like or
       agree with what he says, do we?  I admit, I don't know what the
       laws are there, but the lack of interest in him by the police is
       a good clue that he broke no laws, so as far as I can tell, he
       can probably say it.  There may be negative consequences for him
       in the future.
       In our country, I don't even want to wade into the quagmire -
       who gets to decide what we can and can't say beyond outlawing
       speech that incites violence and hate speech, the latter being
       about as hard to define exactly as pornography.
       #Post#: 231419--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Piano playing in public and free speech
       By: Thetis099 Date: January 22, 2024, 7:01 pm
       [quote author=NoLongerAubergine
       link=topic=2478.msg231415#msg231415 date=1705970907]
       [quote author=MidwestmikkiJ link=topic=2478.msg231410#msg231410
       I only made it through a third or so. It appeared to me by then
       that the piano guy was trying to drum up some controversy so I
       gave up. He had no reason thst I could see to keep pointing out
       the group of Chinese people.
       I didn't get that far, partly for that reason, which was obvious
       from the outset. But mainly because I have no idea what UK's
       free speech laws are. I know they are not as robust as ours,
       since I've seen reports of defamation/libel cases brought and
       won there that would not have been even brought here.
       I thought both sides were trying to drum up controversy to try
       and strengthen their positions.  I don't think he was trying to
       grab for her hand.
       #Post#: 231420--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Piano playing in public and free speech
       By: NoLongerAubergine Date: January 22, 2024, 7:29 pm
       Perhaps I did not make myself clear enough. I did not watch the
       video beyond the brief intro. I had understood that it was
       mainly about people objecting to being filmed. In the U.S.,
       there is no expectation of privacy in public spaces. In
       addition, businesses are allowed to set rules for conduct within
       their walls. I have no idea what the rules are in the UK for the
       specific space they were in. If there was more to it than that,
       I did not see it. And I did not see any reason to get
       emotionally invested without some basic facts, which from other
       descriptions of the video it seemed were not provided. I wasn't
       up for that.
       #Post#: 231421--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Piano playing in public and free speech
       By: kkt Date: January 22, 2024, 7:37 pm
       [quote author=northbayteky link=topic=2478.msg231303#msg231303
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/live/65iwnI2hjAA?si=dgwNvtB5ekHshX5K
       I'm sharing this video in the hope you all will watch it, share
       it and maybe have a discussion here.
       The pianist/youtuber is playing a piano in what looks like maybe
       an airport mall. It appears to be a typical mall you might see
       in the US. There's lots of people dragging luggage behind them,
       which make me wonder if it's an airport. This is in the UK. This
       guy just plays a piano in public and people around either join
       him at the piano and play or they dance to his tunes.
       Anyway, this video features visitors from another country,
       clearly allowing themselves to be filmed and then tell the
       pianist to stop filming them (their group.) He declines, reminds
       them they are in a free country.
       Anyway, give it a view. He's going to be on a talk show tonight,
       Jan 22. I'm just doing my part to spread an honest to goodness
       free speech discussion.
       When in Rome, do as the Romans.Roman's.
       I forgot to mention, the CCCP is trying to get this video
       removed. To which I say, they can FATWO
       I think that's St. Pancras Station in London.
       If they didn't want their faces shown they could easily have
       walked far enough from from the camera not to be recognizable.
       Confronting the piano players is going to make them more
       noticeable, not less.  Truly, walking through a major city
       anywhere in the world, including China, today without getting
       your face on cameras is not going to happen.
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