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       #Post#: 4--------------------------------------------------
       Freedom. :D With some rules. ._.
       By: Heyitscava Date: May 27, 2013, 9:50 am
       Hello, everyone. I know this isn't much, but I just made this
       forum thing so we can get away from the M3WL.
       Ya, no word list. :DD
       I've got to admit, it's kind of cool. The icons aren't as scary
       as the Moshi-icons, we can do the original font sizes, colors,
       and fonts.
       Like I said, I do have rules.
       1. I don't care if you swear. Just for the sake of everyone,
       don't  bully anyone. .-. Please.
       2. Links, account names for websites, and free roleplaying is
       3. No outsiders. Meaning, the only people who should be on here
       are the people from any category in the Moshi Forums.
       4. No stupid choices, 'kay?
       Don't email me, though.
       Have fun..?
       Ya, have fun. [/color]