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       #Post#: 94--------------------------------------------------
       Share widget
       By: Emma Date: February 21, 2013, 11:53 am
       I have tried to invite friends using invite friends but does not
       On my website you can get share widgets which include face book.
       Can you get them for this?
       #Post#: 95--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Share widget
       By: InbalB Date: February 21, 2013, 1:54 pm
       Its a good idea (odd te invite doesn't work though, ill have to
       check when ive got more time)
       Nothing about this sort of feature in help but maybe we can get
       help through their forums.
       We will post a pic with link on HYM fb group that you will be
       able to share with friends when we are ready.
       #Post#: 96--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Share widget
       By: Emma Date: February 21, 2013, 4:42 pm
       Lovely, Took me a while when i set my website up to figure stuff
       out :-)
       Looking good so far x
       #Post#: 97--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Share widget
       By: admin Date: February 22, 2013, 2:07 pm
       off to try and share now
       had intended to do it last night, great night at brownies, but
       when i got home my laptop was upstairs and when i sat down i
       just couldn't be bothered to get it
       #Post#: 98--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Share widget
       By: admin Date: February 22, 2013, 2:12 pm
       i can't get it to do anything useful at the moment  ???