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       #Post#: 174--------------------------------------------------
       anadin extra
       By: admin Date: March 27, 2013, 4:13 am
       a friend has asked me if it is safe to take anadin extra while
       I am off to breastfeeding group in a bit, or if no answer from
       there will try and contact someone else that knows
       but was just wondering if anyone knew in the meantime
       #Post#: 175--------------------------------------------------
       Re: anadin extra
       By: julia Date: March 27, 2013, 4:25 am
       Im not sure as it contains aspirin, paracetamol and caffeine.
       When i was bf - i only ever took straight paracetamol.
       My dr told me i could take ibuprofen occasionally (as in once a
       month) - but i never did
       I always thought aspirin was a no no....
       Also lemsips and things like that are a no no too when
       I googled it and found this
 (HTM) http://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/breast_and_bottle_feeding/1202391-Breastfeeding-and-anadin-extra/AllOnOnePage
       Hope that helps.... (maybe ring your gp and dbl check)
       #Post#: 176--------------------------------------------------
       Re: anadin extra
       By: VickiC Date: March 27, 2013, 4:52 am
       Hey, I was always told the same... Aspirin a no-no, just
       straight paracetamol. But then I have been prescribed stronger
       painkillers while breastfeeding. I think perhaps it is the
       caffeine etc in it. Maybe get docs to prescribe if she needs
       something stronger than paracetamol? Xxx
       Hope all is well ladies.