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       #Post#: 1529--------------------------------------------------
       Beta Battles
       By: Annnarchist Date: September 6, 2013, 1:10 pm
       So, I've mentioned this before, and I thought I would go ahead
       see if anyone would be up for doing a beta battle!
       For those of you who don't know, or know it by a different name,
       a beta battle is essentially where two editors are given certain
       criteria, and usually a set amount of time, to create a video.
       For example, I could give you half an hour in which to make
       something using Paradise by Coldplay, with no New Blue effects.
       You would then send it to me, and I would upload it to the group
       channel, and ask people to vote on their favourite. Whoever gets
       the most votes, wins. If there are more than 2 editors, the
       winner would then do a beta battle with another editor, and
       another, until there was an overall winner.
       To set the ball rolling, I am going to challenge you to beta
       battle. Anyone who wants to take part, just leave a comment
       below, and depending on how many of you are interested, I'll
       sort out who is battling who XD
       If only one person replies, they'll be battling me XD
       If no one replies, I'll just sit in a corner and be a lonely
       potato forever.
       B E T A   B A T T L E   #1
       Song: Laura Palmer by Bastille
       Fandom: Game of Thrones (since we ARE a GoT group :P)
       Time Limit: 1 hour (not including rendering time)
       XeniteDeAmphipolis vs. Annnarchist
       I have no way of making sure you keep to the time limit, so I'm
       trusting you :P
       I can also provide a download link for the song, if needed :)
       #Post#: 1549--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Beta Battles
       By: XeniteDeAmphipolis Date: September 19, 2013, 10:45 am
       Well, I have never done something like this before so I could
       #Post#: 1550--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Beta Battles
       By: Annnarchist Date: September 19, 2013, 1:08 pm
       I'll put you down and see if anyone else is interested. If not,
       you're up against me XD
       #Post#: 1551--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Beta Battles
       By: XeniteDeAmphipolis Date: September 20, 2013, 8:55 am
       I like the challenges ;)