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       #Post#: 2--------------------------------------------------
       By: Annnarchist Date: April 13, 2012, 8:33 am
       Name: Anna
       Age: 18
       Program: Sony Vegas Platinum Move Studio
       Fandoms: Non/Disney, Game of Thrones (duh!), Sherlock, City
       Hunter, Marvel/DC etc. - basically whatever I'm obsessed with at
       the time :P
       #Post#: 16--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Introductions
       By: hannahtheuncool Date: April 19, 2012, 3:28 pm
       Name: Hannah
       Age: 22
       Program: Sony Vegas Pro 10
       Fandoms: Non/Disney, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, The Borgias,
       Marvel/DC and much much much more
       #Post#: 21--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Introductions
       By: VickiLovesDoctorWho Date: April 19, 2012, 4:09 pm
       Name: Vicki
       Age: 23
       Program: Sony Vegas Pro 8
       Fandoms: Doctor Who, Merlin, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Secret
       Diary of a Call, and what was the other one?........something
       about Thrones :P
       (and also Once Upon a Time, Being Human, Misfits, and Torchwood.
       When I've got the time/episodes.)
       #Post#: 22--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Introductions
       By: harrypfanmcc Date: April 19, 2012, 4:22 pm
       Name: Madeleine (Mad, for short)
       Age: 20
       Program: Sony Vegas Pro 11
       Fandoms: Oh dear gods...a bit of just about everything. If I
       were to try and compile a list, it would be VERY long xD
       #Post#: 24--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Introductions
       By: Nirmenia Date: April 19, 2012, 4:53 pm
       Name: Lea
       Age: 18 (well, 19 in two weeks)
       Program: Final Cut Express
       Fandoms: Game of Thrones (*cough*), Downton Abbey, Once Upon A
       Time, Lord of the Rings, some other films and generally
       shows/movies i'm obsessed with :)
       #Post#: 29--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Introductions
       By: SergeantScarlett Date: April 19, 2012, 5:05 pm
       Name: Ellie
       Age: 21
       Program: Sony Vegas 10 Pro
       Fandoms: Merlin, GOT, Thor, OUAT, Disney and MANY others...
       It's so brilliant to be part of a GOT group! Lovely to meet you
       all! <3
       #Post#: 44--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Introductions
       By: IrisMn Date: April 20, 2012, 6:02 am
       Name: Mony
       Age: 21
       Program: Sony Vegas Pro10
       Fandoms: GOT, Rome, Boardwalk Empire, The Tudors, The Borgias,
       True Blood, Merlin and many more ;)
       #Post#: 45--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Introductions
       By: VoicesInDream Date: April 20, 2012, 8:18 am
       Name: Rita
       Age: 19
       Program: Sony Vegas Pro 8
       Fandoms: Game of Thrones (of course :p), Legend of The Seeker,
       Once Upon A Time, Lord of the Rings and many more, though not
       that obsessed with others x)
       #Post#: 212--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Introductions
       By: taniarus Date: May 4, 2012, 1:12 pm
       Name: tania
       Age: 16
       Program: sony vegas 9.0
       Fandoms: game of thrones, sherlock, the hunger games and many
       #Post#: 717--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Introductions
       By: XeniteDeAmphipolis Date: January 8, 2013, 4:24 pm
       Name: Pilar
       Age: 14
       Program: Movie Studio Platinum 12.0
       Fandoms: Game of Thrones (my full favourite), Merlin, LOTS,
       Xena, Thor...
       I'm sooo glad for have been chosen:DD
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