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       #Post#: 688--------------------------------------------------
       By: Annnarchist Date: January 6, 2013, 2:36 pm
 (HTM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk9JSOmujEA
       Here's the audition video! (Nothing fancy :P)
       Any responses I get, I will post here for you to tell me what
       you think :)
       Also, if you guys think you know anyone who would like to join,
       let me know and I'll check them out and maybe send them an
       invite :)
       #Post#: 691--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Auditions
       By: Annnarchist Date: January 6, 2013, 3:24 pm
       sigyn27 suggested that members could maybe upload the audition
       video on their channels, to raise awareness - so here is a link
 (HTM) http://www.mediafire.com/?t6to1k8tdtbiz6e
       if anyone would like to upload it, it would be greatly
       appreciated :)
       #Post#: 693--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Auditions
       By: Annnarchist Date: January 6, 2013, 3:31 pm
       YAYYY our first response!
       Let me know what you guys think :)
 (HTM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24BJ-g5cMRI
       #Post#: 695--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Auditions
       By: sigyn27 Date: January 6, 2013, 6:29 pm
       I like it :) I've been XeniteDeAmphipolis's subscriber for a
       month or so, and I like most of her GoT videos I've seen. She
       just needs to get another version of GoT episodes, because these
       TV logos and stuff are annoying xD
       #Post#: 697--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Auditions
       By: sigyn27 Date: January 7, 2013, 4:33 am
       About the new video responses - a big yes to ElanneHarvelle
       (Doctor Who - Deja vu). I love her videos and I was about to
       send her a message about the auditions, when I saw she had
       already posted a video response:D
       Another big yes to Cassaravi (Supernatural - The Devil Within),
       because she's one of the people I spammed about IFS xD I don't
       think she has actually vidded with GoT but she's a big fan of it
       and I think she's a really talented vidder.
       BellatrixLestrangeSC (Oswin&Loki) - I think the video is so-so
       plus I see she's not a very experienced vidder as she has made
       12 videos so far and none of the with GoT.
       Mcbrewer (Liz/Dick - Too close) - I don't know this vidder but
       the video is really good, maybe the timing is not pefect in the
       second half, but all in all a good video.
       Sansaryas (Arya Stark - O'Death) - no.... I am Sansaryas's
       subscriber and I like her vids, but I don't think she's good
       enough to become a member, at least not yet.
       #Post#: 698--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Auditions
       By: harrypfanmcc Date: January 7, 2013, 8:15 am
       Here's my 2 cents on all the video responses we've gotten thus
       for as auditions (I also went through and poked about their
       channels a bit). I tried to be as objective as possible:
       XeniteDeAmphipolis - A definite knack for making simple, yet
       effective GOT videos though, like everyone has been saying,
       those TV watermarks on the clips NEED to go. They're really,
       REALLY distracting xP
       mcbrewer - While it's obvious there's talent overall with
       vidding, their one GOT video that I was able to find was kinda
       less then stellar. It was unfocused and nothing particularly
       "Wow! Okay, this person's really good!" On the whole, kind of
       BellatrixLestrangeSC - While the vidders' colourings are quite
       lovely, throughout all of her videos, the editing itself seems
       to still be in a bit of a 'development' phase. I don't quite
       think this vidder is ready for something of this caliber--needs
       more time to really develop a) a style and b) some more
       technical skills.
       sansaryas - While this vidder is a subscriber of my own and
       quite lovely to talk to, I agree with sigyn27 that this vidder
       is NOT ready for something like this, as can be seen not only in
       the audition video, but in the other videos on sansaryas'
       ElanneHarvelle - Although there is nothing GOT-related in this
       person's vids, this is, without doubt, the strongest auditioner
       I've seen of the group (thus far). The style is sleek, honed,
       and well-practiced; the instinct for clip choices in tempered
       with clear understanding of flow and focus; and everything else
       is just so well-done. This person gets a definitely YES, PLEASE
       from me.
       Cassaravi - Another one with no GOT-related videos, but there's
       a good deal of talent. Not the strongest auditioner of the
       group, but definitely in the top tier. I'd like to see an
       example of some GOT-related work, just to see what this vidder
       would do, but, with what is there, there's no denying that
       there's a developing nugget of talent.
       LeliaTheFay - Ummm...it's alright, I guess. Like mcbrewer and
       XeniteDeAmphipolis, I'm just kind of left yawning and going
       #Post#: 699--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Auditions
       By: sigyn27 Date: January 7, 2013, 12:43 pm
       LeliaTheFaye - I really like the audition video but... it's a
       crossover. It's interesting for a crossover, because of the
       pairing and because the manips are quite nice, but I'm not
       entirely sure she's good enough when it comes to regular vids.
       She hasn't made that many videos, like BellatrixLestrangeSC, so
       again I'd say we need someone with more experience when it comes
       to vidding.
       As to ElanneHarvelle, she did make some videos with GoT long
       time ago. But her newer videos have nothing to do with GoT,
       that's true. I'd say she's number 1 so far, and Cassaravi is
       number 2 for me. I know that no GoT videos is a big
       disadvantage, but she's really got talent, and some of her
       videos are truly awesome.
       #Post#: 701--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Auditions
       By: sigyn27 Date: January 8, 2013, 5:33 am
       EveIsTheApple - yes yes yes! I love this vidder <3 And the
       audition video is wonderful!
       effortlesslybetter - another vidder with few videos on their
       channel, but all of them seem good, including the oldest one
       with Jaime/Cersei... A cautious yes from me.
       #Post#: 702--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Auditions
       By: harrypfanmcc Date: January 8, 2013, 7:50 am
       effortlesslybetter - Maybe I'm a bit of a not-so-nice person,
       but I was prepared to dislike this vidder just based on their
       name; I, personally, didn't find it cute, but rather arrogant.
       Anywho, I was pleasantly surprised in that there is some talent
       behind the name. Still not the strongest auditioner I've seen
       thus far, but I'm cautiously intrigued to see what this person
       could/would do with some GOT footage.
       EveIsTheApple - Like ElanneHarvelle, this is probably one of the
       strongest auditions yet. I tried not to be biased, as I am one
       of this vidder's susbscribers but, poking around everything,
       this vidder really does have a great deal of talent and would
       really thrive in this group.
       #Post#: 707--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Auditions
       By: Annnarchist Date: January 8, 2013, 11:40 am
       asdfghjk you guys are all so amazing!!! i am no good at
       choosing, i can never say no to anyone :P ok, i'll make up a
       yes/no list in the first post :)
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