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       #Post#: 16287--------------------------------------------------
       Let's have a reasonable and friendly discussion about military a
       ffairs all over the world
       By: Beowolff Date: March 4, 2021, 5:49 am
       [center]Let's have a reasonable and friendly discussion about
       military affairs all over the world---Can We Do It?[/center]
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/RFbVnNW7/arm-cover-soldiers-2.jpg[/center]
       The question begs an answer, and I do believe that we 'can' do
       it (and be civil).  So, let's give it a try.  Please, no
       rants/rages and please no soapboxes (if that's even possible,
       lol.)  We aren't here to 'attack' anyone or put anyone down.
       We're here to discuss, in friendly ways... OUR ideas of the
       world's military forces and how they ARE being used today and
       possibly (in OUR opinion) how they 'should' be used today.
       Any military unit in any military branch (world wide) is fodder
       for this discussion.  Love it, hate it, indifferent to it...does
       not matter, just be civil and truthful and tell us how you view
       it and your ideas on how it 'is' or 'should' be used in our
       world of today.  Things for discussion include,
       weapons...individual arms or machines and or BIG GUNS including
       units/hospitals/clothing/food/gear/radios/etc also Tactics,
       Deployments and so on.  Anything present-day military (within
       reason, again keeping it civil and purely thought
       Have fun with this!
       #Post#: 16291--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Let's have a reasonable and friendly discussion about milita
       ry affairs all over the world
       By: Beowolff Date: March 4, 2021, 6:51 am
       Wait a minute... just had a thought!  :o
       Is this topic TOO big for a single thread ...or should I do a
       side forum so we can actually NAME the country and or unit we're
       discussing at the time?
       For instance;  say I wanted to discuss the current British
       military... If there was a forum set up for such discussions I
       could simply start a NEW thread under the title of 'current
       British Army (or Navy or whatever) and start my discussion.
       Interested parties could simply come into the new thread there
       and comment/discuss?
       This would (fingers crossed) keep everything tidy and un-muddy?
       What say you?
       Come on let's hear from you on this!  If you're interested in
       all things military, current militaries around the world and or
       how such militaries function peacetime/war/deployment/etc...
       this should be fun for you!  What say you on a forum about this
       (say a child forum to the Pub here?)
       #Post#: 16305--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Let's have a reasonable and friendly discussion about milita
       ry affairs all over the world
       By: Beowolff Date: March 4, 2021, 3:41 pm
       Right Russ... agreed.  But what I'm looking for here is a
       genuine discussion of the inner workings of the different types
       of service... and what people think of them/how they perceive
       them...I.E. their thoughts about them (spoken with civil tones,
       of course.)  Also their use by their respective countries, I.E.
       their deployment in and out of their respective countries...in
       other words their duties/actions/missions, and how everyone sees
       those deployments/duties/missions.
       For instance, if one wanted to speak of say the US Marine Corp
       then they might start the discussion by giving a little
       background about the Corp, both on original startup and it's
       evolution plus a current more modern look at it's
       missions/actions continuing on with ideas about it's weapons,
       kit, training, deployment across the globe from anything as
       small as a small embassy deployment somewhere on a tiny island
       to a BIG force stationed in a BIG base in the USA or elsewhere.
       That sort of thing... and of course everyone's thoughts (long as
       they're civil) are welcome.  And so on for French units, German
       units, Brits, and so on.
       #Post#: 16311--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Let's have a reasonable and friendly discussion about milita
       ry affairs all over the world
       By: Beowolff Date: March 5, 2021, 3:07 am
       Well, as you can see, I have gone ahead and created a 'modern'
       military board discussion room.
       Rules are simple... when you get ready to discuss a NEW military
       unit, simple create a new thread NAMING that unit (for instance
       US Marine, or British Marine or French Navy or whatever.)  In
       the new thread, simply post your thoughts on them (civilly and
       with due respect of course...sure you can gripe about them but
       do it cordially and with awareness of others...in other words,
       NO SLANDER or undue ACCUSATIONS stirring up trouble.  Simply use
       common, cordial sense!)
       Once a thread has been created, unless there's some sort of
       update/spin-off of the that particular topic, please stay within
       the particular topic you're posting about to make posts
       concerning the topic's heading.  (In other words don't make a
       NEW topic about US Marines if there's already a topic started
       about them.  Any comments/thoughts, etc for US Marines would go
       inside the ALREADY created topic (if there is one) about US
       Marines.)  An exception to this, the US Navy for instance,
       'might' be different and might require a NEW topic for say, US
       Navy Seal Team Units... and so on.  Get the idea?
       Any questions?  This is the thread to ask in!   ;D
       #Post#: 16313--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Let's have a reasonable and friendly discussion about milita
       ry affairs all over the world
       By: Beowolff Date: March 5, 2021, 4:44 am
       I've started the ball rolling with this boards 'first' post
       about a fave military unit of mine... The French Foreign Legion.
 (HTM) https://il2freemodding.createaforum.com/il2's-'modern-military'-discussion-board'/french-foreign-legion/]French<br
       />Foreign Legion (createaforum.com)[/iurl]
       I've done a sort of historical aspect/slant to it but YOU don't
       have to go that route unless you want to.  But, feel welcome to
       use my method for your own topic...if you want!
       #Post#: 18561--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Let's have a reasonable and friendly discussion about milita
       ry affairs all over the world
       By: Toobone Date: February 23, 2023, 3:27 pm
       Hi, guys!
       Its about war in Ukraine.
       At 02/21/2023 into the bus station in Kherson city russians
       fired a few shells of BM-21 from the left bank of the Dnieper
       Killed 5 people 21 wounded.
       Here's the face of war after it:
 (HTM) [img]http://<a href=[/img][img
 (HTM) https://i.ibb.co/F5BqNrD/photo-2023-02-23-23-18-36.jpg[/img]
       &#1082;&#1072;&#1088;&#1090;&#1080;&#1085;&#1082;&#1091; &#1074;
 (HTM) https://ru.imgbb.com/
 (HTM) " />[img]http://<a href=[/img][img
 (HTM) https://i.ibb.co/JQQYk2P/face.jpg[/img]
       &#1082;&#1072;&#1088;&#1090;&#1080;&#1085;&#1082;&#1091; &#1074;
 (HTM) https://ru.imgbb.com/
       " />
       #Post#: 18562--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Let's have a reasonable and friendly discussion about milita
       ry affairs all over the world
       By: stanislao Date: February 24, 2023, 11:18 am
       :(    I am puzzled dear Toobone... I don't recall this page
       being intended by Beowolff to address this topic....