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       #Post#: 16312--------------------------------------------------
       French Foreign Legion
       By: Beowolff Date: March 5, 2021, 4:41 am
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/C11MM6y1/d10a65ffc44d4c3a9d2caa1af4a8c7f1.jpg[/center]
       [center]The French Foreign Legion[/center]
       Ah, the Foreign Legion!  Of course this dredges up old memories
       of myself as a kid watching those old black and white shows on
       TV, those old movies... of gallant and brave Legionnaires
       bravely marching through the burning desert always under threat
       of attack by brutal tribesmen just over the next sand dune!
       Oh how 'I' wanted to join up with them!  But of course I wasn't
       eligible as a kid of five or six, eh?  LOL!   ;D
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/PrxSTWFq/b08091164c4126245c8e4dab169563e3.jpg
       Those were the days of big dreams...my childhood...for stuck on
       a hard scrabble farm/ranch where I was expected to work like a
       grown man even at the tender age of four didn't leave me a whole
       lot of 'fun' to have.  I had to 'steal' time to play and just be
       a kid and so such adventuresome, romantic ideas of gallant
       Legionnaires (and cowboys and Indians and such) always filled my
       head in what little spare time I had to play.
       Of course true life wasn't so glamorous as my
       daydreams/imagination would have it.
       The Legionnaires had it rough, very rough, especially in the
       early days and it's still no cakewalk today.
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/wTMYZsXX/2ab6c170245384849152fbee370a0ed8.jpg
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/jjr9xW7k/7fafa63028a3c35ae59f5025c4970956.jpg
       {Source Wiki)
       [font=sans-serif]Since 1831, the Legion has consisted of
       hundreds of thousands in active service at its peak, and
       suffered the aggregated loss of nearly 40,000
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Foreign_Legion#cite_note-11][color=#0645ad][11][/iurl][/font][/color][/sup][font=sans-serif]<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France][font=sans-serif]France[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algeria][font=sans-serif]Algeria[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morocco][font=sans-serif]Morocco[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunisia][font=sans-serif]Tunisia[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madagascar][font=sans-serif]Madagascar[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Africa][font=sans-serif]West<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexico][font=sans-serif]Mexico[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italy][font=sans-serif]Italy[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimea][font=sans-serif]Crimea[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spain][font=sans-serif]Spain[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-China][font=sans-serif]Indo-China[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norway][font=sans-serif]Norway[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria][font=sans-serif]Syria[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chad][font=sans-serif]Chad[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaïre][font=sans-serif]Zaïre[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanon][font=sans-serif]Lebanon[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Africa][font=sans-serif]Central<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabon][font=sans-serif]Gabon[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuwait][font=sans-serif]Kuwait[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwanda][font=sans-serif]Rwanda[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Djibouti][font=sans-serif]Djibouti[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslavia][font=sans-serif]Yugoslavia[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somalia][font=sans-serif]Somalia[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_Congo][font=sans-serif]Republic<br
       />of Congo[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivory_Coast][font=sans-serif]Ivory<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghanistan][font=sans-serif]Afghanistan[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mali][font=sans-serif]Mali[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
       />as well as others. The French Foreign Legion was primarily use
       to help protect and expand the
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_colonial_empire][font=sans-serif]French<br
       />colonial empire[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif] during the 19th
       century. The Foreign Legion was initially stationed only in
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Algeria][font=sans-serif]Algeria[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
       />where it took part in the
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacification_of_Algeria][font=sans-serif]pacification[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif]<br
       />and development of the colony. Subsequently, the Foreign Legio
       was deployed in a number of conflicts, including the
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Carlist_War][font=sans-serif]First<br
       />Carlist War[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif] in 1835, the
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimean_War][font=sans-serif]Crimean<br
       />War[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif] in 1854, the
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Italian_War_of_Independence][font=sans-serif]Second<br
       />Italian War of Independence[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif] in
       1859, the
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_intervention_in_Mexico][font=sans-serif]French<br
       />intervention in Mexico[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif] in 1863,
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franco-Prussian_War][font=sans-serif]Franco-Prussian<br
       />War[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif] in 1870, the
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonkin_Campaign][font=sans-serif]Tonkin<br
       />Campaign[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif] and
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-French_War][font=sans-serif]Sino-French<br
       />War[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif] in 1883, supporting growth 
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_colonial_empire][font=sans-serif]French<br
       />colonial empire[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif] in
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sub-Saharan_Africa][font=sans-serif]Sub-Saharan<br
       />Africa[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif], the
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Franco-Dahomean_War][font=sans-serif]Second<br
       />Franco-Dahomean War[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif] in 1892, th
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Madagascar_expedition][font=sans-serif]Second<br
       />Madagascar expedition[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif] in 1895 a
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandingo_Wars][font=sans-serif]Mandingo<br
       />Wars[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif] in 1894. In
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I][font=sans-serif]World<br
       />War I[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif], the Foreign Legion fough
       in many critical battles on the
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Front_(World_War_I)][font=sans-serif]Western<br
       />Front[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif]. It played a smaller role
       in World War II than in World War I, though having a part in the
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_Campaign][font=sans-serif]Norwegian[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria-Lebanon_Campaign][font=sans-serif]Syrian[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif]<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_African_Campaign][font=sans-serif]North<br
       />African[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif] campaigns. During the
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Indochina_War][font=sans-serif]First<br
       />Indochina War[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif] (1946–1954), the
       Foreign Legion saw its numbers swell. The Legion lost a large
       number of men in the (for them) catastrophic
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Dien_Bien_Phu][font=sans-serif]Battle<br
       />of Dien Bien Phu[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif] against forces
       of the
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viet_Minh][font=sans-serif]Viet<br
       [/font]{source quote end}
       So, as you can see from the above, the Legion has never had it
       easy... they've been thrown into combat all over the world in
       the hottest of hot spots, they've been marched into slaughter
       time and time again and for the most part (no matter the good or
       bad of the political situation driving them) they've performed
       Go here for more historic (wiki) information:
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Foreign_Legion]French<br
       />Foreign Legion - Wikipedia[/iurl]
       Modern Legionnaires continue that trend from what I can
       tell/read/hear about.
       Now how do 'I' feel or what do 'I' (as an adult) feel about the
       Legion?  Well, I know they've not always been used wisely, many
       times they've simply been the French Government's Enforcers
       rather than Defenders... I get that.  I also get that 'most'
       military forces around the world has been used similarly from
       time to time.  (Sadly enough.)  That's the way of life, I
       suppose.  Military units may not 'be' political (well, until
       recently anyway) but the military has always been stuck with
       having to do the political whims (good or bad) of governments
       and politicians since time immortal.  I doubt if it'll ever
       I still feel an excitement about the Foreign Legion...to this
       day!  Ha!  Their [font=Roboto, sans-serif]Esprit de Corps has
       always been and still is one of their main linchpins/attractions
       for me.  Of course they've 'still' got the coolest uniforms and
       some darn exotic/cool looking weapons too.  Too old and too fat
       now to be a gob-smacked 'good-looking' Legionnaire I still
       'imagine' myself marching along through the desert with them
       Here is a link to an official site:
 (HTM) https://www.legion-etrangere.com/]LEGION
       A map showing recent and current Legion deployments and other
 (HTM) http://foreignlegion.inf
       A link to more current info on the Legion:
 (HTM) http://foreignlegion.inf
       Legion: Overseas Deployments 2018 | French Foreign Legion
       These guys are superbly trained combat soldiers, certainly I
       respect them immensely.  I (as you might have already noted)
       haven't always agreed with the political aspects of their
       deployments...yet I have and still do feel they are a powerful
       force (usually) for good in this world.  Certainly they are no
       one to mess with when it comes to hot combat!
       Discussion on this subject is VERY welcome, as are comments and
       shooting the breeze conversation.
       Please join in and let us know your views, thoughts, opinions
       #Post#: 16317--------------------------------------------------
       Re: French Foreign Legion
       By: Dreamk Date: March 5, 2021, 5:10 am
       The whole size of the Foreign Legion is less than 9000 men. Most
       of the French troops operating in the Sahel area are not Foreign
       Legion but regular French army units.
       The Foreign legion is made of 8 regiments (including 1 paratroop
       regt, 1 cavalry regt, 2 engineers regt , 2 infantry regt and 2
       non-combat regt that can serve in case of need as combat support
       units) and a "half-brigade" (an expanded motorized infantry regt
       operating in support of a light armour regular French regiment
       to which it is integrated - roughly on the model of the
       panzergrenadier units.
       The Paratroop regiment and the 2 Infantry regiments are,
       together with the 3rd marine Infantry Regiment, the best troops
       of the French army - some say the only good troops, and in fact
       till the intervention in Sahel they were the only French troops
       with operational experience - The growing needs of troops for
       the French intervention there has demanded huge changes in the
       training of other regular French army units so as to bring them
       to an acceptable operational status, an objective which seems to
       have been reached in the last two years, that have seen a
       drastic increase in the professionalism of French soldiers
       involved in the Sahel operations - but also of their losses as
       they are now directly involved in active fighting.
       #Post#: 16318--------------------------------------------------
       Re: French Foreign Legion
       By: Beowolff Date: March 5, 2021, 9:01 am
       Excellent information, DK!   8)  Thank you for your comment and
       9000 men seems such a small amount for the firepower they can
       put out, eh!
       For people unfamiliar with the name Sahel, here is more info:
       [font=Roboto, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Sahel is the ecoclimatic
       and biogeographic realm of transition in Africa between the
       Sahara to the north and the Sudanian savanna to the south.
       Having a semi-arid climate, it stretches across the
       south-central latitudes of Northern Africa between the Atlantic
       Ocean and the Red Sea.
       Link to Wiki pages info-
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sahel#cite_note-38]Sahel
       [font=Roboto, Helvetica, sans-serif]
 (HTM) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c1/Camels_in_Chad.png[/font]
       [font=Linux Libertine, Georgia, Times, serif]Instability and
       violence  (from wiki)[/font]
       [font=sans-serif]Terrorist organizations including
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boko_Haram][color=#0645ad]Boko<br
       />Haram[/iurl] and
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Qaeda_in_the_Islamic_Maghreb]Al-Qaeda<br
       />in the Islamic Maghreb[/iurl] (AQIM) operating in the Sahel ha
       contributed to the violence, extremism and instability of the
       [font=sans-serif]The violent
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herder–farmer_conflicts_in_Nigeria][font=sans-serif]herder–farmer<br
       />conflicts in Nigeria[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_2019_attacks_against_Fulani_herders][font=sans-serif]Mali[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif],<br
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudanese_nomadic_conflicts][font=sans-serif]Sudan[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif]<br
       />and other countries in the Sahel region have been exacerbated 
       climate change, land degradation, and
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_growth]population<br
       />growth[/iurl].[/font][font=sans-serif] Droughts and food
       shortages have been also linked to the
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Mali_conflict][font=sans-serif]Northern<br
       />Mali conflict[/font][/iurl][font=sans-serif].[/font]
       [font=Roboto, Helvetica, sans-serif]French forces there:
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/q7nzYSkf/Frances-Operation-Barkhane-1024x765.jpg[/font]
       [font=Roboto, Helvetica,
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/NjvMXb6p/b98c076d9b62a0ff24bb4c210b9d1b6bc4179993.jpg[/font]
       #Post#: 16320--------------------------------------------------
       Re: French Foreign Legion
       By: Cashmere_Dave Date: March 5, 2021, 3:19 pm
       From memory, there was a time in the early 1980s when they were
       banned from training with the French army. The Army soldiers
       sustained too many inuries. ;)
       #Post#: 16324--------------------------------------------------
       Re: French Foreign Legion
       By: Beowolff Date: March 5, 2021, 6:31 pm
       [quote author=Cashmere_Dave link=topic=2275.msg16320#msg16320
       From memory, there was a time in the early 1980s when they were
       banned from training with the French army. The Army soldiers
       sustained too many inuries. ;)
       I heard that too but have no idea if it's true...  anybody for
       sure on that or is it just people talking?   8)
       #Post#: 16330--------------------------------------------------
       Re: French Foreign Legion
       By: Beowolff Date: March 6, 2021, 8:19 am
       Looks like the old FAMAS (and newer modified versions) along
       with HK's are the standard rifles of the Legion.  Nice weapons.
       I have fired a FAMAS (and thought it a grand weapon), I've not
       shot the HK but there's little doubt it's a quality weapon.
 (HTM) http://foreignlegion.inf
       Foreign Legion Weapons PA MAC 50 PA,(MAC)%2C thereafter by
       Manufacture d’Armes de Saint-Étienne (MAS).]Equipment | French
       Foreign Legion Information[/iurl]
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/BncWMpGM/f1famas30.jpg
       #Post#: 16332--------------------------------------------------
       Re: French Foreign Legion
       By: Dreamk Date: March 6, 2021, 10:46 am
       The French army underwent a drastic change in the end-80s: they
       stooped being a conscription army ('people army"), the army
       being from now on a smaller professional army.
       The conscription army was fully ineffective (what can you do
       with masses of conscripts, staying only 12 months overall under
       the flag, beyond basic training) - and the combined training
       exercises involving both such conscripted units and professional
       units like the Foreign legion, resulted in a high level of
       accidental injuries (or worse), as could be expected - thus the
       ensuing logical decision to keep these units training
       The French army of today is much more efficient for intervention
       in small conflicts (but of course totally unsuited to a full war
       situation) - implementing the model of training and logistics of
       the Foreign legion but also the branches integration seen in the
       US marines - this can bee seen on the map of the Barkane
       operation were armor, helicopters, engineers, logistic and
       infantry are integrated in a fighting force. The Air force
       remains the weakest point of the French army, and will
       apparently remain so in the coming years.
       #Post#: 16335--------------------------------------------------
       Re: French Foreign Legion
       By: Beowolff Date: March 6, 2021, 10:56 am
       Again, great information, DK...  thank you.  Question though,
       you mentioned aircraft being a weakness... what is the problem
       there?  France has throughout the years had wonderful and
       sophisticated military aircraft (especially in the years AFTER
       WW2) so what has happened there to cause trouble?
       #Post#: 16336--------------------------------------------------
       Re: French Foreign Legion
       By: Dreamk Date: March 6, 2021, 12:50 pm
       [font=Verdana]French air force main mission is still mainly
       focused on being a strategic nuclear vector - together with the
       aging ballistic submarines - something still more stressed after
       the French dismantled their land-based nuclear missile (both
       strategic and tactic) arm.[/font]
       [font=Verdana]Close air support has never been seriously
       developed since the sixties - the Franco-British Jaguar were a
       return to the failed concept of "vol rasant", once again using a
       badly armored plane, with an average overall weapon load (the US
       also implemented at this same period the "vol rasant" concept
       but with the A-10 which was a "flying tank") and the use of the
       Mirage F1 in this role were still worse. [/font]
       [font=Verdana]This is currently the most acute problem of the
       French air force - the Mirage 2000 is a quite good interceptor
       but not suited to close air support. And close air support is
       what is needed for the kind of military operations for which the
       modern French army is designed.[/font]
       [font=Verdana]Another huge problem is the logistics branch -
       still using the short-range short-capacity Transall, they were
       compelled, for the intervention in Sahel, to ask the US for
       support by temporary leasing them C-130 Hercules.[/font]
       [font=Verdana]PS. I see that I forgot the Rafale which is an
       issue by itself - once again, an aircraft initially designed as
       a pure fighter with some degree of stealth capability, it
       underwent a series of successive transformations over the years
       to become suited to a "multi-figher" role. The result is a
       fighter roughly equivalent to the F-18, but with a cumbersome
       (and expensive) maintenance. Maintenance in combat operations is
       are further questioned while at the looking overall very small
       numbers of aircraft built (overall 200 produced including 140
       for France) - as compared with the over 4600 F16 produced - has
       the expected result of a permanent strain on replacement stocks
       (parts and whole aircraft). Maintenance and supply are a classic
       plague of the French air force: during the short intervention in
       Lybia, to oust Khaddafi regime (and put a hand over the oil
       refineries...), the French air force found it soon limited due
       to...the exhaustion of their stock of bombs, as these are
       exclusively French produced, and once again in very limited
       numbers. The re-entry of France in Nato as not improved the
       situation, as France keeps insisting on using only French
       designed and built equipment, instead of aligning with Nato
       #Post#: 16350--------------------------------------------------
       Re: French Foreign Legion
       By: Beowolff Date: March 7, 2021, 3:47 am
       [quote author=Dreamk link=topic=2275.msg16336#msg16336
       date=1615056634][font=Verdana] The re-entry of France in Nato as
       not improved the situation, as France keeps insisting on using
       only French designed and built equipment, instead of aligning
       with Nato standardization.[/font]
       Yes, I see your point.  Perhaps it's the French "vive la
       différence!" that is getting in the way?    :D
       We have our share of that here too, unfortunately.
       You mentioned the Rafale, which is a 'very' attractive looking
       aircraft.  I have not studied it's actual effectiveness but from
       what you say it seems quite powerful and useful, in particular
       if it could standardize it's armament around the NATO supply
 (HTM) https://www.fliegerweb.com/data/NewsPictures/Rafale_F3R_Standard_640.jpg?c=8551[/img]
       Still, effective as a ground attack or not, I suppose it cannot
       (as you mentioned earlier) replace/take-the-place-of such
       dedicated ground sluggers as the US A-10 for low, pinpoint,
       close-in tank/troop/weapon position/etc. strike/attack.  Sadly
       the USA continues to try and get rid of the vaunted A-10 here
       despite it's continued, provable value in attack/close support.
       The A-10 survives here... but only because there is nothing to
       replace it with no matter how much brainless politicians want to
       do away with it.
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