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       #Post#: 16643--------------------------------------------------
       Special forces of Israel
       By: Beowolff Date: March 21, 2021, 4:51 pm
       [font=Linux Libertine, Georgia, Times, serif]Special forces of
       [font=Linux Libertine, Georgia, Times,
 (HTM) https://i.pinimg.com/736x/44/a0/94/44a094b392c05522e12683d0a674db5b.jpg
       Special forces units in the Israel Defense Forces encompass a
       broad definition of specialist units. Such units are usually a
       company or a battalion in strength.  (Wicki)
       Sayeret (Hebrew: סיירת‎,
       pl.: sayarot), or reconnaissance units in the Israel Defense
       Forces (IDF) nomenclature, specialize in intelligence gathering
       and surveillance. In practice, these units specialize in
       commando and other special forces roles, in addition to
       reconnaissance (the degree of specialization varies by units and
       current needs).
       Mista'arvim (Hebrew:
       lit. Arabized; Arabic:
       Musta'arabin), also spelled as mistaravim, are counter-terrorism
       units in whose members are specifically trained to operate
       undercover, in enemy territory, in order to assassinate or
       capture wanted terrorists.
       Unit 101
       Commando Unit 101, the founding Israeli special forces unit, was
       established and commanded by Ariel Sharon on orders from Prime
       Minister David Ben-Gurion in August 1953.[1] They were armed
       with non-standard weapons and tasked with carrying out
       retribution operations across the state's borders—in particular,
       establishing small unit maneuvers, activation and tactical
       insertion and exit tactics.
       Members of the unit were recruited only from agricultural
       Kibbutzim and Moshavim. Membership in the unit was by invitation
       only, and any new member had to be voted on by all existing
       members before they were accepted.[2]
       The unit was merged into the 890th Paratroop Battalion during
       January 1954, on orders of General Dayan, Chief of Staff,
       because he wanted their experience and spirit to be spread among
       all infantry units of IDF starting with the paratroopers. They
       are considered to have had a significant influence on the
       development of subsequent Israeli special forces units.[3]
       Sayeret units
       All combat brigades in the IDF have a unit with improved
       weaponry and training used for reconnaissance and special forces
       missions, trained to use advanced weapons and reconnaissance
       technology, as well as hand-to-hand combat. Historically the
       brigades used to only have one company-sized unit outfitted to
       do this job, known as Palsar (Hebrew contraction of:
       Plugat Siyur (singular) / Plugot Siyur (plural), "Reconnaissance
       Company"). Although the Palsar are mostly oriented at
       battlefield support (which is their raison d'ętre), many have
       participated in special operations during recent years. All
       infantry units as well as some armored units have Palsar. While
       in the past there were differences between the Siyur units, due
       to the experiences of the past decades the IDF is now
       consolidating them into larger units with many different
       capabilities: battalion-sized units called Gadsar (contraction
       of Gdud Siyur, "Reconnaissance battalion"). Each Gadsar is made
       up of three specialized Plugot (companies): demolitions and
       combat engineering (Plugat Habalah Handasit, or Palhan),
       reconnaissance (Plugat Siyur, Palsar) and anti-tank (Pluga Neged
       Tankim, or Palnat).
       On late December 2015, some Ground Force special forces units
       have been assembled in the Oz Brigade.[4][5]
       Other SF units or Sayarot are larger units, operating directly
       under the General Staff. They are tasked with the most sensitive
       missions but they also support other conventional and SF units,
       if needed. Those units are Sayeret Matkal, Shayetet 13 and
       The above units are only conversation starters... The IDF has
       MANY various and different Special Forces type units at it's
       disposal...too many to list here, but information is available
       all over for them.
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/TPKFqYZC/37aff8e221ee62e78916be10b757c158.jpg
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/jjfvSwV0/d181124cbe156a4bb56ec7005b446e07.jpg
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/NFKKQXVR/0013729e43191243c45f0e.jpg
       #Post#: 16651--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Special forces of Israel
       By: Beowolff Date: March 22, 2021, 5:33 am
       There's always been a lot of controversy over Israeli military
       units.  I remember as a kid hearing about all that on TV, even
       old Walter Cronkite (a big-time CBS reporter with tons of
       credits to his name) often spoke of them on his nightly News
       Of course many of the SPECIAL FORCES types, with the Mossad
       certainly being the most well known, were hot topics of
       conversation to people of many walks of life...I.E.
       military-minded people, political-minded people, world news
       savvy people, Far East-minded people and so on.
       The blowups going on during my younger years, I.E. the brutal
       killing of the Israeli Olympic young folk in Munich (Sept 5
       1972) was a mess.  See below link for more info if you don't
       already know about it.
 (HTM) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/massacre-begins-at-munich-olympics]Massacre<br
       />begins at Munich Olympics - HISTORY[/iurl]
       Then the awful hi-jack that led to Entebbe... (the Israeli
       Forces rescued them but at a cost, more info at link below)
 (HTM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Entebbe]Operation<br
       />Entebbe - Wikipedia[/iurl]
       ...And many other brutal/deadly attacks against Jewish/Israeli
       civilians/military units (in particular helpless civilians)
       caused the IDF to be fierce!  And why shouldn't they be fierce?
       (my opinion)  You don't stand idly by and watch your countrymen
       be kidnapped, tortured, slaughtered without lifting a finger to
       protect them, eh?
       No doubt, again my opinion, the IDF occasionally goes
       'over-the-top' in reaction to threats... but again considering
       the harm done to Jewish people and in particular Israeli
       people/innocent civilians...ever school children... I get it
       that they aren't standing around waiting to be butchered.
       Many people world-wide may feel different, and they're welcome
       to 'their' opinion.  But I have GREAT respect for all of the IDF
       forces.  Truly they are a force to be reckoned with in any
       combat in any region of the world.  No doubt they can hold their
       own against 'any' other international military force.  And part
       of that (again my opinion) is their sheer 'over-the-top-ness!.
       They are innovative risk-takers with highly capable leadership
       that isn't afraid to plan bold and big and make hard choices and
       take big chances, __especially chances obviously in 'their'
       One thing is for sure... you don't confront them without dire
       consequences.  On that, their reputation is secure.   ;)
       #Post#: 16652--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Special forces of Israel
       By: Beowolff Date: March 22, 2021, 5:57 am
       Weapons used by Special Forces of Israel?
       Virtually could be ANY weapon as they have and still do use
       whatever they feel needed to get the job done and have vast
       resources available ...weapon stores, from all over the world at
       their disposal.
       [img width=499
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/76Fjs8g0/IDF-Arsenal-08.jpg[/img]
       There's literally TOO MANY weapons to be listed...here's a great
       link to many of them:  *Note, you can look at the descriptions
       there but have to register to get the info/pics.
 (HTM) https://isayeret.com/guides/weapons.shtml]isayeret.com
       The Israeli Special Forces Database[/iurl]
       The only pure Israeli weapons I ever held/fired was the
       excellent Uzi SMG... fantastic submachine gun!  And the
       old/original Galil Israeli Assault Rife...another EXCELLENT
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/L8mktCZX/UZIblack-042051-3.jpg
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/wTynKBWJ/GalilARM.jpg
       I know they've used MANY British and especially American
       weapons, also many captured Russian types... and I've fired many
       of those weapons... but I'm talking their local manufactured
       types here as I spoke of above.  Both the Uzi and the Galil have
       their faults, but wow they were GOOD weapons ranking with
       similar types from any place in the world.
       The new types they're now using look very interesting, though I
       doubt these days I'll ever get a chance to shoot one of them.
       #Post#: 16895--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Special forces of Israel
       By: MADMICK71 Date: April 3, 2021, 2:18 am
       Best Israeli Weapon......The Zohan.
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/qMr7L0zh/images.jpg
       #Post#: 16899--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Special forces of Israel
       By: Beowolff Date: April 3, 2021, 7:17 am
       [quote author=MADMICK71 link=topic=2318.msg16895#msg16895
       Best Israeli Weapon......The Zohan.
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/qMr7L0zh/images.jpg
       Absolutely ^^^!   :D :D :D