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       #Post#: 32--------------------------------------------------
       Gay families
       By: xxxKageDBeastxxx Date: January 28, 2017, 1:38 pm
       In all honesty, shouldn't we be supporting gay couples?  I mean,
       think about it.  Even if you for some reason have a problem with
       people being gay, wouldn't it solve any overpopulation problems?
       Not to mention, think about all of those kids in the adoption
       and foster care systems!  They all need loving families, but
       those are in short supply.  But gay couples who want a family
       and can't have kids of their own can adopt and care for those
       children.  Think about all the good it'll do, especially since
       the foster care system is so messed up right now.
       And I don't want to hear any of that: "Kids shouldn't be raised
       in a gay household" crap.
       #Post#: 36--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Gay families
       By: SkyDragon29 Date: January 28, 2017, 1:43 pm
       Gayness is a world health issue.
       #Post#: 43--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Gay families
       By: dannyg Date: January 28, 2017, 2:35 pm
       Ikr?  Get your sh*t together, world!
       #Post#: 45--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Gay families
       By: mickeypuckpuck Date: January 28, 2017, 2:36 pm
       Wish I had been adopted by a gay family, its better than no
       #Post#: 111--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Gay families
       By: ray.is.not.on.fire Date: January 28, 2017, 6:27 pm
       My cousin and his husband just adopted the cutest little girl
       I've ever seen!  They love her more than anything in the world!
       It's so cute!