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       #Post#: 2--------------------------------------------------
       Stay Safe with Self Harming
       By: JAL-MOD1 Date: November 6, 2013, 8:12 am
       First Aid Information
       NOTE: This thread is NOT a replacement for getting medical help,
       neither is it encouraging self-harm in any way.
       Rather, it’s a collection of first aid information that’s quick
       and easy to understand if anyone needs it. Hopefully, it will
       encourage everyone to take care of themselves, and prevent
       unnecessary infection of wounds and so on. It could be printed
       out and kept in a safe place, just in case.
       In an emergency, you should not hesitate to seek medical
       attention. Get help and call 999 (or 911) for an ambulance.
       Recommended First Aid Kit
       * Surgical Tape
       * Bandages
       * Saline Water
       * Antiseptic
       * Painkillers
       Bleeding - If you lose a great deal of blood, you can go into
       shock. This can get pretty serious as the brain and heart can be
       deprived of much needed blood. If you think you may be going
       into shock, get to a hospital ASAP.
       If there is no object embedded in the wound
       1. Remove, roll up, or cut clothing so you are able to take care
       of the wound.
       2. Apply pressure to the wound. Do this directly by pressing
       with your hand (use a sterile dressing, a non-fluffy pad or
       cloth if you have one).
       3. Support and raise the wound if possible to reduce further
       loss of blood. If the wounded area is particularly large, try to
       press the edges of the wound together to prevent further injury.
       4. If you have a bandage or a clean cloth, secure it around your
       wound to maintain pressure. Using indirect pressure through use
       of a tourniquet above the wound can reduce bleeding; this needs
       to be firm enough to prevent bleeding but not tight enough to
       prevent circulation.
       5. If after approximately 10 minutes the wound is still
       bleeding, dial for an ambulance.
       If there is an object embedded in the wound
       Call an ambulance.
       Take care not to push the object further in. Do not try to
       remove the object, as it could be blocking a major artery or a
       vein, which if pulled out would cause major bleeding.
       1. Rinse wound under running water, or use an antiseptic wipe
       2. Pat it dry
       3. If necessary, apply an adhesive dressing (a plaster).
       If blood only trickles or oozes out of a wound, it is not as
       serious an injury. Hopefully, only blood capillaries have been
       Look out for:
       - Increasing pain and soreness in wound
       - Swelling, redness, or the wound feels “hot”
       - Pus inside, or oozing out of the wound
       - Swollen glands
       - In advanced infection: Fever (sweating, thirst, shivering,
       When To Seek Medical Attention:
       * If the wound continues to bleed heavily once you have carried
       out the above steps, including bandaging.
       * If the cut is deep and has exposed underlying muscle, this is
       dark red in colour.
       * If you have lost sensation in the area of injury, or more
       widespread; you may have cut a nerve.
       * If after a few hours or several days you can see the wound is
       1. Support and raise
       2. Apply pressure using a cold compress for at least 5 minutes
       If your method of self harm is burning by scalding or using a
       heated object then the most important thing you can do is lower
       the temperature of the affected area. The tissue damage that has
       been caused can progress very rapidly so you must rinse the area
       in cold water for at least 10 minutes.
       First of all, you need to take a look at the burn and decide
       what depth it is.
       The deeper the burn, the higher the chance that it will get
       infected. The 3 classifications of depth are "superficial",
       "partial-thickness" and "full-thickness".
       Superficial burns
       These burns will make the skin look red and there may be
       swelling. This is when only the top layer of skin has been
       burnt. If these are larger than five palm areas, you need
       hospital treatment.
       Partial-thickness burns
       You will see a blister formed over the skin - this is due to the
       tissue fluid released from the damaged tissues. The skin around
       it will be red and raw. If the burn is larger than an area the
       size of your hand, you must go to hospital.
       Full-thickness burns
       This is the most severe type of burn, and always requires
       hospital treatment. The burn affects all layers of the skin, and
       there may be damage to nerves, muscles, etc.
       Treatment for severe burns/scalds
       1. Lie down. Prevent the burnt area coming into contact with
       2. Douse burn with water for at least 10 minutes. Dial 999/911
       for an ambulance.
       3. Continue cooling affected area.
       4. Gently remove jewellery, belts, shoes, or clothing before it
       gets stuck to the tissue.
       5. Cover area with a sterile dressing to protect from infection.
       If you don't have one of these, use part of a sheet, kitchen
       film, etc.
       IMPORTANT If there is anything that is already stuck to the
       burn, DO NOT remove it, this could make the situation worse.
       Treatment for minor burns/scalds
       1. Flood injured part with cold water for at least 10 minutes to
       stop burning and relieve pain.
       2. Gently remove jewellery, watches, belts, etc before it starts
       to swell.
       3. Cover area with sterile dressing or a clean, non-fluffy pad
       and bandage losely in place. A plastic bag or kitchen film would
       also make a temporary covering. This will prevent infection.
       If blisters appear, do not burst them. Apply a non-adhesive
       dressing that extends beyond the edges of the blister and leave
       in place until it subsides.
       The skin can also be burned when it is exposed to certain
       chemicals. If the chemical you have used is liquid, wash this
       off with lukewarm water for at least 30 minutes. If the chemical
       is dry, then brush the chemical off before rinsing the area in
       water. Please do not try and neutralise the chemical; if you
       have used an acid DO NOT try and reverse it by adding an alkali.
       All chemical burns should be referred to a Doctor.
       If in doubt, make a visit to your doctor or your local hospital.