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       #Post#: 6--------------------------------------------------
       What is Just a Label?
       By: JAL-MOD1 Date: November 6, 2013, 12:03 pm
       [center]The objective of Just a Label is simple, to create a
       movement. Just a Label strives to promote an inclusive,
       judgment-free society.
       Just a Label is in memory of every person, who due to bullying,
       judgment, not being accepted or being afraid to be who they are
       – took their own life.
       In a way it is true that you are not normal as you aren't
       compared to the majority. The first thing you have to do before
       anything is accept that fact or you will never be happy. It is
       nothing to be ashamed of.
       No matter what tag you wear, no matter what you’re labeled with,
       you are still you. You have a purpose. It is JUST A LABEL.
       “When we judge others we slap a label on them that blocks us
       from seeing their deeper beauty, our universal connection, and
       our common humanity.”
       This page is to feel accepted,safe and just be yourself. This is
       a safe haven for those struggling with different type of
       problems, including bullying, judgment, and recovery.
       'Just a Label'
       is an initiative of Dian Marcovecchio, and own all rights of
       JAL, including the name Just a Label