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       #Post#: 7--------------------------------------------------
       By: JAL-MOD1 Date: November 6, 2013, 12:16 pm
       [center]Welcome to a new safe haven to the page Just a Label.
       Here you can speak openly about your worries, confusions,
       questions, and of course also your achievements! We want you to
       feel safe, and comfortable. No one here will judge you here.
       * This is a supportive community, which is primarily about
       peer-to-peer support, with adult moderators who provide
       additional support and protect the safety of members on the
       page. Please treat everyone with respect and courtesy.
       The only thing asked in return is that we are respectful to all
       members and don't post hurtful or mean comments to others.
       > We expect that each person will respect and maintain the
       confidentiality of the group.
       > This group is built around trust and freedom of speech
       > Differences of opinion are okay. We are all entitled to our
       own point of view.
       > We will not judge other's lifestyle choices or opinions.
       > We won't judge anyone's pain as less than our own.
       > We accept we cannot resolve all problems.
       > We will never give up hope.
       > We will see the individual first, not the illness.
       > The admin team reserves the right to ban anyone on the first
       offense, depending on the situation.
       What you see here, what you hear here, stays here. Please
       respect others’ confidentiality.
       Please also do remember we are only for support and are not a
       substitute for professional care.
       If you feel suicidal, or your self-harm has resulted in a
       serious injury, contact the authorities.
       Under the SUICIDE tab you can find a list of all the helplines!