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       #Post#: 12088--------------------------------------------------
       Ground Zero Community Build Showcase - Part 1
       By: Madman Date: January 15, 2018, 7:51 pm
       This is the first part of a continuing series. If you want your
       build showcased, send me a PM or post below. I will be recording
       again tomorrow night. Already on the agenda: Elysium, Colosseum
       and Blender.
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/LsiC2uwfz3U
       #Post#: 12089--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ground Zero Community Build Showcase - Part 1
       By: The Cure Date: January 16, 2018, 12:18 am
       Cookie, AB and Co. Luxury yacht and marina is quite impressive,
       need to highlight that - it looks like the Maltese Falcon luxury
       yacht. My new friend Hephaestus (Vulcan for brevity's sake) is
       making what looks to be an art deco style building in the
       northeast. And my neighbors Samosuke and Co. are making pyramid
       structures and glass pyramid Louvre type structures to the west
       of me.
       It's the beginning of the 10th century, medieval warm period!
       Quick, everybody build gaudy cathedrals.
       #Post#: 12091--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ground Zero Community Build Showcase - Part 1
       By: AB42 Date: January 16, 2018, 3:25 pm
       Impressive builds all over this map! I would like a zgate to go
       see the Cure's build's..it's a must see for everyone!!  the
       Grinder was a huge undertaking and Militantman and Mr Bitey  so
       impressed with your ideas and builds.. such inspiration!!! I
       would love to see the glass pyramids  Its to bad we cant zgate
       to everyones place or a list of everyones location would be nice
       !!  Its so nice to have time for awesome builds on the
       Madman feel free to come by our place we are still adding on..
       #Post#: 12093--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ground Zero Community Build Showcase - Part 1
       By: Mr. Bitey Date: January 16, 2018, 7:17 pm
       Please do a run across my two bridges, both just north of the
       playermall. The second bridge is very tall and has an breathing
       system on the side of the pillar with the solar panels on them.
       My grinder kill base is just north east of the exit of the
       second bridge and is wide open if you want to go down into it.
       Also has an under ground solar panel.
       #Post#: 12094--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ground Zero Community Build Showcase - Part 1
       By: Madman Date: January 16, 2018, 7:53 pm
       Unfortunately, I can't make it on tonight. I'll try to do it
       tomorrow night. Please include coordinates guys, and the names
       of your builds. I don't know where everything is. Thanks.
       #Post#: 12101--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ground Zero Community Build Showcase - Part 1
       By: The Cure Date: January 17, 2018, 8:57 pm
       4240 N by 2340 W, will put you between my two landmarks, and due
       north of the horde pit.
       #Post#: 13468--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ground Zero Community Build Showcase - Part 1
       By: vapor Date: October 7, 2019, 8:25 am
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/EYFmMizl9OI
       Alpha 17.4 fun. The cameraman was inexperienced so sorry for the