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       #Post#: 78--------------------------------------------------
       a lifelong struggle: why im overly emotional
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 24, 2016, 1:53 pm
       my whole life, i've been fairly happy for the most part, but
       knowing im 21 now, i know this is not going to change about me.
       i learned that after a while. anyway, here's what im talking
       about. i have always been extremely vulnerable emotionally. so,
       whats easy for most people....is very hard for me. like, for
       example; school issues with other students. a lot of the
       students bullied me. and even when i tried to ignore them, i
       could always feel rage building up inside of me. and the more
       they tried me, the more my fury built. a lot of times
       (unfortunately) the end result would be me yelling and screaming
       at the person until i couldnt take it anymore. there were even
       some days that when i got home, i would run straight to my room
       to cry. of course, usually when i lashed out like that, the
       teacher would just send me into the hall to sit on the bench
       that was there. there were also times when a staff member would
       sit with me one on one to talk. most of the time, he/she would
       just seem to be concerned. i never got into a fight or anything
       like that (i was never the fighting sort). i've struggled with
       my oversensitivity my WHOLE life. even now i do. its not as bad
       as it was back then (i think...sometimes i dont know). and i've
       learned that im always going to be this way (sadly). so, if i
       lash out at you....please forgive me. i have difficulties that
       cause me to do that. i hope you understand...
       #Post#: 81--------------------------------------------------
       Re: a lifelong struggle: why im overly emotional
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 24, 2016, 2:29 pm
       i really need help...*sigh* if i could magically make this go
       away, i would. but obviously i cant. and neither can anyone
       else....*sigh* sometimes i just wanna give up...
       #Post#: 175--------------------------------------------------
       Re: a lifelong struggle: why im overly emotional
       By: TotallyNotEvelynHuehuehue Date: April 11, 2016, 7:51 am
       I think you're emotionally unstable because you're sensitive
       aaand..... wait for it...... wait for eet...... CRAZY AND
       DEPRESSED AF :D *claps for herself*  This may sound me but it's
       true. All of your posts on this forum have grunts and sighs and
       cries on their titles, your 3dspedia statuses are depressing and
       all you talk about is your crappy life .-.
       Like i said before, think positive or you wont improve  :/
       #Post#: 177--------------------------------------------------
       Re: a lifelong struggle: why im overly emotional
       By: RealPersonSRSLY Date: April 11, 2016, 7:57 am
       Not to mention your odd way of writing and the fact that you
       seem to be perpetually on a FFVII roleplay.
       (That game sucked btw)