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       #Post#: 103--------------------------------------------------
       bravely second demo: chomper issue (how i finally figured it out
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 24, 2016, 5:52 pm
       ok, so this was somewhat recent (i think last week. im not good
       at keeping track of days. every time i try i just mess up or
       whatever). i finally had found this so-called 'secret  paradise'
       in the game. so of course, i got right to work and went to the
       spot. at first, i only encountered 3 of those bat enemies (i
       forget what they're called). since i knew they were weak and
       easy to beat, i just decided to beat them, even though i was in
       a hurry to find the target enemy. ok, the second encounter, i
       know i found some of them (sorry, cant remember the exact
       amount. i dont do well remembering tiny details like that most
       of the time), so i took my usual strategy with wild normals. and
       i instantly saw something that i couldnt believe: literally ALL
       of my hits did zero damage on them. the first thing i said to
       myself was "what the hell?". that whole fight, my attacks did
       nothing. literally: nothing at all. i got 1 critical, but that
       was useless cuz it still did zero. the end result of that
       battle? fuckin rubbish: all of the chompers escaped, two of my
       people were down to half health, and all but 1 of them was
       poisoned. as you can see, i was literally forced to go to the
       inn and fix  my characters. i was dumbfounded. i mean, it was
       just unbelievable! my level 16 characters did zero damage to
       them! i instantly said to myself "its impossible. its fuckin
       impossible! how am i supposed to win, when i cant do any
       damage?!" i had no idea what to try next. and because i had no
       clue, i spent hours trying random combinations: i think 4 hours,
       maybe 5, idk. and after that much time passed i decided it was
       time to get serious. i knew i had no idea how to beat those
       things. and i wasnt making any progress trying random things,
       either. so, i just did a google search on the issue, and
       discovered why this was happening. according to what somebody
       wrote, it seems chompers have very high defense and magic
       defense. but: they also wrote that chompers arent so good in
       physical defense. their weakness is apparently lightning. but
       here's the catch: you have to find a way to cast lightning as a
       PHYSICAL attack. so, in this case, that leaves you with 2
       options: you use hammer, or you can use warhead. i decided to
       use warhead. turns out, it went well! i beat most of them, but
       of course, a couple or so still got away. but i got a huge
       benefit from that battle, still! by the way, i dont suggest
       using hammer here. i tried that and...it didnt go well. but,
       thats how i learned to beat chompers! hope this helps anyone who
       wants to grind. i do this to grind.