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       #Post#: 105--------------------------------------------------
       bravely second demo: my worst nightmare (and struggle)
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 24, 2016, 6:42 pm
       ok, so once again, this pretty recent. as i've said before, i
       dont keep tabs on exact dates with this sort of thing. i have no
       reason to. this issue im about to explain that i was having on
       the game will probably sound awkward, but i've met users across
       the web who had the same problem at some point, so i know its
       legit. ok, moving on...
       the battle was practically infinite. and you're about to see
       why. i havent researched the matter enough to confirm its a
       glitch, but i am seeing that as a possibility. its so awkward, i
       cant help thinking its possibly a glitch in the demo. if this
       issue has happened to people playing the full game, i do wish
       for a patch to be released so its no longer possible. because,
       for me, this happening just once was far more than enough. ok,
       anyways, i'll give you the scenario now.
       i was blind, immune to dark, there were 2 shadowcasters with
       insufficient magic points (yes, they were helpless), and the
       ba'al apparently could only use its 1 dark attack. so, here's
       what was going on: i hit him, miss. he hits me, zero. oh, one
       thing i forgot to mention: all of my other people were dead (i
       only had 1 alive). it was literally the same animations over and
       over. i decided that since i wouldnt lose anyways to put the
       game in autobattle. so, i put my system down, and spent like 13
       hours at the 3ds pedia shoutbox. by then, i was starting to get
       bored. i left my computer on and went back to my game. and guess
       what? it was still going! i said to myself "oh my god i wish
       these shadowcasters could just kill me...but they dont have
       enough magic points...." i had just sighed. i was really getting
       tired of waiting for this fuckin battle to end. now i was
       starting to get angry. i sighed again and said "there's no easy
       way outta this..." just for the hell of it, i brought it up to
       4x speed. of course, the animations didnt change. just went
       faster. "oh my god...this is  never gonna end..." i really
       wanted to finish this. but i started to see that wasnt gonna
       happen. now i was really getting pissed. i was about ready to
       just unleash my fury. because i spent 13 hours (and my good
       night's sleep) trying to finish this fuckin battle. and it still
       wasnt over. "fuckin stupid i've got no way out!" then i just
       groaned and closed my game. i was at the peak of my fury now. i
       did what i needed be done to get it out: i just sat there and
       screamed. i couldnt help it. this was too much. and too
       annoying. i just lost it. i couldnt take it anymore. the only
       thing that suddenly stopped me was mother opening my door. then
       i was silent. i kind of giggled nervously, then said "sorry,
       mother..." she just left without saying anything. thats her
       reaction when stuff like this happens. but i know her well
       enough that i could see she wasnt happy. and...that was
       literally the worst night i ever had playing video games. i
       didnt make any progress at all. ugh.... *sigh* i guess shit
       happens, and there's nothing you can do about it... >_<