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       #Post#: 113--------------------------------------------------
       all i want....*sigh*
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 24, 2016, 8:12 pm
       so, im just one of those unlucky girls who is literally without
       a lover. i had my heart shattered like glass today; and that was
       bad enough on its own. i literally spent 2 fuckin hours, in my
       bed, crying the whole time nonstop! thats literally ALL i was
       doing. i've got enough hell in my life; i dont need more. well,
       letting go of my fury over that....i'll move on. i dont wanna
       drive everyone nuts.
       all i've ever really wanted, more than anything in the
       world...is for someone to love me. boy or girl; idc... not
       anymore. and my neighbors are too wild and crazy for me to even
       think about them. so thats out of bounds. i honestly feel like
       im out of options here. im serious. i just dont see any other
       options. and the boys in my high school were too afraid of me.
       i feel like my options are reduced to zero. i just dont see any
       other possibilities. there are times where i just break down and
       cry because of how desperate i am. so, until i get my
       lovie....im never gonna be completely happy. i feel like im
       damned into this forever....i mean it...*sniff* its just no
       use... no matter what i do... *sniff* im actually really crying
       as i write this...
       #Post#: 171--------------------------------------------------
       Re: all i want....*sigh*
       By: TotallyNotEvelynHuehuehue Date: April 11, 2016, 7:33 am
       Didn't you already say that you have a husband who's rich as
       hell and goes on luxury cruises with you? :o OH WAIT, THAT WAS A
       Anyway, stop being so frigging depressed, look at the bright
       side, think positive, guuurl >.<)/ Don't bug us on and on about
       your messed up problems or crappy life. Instead, solve them
       yourself or either talk to someone else who's not on the
       Internet  :-\
       So stop being such a depressed freak who's literally only
       telling us about your own problems only to get attention -_-
       #Post#: 172--------------------------------------------------
       Re: all i want....*sigh*
       By: RealPersonSRSLY Date: April 11, 2016, 7:38 am
       Agreed so friggin much.
       Also, I'm back
       #Post#: 190--------------------------------------------------
       Re: all i want....*sigh*
       By: Sephieroth Date: April 11, 2016, 8:08 pm
       sorry for that... >_< i wasnt trying to drive everybody nuts.
       just a force of habit, thats all. anyways though im fine at the
       present time (for now, anyways....its all kinds of chaos here on
       weekends because my sister brings her kids here then and i get
       stuck with them A LOT). mostly a noise issue, though. example:
       her daughter wakes up at like 6-7am, crying and throwing a hissy
       fit just cuz she woke up (and she's 5 years old now, soon to be
       going on 6....this is my opinion, but i think she's getting a
       bit old for that. idc, think whatever you want. this is just my
       view on the matter), and that always wakes me up as well. and
       whenever i invite my best friends for an overnight stay (at
       times when my sister is also here with her kids), this also
       wakes them up, as well. they are a lot like me, in that they
       have very minimal patience. we arent very different from each
       other interest and personality wise, so we get along very well.
       i have complained to my sister about this, and without really
       getting up on her about it, and she always tells me "she's still
       young". and instead of arguing (which ive learned is completely
       meaningless and a waste of time), i just go back to my room and
       either try to go back to sleep, or if i cant, then i just pick
       up my wii u gamepad or my new 3ds xl and play whatever, just
       staying up for the remainder of the day, or when i know its not
       too noisy in the background for me to go back to sleep. ive just
       decided that its her (my sister's) problem and its just
       completely meaningless to make it mine, especially since its not
       my job to worry about it (with the exception of babysitting, of
       course), and its not my responsibility.
       over the past month or two, ive began to change a bit, taking
       that same approach to all kinds of different scenarios: if its
       not my problem, or not my responsibility, its completely
       meaningless worrying over such. i mean, really, though: whats
       the point in worrying about something you've got no part of?
       thats the approach im beginning to take towards a lot of things
       now, and ive preached the same thing to my best friends, as
       well, and they seem to agree with me on such terms.
       im just sharing my current beliefs; im in no way at all
       attempting to force my thoughts on anyone here, nor am i
       intending any kind of offense; this is just who im becoming now.
       nothing more.