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       #Post#: 117--------------------------------------------------
       my ultimate choice: embracing darkness
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 24, 2016, 8:37 pm
       ok, i've decided its time to quit looking for a lover. cuz i can
       see its never gonna happen. not for me, anyways. and im
       certainly not just gonna give up like that (what would mother
       say?). so, im making a different choice: a choice that will make
       me as internally mighty and dark like i was at age 16. im going
       to embrace my darkness, allow it to grow.... so i can be the
       girl i used to be. i dont know how i even turned inside-out like
       that...what happened to that old me? well, either way....dont
       take what im saying the wrong way. darkness doesnt always have
       to mean evil; i actually view it as an inner beauty, which i
       mysteriously lost as i got older (what the hell is wrong with
       me? time to stop dreamin and start livin). i've always been a
       girl who views embracing darkness as an inner beauty. for me, it
       was an inner peace as well at the time. and im gonna go back to
       being that way. im done being a soft bitch. its caused me
       nothing but pain. im moving on now.
       #Post#: 228--------------------------------------------------
       Re: my ultimate choice: embracing darkness
       By: NewGrillInTown :3 Date: April 19, 2016, 8:54 am
       "I'm done being a soft bitch"
       You sound pretty soft on this thread tho.
       so you're saying you want to stop being soft and go back to
       being a psychopathic emo? I don't see much of a difference.
       #Post#: 234--------------------------------------------------
       Re: my ultimate choice: embracing darkness
       By: RealPersonSRSLY Date: April 19, 2016, 6:43 pm
       Sure, you can also be happy by serving lord Satan as the
       priestess of hell and fighting for his kingdom as a class 1
       SOLDIER right? Sanity is so underrated these days >.<