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       #Post#: 119--------------------------------------------------
       why i never play games on wifi
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 24, 2016, 10:01 pm
       ok, so when i was younger, i would like always play games on
       wifi. even though what mostly happened on my end was i'd run
       into hackers and get so mad, i'd literally just sit there and
       scream. cuz i didnt know how to fuckin drop out! i was stuck
       there, damn it! it was extremely infuriating, annoying, and
       occasionally, tiring. i literally had 2 bad weeks in a row cuz
       of this crap. it was really starting to push me towards the peak
       of my fury. i knew i couldnt keep going like this; this was no
       way to live. i knew that. i mean, its not like games force you
       on wifi, so really: why keep going there, when its only pissing
       you off more and more? there was only one person who could help
       me: mother. i knew calling nintendo and complaining was a waste
       of time, so i didnt bother. hell, they probably already knew
       about it. so whats the point? so, trying as hard as i could to
       hold in my fury, i searched the house for mother. i found her in
       the kitchen, doing dishes. i wanted to tell her, but without
       yelling and screaming. thats extremely hard for me to do at the
       peak of my fury. never goes well, unless im talking to mother.
       so, struggling to hide my fury, i said "mother..." she stopped
       what she was doing, then looked at me. i knew she could tell i
       was REALLY maxed out. then, she said "uh oh. tell me what
       happened." still struggling to hold it in, i said "i...i keep
       running into hackers on my wii..." then she said "oh no. were
       they picking on you?" still fighting it, i said "no..." then, i
       paused briefly and continued (i was barely hiding how angry i
       was this whole time, btw) "but they're....making it
       impossible...to win." then, i just couldnt do it anymore; i
       stood there screaming furiously. of course, mother tried to calm
       me down, saying "easy...its ok. its over, sweetie." then i
       stopped, and was literally out of breath. unleashing my fury at
       its peak always makes me tired. even now, it does. then, mother
       said "how about you play your ds for a while?" i then said
       "ok...." ever since that day, i've refused to play on wifi. cuz
       it only pisses me off. too many cheaters. and that quickly
       builds my rage, so im better off not doing that.