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       resident evil revelations hell/infernal mode struggles?
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 25, 2016, 2:06 pm
       ok, so i dont know why the hell i waited so long to do this (3-4
       years here, i think. maybe less), but last fall i decided to do
       hell mode run on the game. i guess i just wanted to get used to
       the game before doing that (it would probably be next to
       impossible if i didnt). i wanted to get the infinite rocket
       launcher, which is why i did this. ok, now i'll try to remember
       as much as i can about how that went. alright, here you go.
       warning: some of this might sound weird/funny, whatever. just
       letting you know ahead of time. now, im only going to tell you
       about the boss fights, because otherwise this will be WAY too
       long/too many details that arent important. ok, the first 3 boss
       fights were the hardest for me, the fourth one was easy, and of
       course, the last one was fuckin insane (and by far the worst).
       ok, the first boss was pretty annoying here, considering my
       difficulty, and also because the oozes kept respawning
       infinitely. as you can imagine, the oozes didnt make it any
       easier for me. and since i was playing on hell mode, everything
       was moving very fast, and of course, can kill me easier. so, i
       kind of just used what i call 'the hop window exploit' (just
       jumping through the window in front of the door the boss comes
       out of, over and over). but even then, i barely got good chances
       to hit him, because there were too many oozes, and everything
       seemed to have super speed (if you know what i mean). the whole
       fight took me 30 minutes (i think, not sure). and i was glad
       when i beat him, cuz that fight was absolute hell. maybe it
       would've been faster if i had better chances to hit him, but i
       didnt. ok, next boss.
       ok, i barely made it on this one. when i got her to the last
       room, it started out ok, but that quickly changed. i quickly got
       myself trapped in a corner, trying to kill her, (still had 5
       herbs), and there were oozes around her as well (again, an
       infinite amount here, wtf capcom). and i nearly died, cuz i
       couldnt dodge (goddamn it...), and she/the oozes kept grabbing
       me. the end result was i killed her (just ran away from the
       remaining oozes), and i was in danger zone, with no herbs (omg
       man...holy shit). i nearly died, as you can see here. so far, i
       didnt die on any boss fights. little did i know, hell was on its
       way. just around the corner.
       ok, now for the third boss. this boss was by far the worst one i
       had so far. i spent almost 2 hours trying to beat him. at first,
       i was extremely mad about the excessive deaths. but after a
       while, i was just really tired/exasperated. thats how i feel
       when i've had too many fits of rage. after a while, i just
       thought "omg this is gonna go on forever..." and here's what
       kept happening: i would get him to low health, he would knock me
       down, and charge me before i even had a chance to get up. thats
       actually why i kept dying so much. cuz he kept fuckin getting me
       when i cant attack! when i finally beat him, i thought "holy
       shit...could that've taken any longer? omg man..." i had exactly
       1hr and 55mins on the section time for that part. i was so
       emotionally exhausted, i just let the game save and called it a
       day. that was at 7:45pm. and i normally go to bed much later
       than that.
       ok, so when i finally got to the fourth boss, i was feeling a
       little more confident since i was close to finishing the game.
       this was a cakewalk for me here. i only died once on this boss.
       really not much to be explained here; especially since i've
       heard many people say this is possibly one of the easiest bosses
       in the game (even on hell mode). btw, if you want to see it,
       just youtube it and write 'resident evil revelations malacoda
       boss fight'. its everywhere; you cant miss it (spoiler warning,
       of course). ok, now this next paragraph may or may not be the
       longest. but i'll try my best for you.
       like i initially said, this was by far the worst boss fight in
       the game. i spent like 3 hours trying to beat him. now, let me
       explain why this guy's such a dick. first: he teleports (almost
       always duplicating himself when he does). as you can imagine,
       his ability to do this makes him a real pain once he gets weak.
       second: nearly all of his attacks are extremely sudden, which
       makes dodging nearly impossible. third: he's very strong (high
       attack power). im pretty sure you cant even take a lot of hits
       from him on casual. and since im playing on hell mode, 1 hit
       from him and i have to use an herb (this made the fight even
       worse, of course). fourth: he's nearly immortal (he has massive
       health. which is horrible on my difficulty here). i havent met
       anyone at all who has fun with this guy. some people have even
       said he's hard on casual. but, looking back at everything i
       wrote about him, this battle was horribly hellish. after a
       while, i just wanted it to be over. when i finally beat him, i
       was very glad. the first thing i said to myself was "omg...i
       actually did it. but that was hell." so, yeah: the end result
       was i finished, and got the infinite rocket launcher. once
       again, when i killed him, i was in danger zone with no herbs. im
       pretty sure i just got lucky there.
       so, as you can see, trying to finish the game on hell mode
       literally took me FOREVER. so...has anyone else here had
       hell/infernal mode struggles like me? you can tell me, dont
       worry. i know how frustrating it is. i should.