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       #Post#: 137--------------------------------------------------
       resident evil revelations: tips for beating Norman(final boss)
       By: Sephieroth Date: March 25, 2016, 4:34 pm
       ok, im well-aware of how difficult Norman is to take down on
       this game. and if you're playing on hell/infernal mode, it takes
       some serious power to bring down this dick. i've faced him a
       lot, so i thought i might be able to give some tips. so, here.
       first things first: i've learned that shotguns and machine guns
       work well on him. i would never suggest using magnums, because
       those dont hold enough ammo to do sufficient damage to him, even
       on casual. another bad idea (even though this is kind of
       obvious) is using handgun bullets on him. thats just gonna get
       you killed--fast. its not powerful enough to help you defend
       yourself during this battle. if you get low/run out of machine
       gun ammo and shotgun ammo, i would suggest using a rifle
       instead. if this does happen to you, then magnums are another
       option. but i would only do that as a last resort. now, here's
       what you never wanna do: rely on grenades and decoys. these
       items are literally useless on him, so dont waste those here.
       save them for your next campaign. ok, now like i've said before,
       his attacks are very sudden, and extremely powerful. so instead
       of trying to dodge, just do the best you can to inflict enough
       damage to stop him from attacking. oh yes: there's something
       very crucial you need to know when you're doing that. remember
       that he will teleport and duplicate himself. for me, the easiest
       way to find the real Norman is to look for the purple stuff that
       comes out of his mouth. during attack phases 1 and 2, you have a
       little more time to damage him and stop his attacks. this is
       much more difficult during attack phase 3, because he moves and
       attacks more quickly. but on the upside here (after using
       certain attacks) is that he kind of stops briefly and leaves
       himself open to attack (aim for the bulb on his back when this
       happens. otherwise, aim for the heart). when this happens, get
       as many shots on him as possible. from what i've heard many
       people say (even though i havent confirmed this), that bulb on
       his back is a weaker spot than the heart, which would mean
       hitting him there does more damage. but as i said, i havent
       confirmed that. i have yet to find something thats proof of
       that. so, it could just be rumor, idk.
       i hope you'll have less struggles with Norman after reading
       this. even if you dont, i understand that. it takes a lot of
       power to bring him down. even 1 hit from a rocket launcher
       doesnt kill him right away (even on casual). if you're playing
       on hell/infernal, best of luck. that was a very shitty battle
       for me when i did that, so i wont be surprised if the same
       happens with you. good luck though, everyone! :)